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It is now nearly forty years since the death of
my grandfather, Dr Southwood Smith, and with
this distance of time lying between him and us,
it may not be uninteresting to this generation to
look back upon the origin of some of the great
social reforms which have now reached such wide
proportions, and to see these reforms as gathered
round the life of a man who was in the forefront
of the noble army which promoted them.
He, one of the first to seize a truth, one of the
most indomitable to persevere in the promulga-
tion of it when perceived, went straight forward
until it prevailed, and thus became instrumental
in conferring some of the widest benefits which
have come to us in this century.
From his great grief in early manhood he but
emerged the stronger. The force of his con-
densed sorrow produced an energy which carried
all before it, and resulted in the strength of his
middle age and the serenity of his latter years.
In order that such a life — crowned by its humility
— might not pass away without some permanent
record of its nobleness, the following memoir has
been written.
I must apologise for the frequent allusion, in
the midst of grave public questions, to my own
recollections ; but since all the early years of my
life were passed at my grandfather's side, it has
been difficult to avoid this.
Moreover, I have hoped that something pic-
turesque and touching would be found in the
relation of the strong man and little child, who
worked together at various public causes, playing
together in the bright intervals, and that some-
thing of the reverent enthusiasm he inspired in
that child might pass, through her, to those
who read these pages.
EARLY LIFE, 1788-1820.
Education. Marriage. Death of his wife. Edinburgh Uni-
versity. Publication of the ' Illustrations of the Divine
Government.' Yeovil 7
MODERN HYGIENE, 1820-1834.
Appointment to Fever Hospital. 'Westminster Review'
articles in 1825. Laws of Epidemics. Principles laid
the foundation of Sanitary Reform. Its practical im-
portance. Devotion of himself to the cause. Parha-
mentary attention attracted to articles. Publication of
the 'Treatise on Fever,' 1830. Its phenomena, treat-
ment, and causes. Causes the most important. Con-
tagious and epidemic diseases. Universal origin of
epidemics stated to be bad sanitary conditions . . 16
WORK, 1 820-1 834.
* Penny Encyclopedia.' The Medical Schools and dissection.
Body-snatching. Lectures — physiological, forensic, and
popular. Lecture over the remains of Bentham. Publi-
cation of the ' Philosophy of Health ' . . . . 35
History of Factories. Laws previous to 1833. Apprentice-
ship system. Appointed Commissioner. Description
of state of factories in 1833. Passing of the Factory Act.
Subsequent additions to Act. Visits to see result of its
working .......... 49
Outbreak of fever in London. Personal inspection of
Bethnal Green and Whitechapel. First Report to
Poor Law Commissioners. Ventilation in crowded
districts. Overcrowding of children in workhouses.
Second Report of Poor Law Commissioners, 1839.
Takes the Marquis of Normanby (Home Secretary) to
see spots reported on at Bethnal Green. Takes also
Lord Ashley. Press and public men take up the cause . 60
Children's Employment Commission, Mines and Collieries,
Improvement in the condition of women working therein.
Report on Trades and Manufactures. Homes of eastern
dispensary patients. " Sanatorium " founded. Letters
from Charles Dickens. First model dwellings founded.
Life at Highgate. My recollections of first " Health of
Towns Association " Meeting. Feeling of public men . 72
REFORM, 1 838-1 848.
Causes of delay. History of the sanitary movement at this
time a series of inquiries and defeated bills. " Health
of Towns Association" founded to spread knowledge
and guide legislation. Address to the working classes
caUing upon them to petition Parliament. Final passing
of the Public Health Act 102
Appointment to the General Board of Health. Letter to
Lord Morpeth. Work at Whitehall with Lord Ashley and
Mr Chadwick. Cholera epidemic of 1848-49. System
of " house-to-house visitation." Lord Brougham's com-
ments on it. Cholera Report. Quarantine Report. In-
terment Report. Attacks on the Board in Parliament.
Fear of centralisation. Triumph of the sanitary prin-
ciple, but to be carried out by local authorities. Lord
Palmerston's letter of thanks 127
HILL, WEYBRIDGE, 1854-1860.
" The Pines," Weybridge. Happiness in its beauty. Need
of rest. Study of modem physiology for new edition
of the 'Philosophy of Health.' Publication of 'Results
of Sanitary Improvement.' Lectures in Edinburgh on
" Epidemics." Visit to Alnwick. Happiness in the work
of his granddaughters Miranda and Octavia Hill. Ap-
preciation of former fellow - labourers. " Recognition."
His words of thanks. Joy in the success of his great
cause 139
Visit to Milan. Death of his second wife at "The Pines."
Florence. Sunset from Ponte Vecchio. Last illness,
Death. Porta Pinti. "A Knight-Errant" . . .147
Spread of the social reforms Dr Southwood Smith origin-
ated. Improvement in the public health and saving of
life. Memorial bust in the National Portrait Gallery.
Lines upon it. A people's gratitude . . . .153
INDEX . . . 167
{Frotn a chalk drawing by Miss Margaret Gillies.)
[From an old print.)
My first recollection of my grandfather is of him
in his study. As a little child my bed stood in
his room, and when he got up, as he used to do
in the early mornings, to write, he would take me
in his arms, still fast asleep, carry me down-stairs
to his study with him, and lay me on the sofa,
wrapped in blankets which had been arranged for
me overnight.
So when first I opened my eyes in the silent
room I saw him there, a man of some fifty years,
bending over a table covered with papers, the
light of his shaded reading-lamp shining on his
forehead and glancing down upon the papers as
he leant over his writing, and the firelight flicker-
ing on the other parts of the room.
The silence and the earnestness seemed won-
derful and beautiful. It was strange to watch him
when he did not know it. It seemed to me, then,
that he had been working so through the whole
night, and that some great good which I could
only dimly understand was to come of it.
My lying quiet, however, did not last long,
for I knew the loving merry welcome I should
have when, climbing — as I hoped and believed
quite unperceived — up the back of his arm-chair,
I should throw myself down into his lap with a
loud cry of joy, and then we should have a
famous game, until either he persuaded me to go
back to my blankets to await a rational hour for
getting up, or sent me up-stairs to be dressed.
These two things — the intent, absorbed pur-
pose, and the power of putting it aside to give
himself up completely, with simple delight, to
whatever he loved, whether to a child or to the
beauty of nature — are the two that seem to
me specially characteristic of him in all that
later part of his life which comes within my
Dr Southwood Smiik and his grandchild Gerintde.
At this time we lived in Kentish Town, then
field-surrounded, he going- daily to his consulting-
rooms in Finsbury Square, returning late and
giving the early mornings and Sundays to public
work. These hours were at that period (1840 to
1842) chiefly devoted to the question of the em-
ployment of children in coal - mines, the more
deeply impressed on me because the report
which he was then writing had illustrations
showing the terrible condition of people working
in mines.
I remember long bright Sunday mornings when
he was at work endeavouring to remedy these
evils. He let me do what little I could, such as
the cutting out of extracts to be fastened on to
the MS. report with wafers — and very particular
I was as to the colour of these wafers ! Some-
times all I could do to help was to be quiet — not
the least hard work ! Yet I loved these still
Sunday mornings, and would not willingly have
been shut out from them any more than from the
afternoon ride which came later, when, perched
up in front of him on his own horse, in the little
railed saddle he had devised for me, we rode
along the lanes towards Highgate. I can see
now the sunset light falHng on the grass and
tree -stems of the Kentish Town fields as we
went along.
Then came the day when the Act was brought
into operation which was to regulate the employ-
ment of children in mines, and I tied blue ribbons
on to his carriage horses and thought, with a
child's hopefulness, that all the suffering was at
once and completely over. " Then, now, they are
all running over the green fields," I said.
My grandfather let me think it, and did not
damp my enthusiasm by letting me know that
this happy state of things was not arrived at in
one day !
But although he often played merrily with me
and entered into my childish joys, my grand-
father was endowed with a most earnest nature
and with a firmness of character which was very
remarkable. He never swerved from a purpose,
never vacillated. One of his sayings was, " Life
is not long enough for us to reconsider our
It was probably this quiet determination, com-
bined with his unfailing gentleness, that made him
inspire so much confidence in his patients. I can
fancy, in a house where illness was spreading
anxiety and sorrow, the restfulness there would
be in his calm presence, and I can remember the
faces of those — often the very poor — who used to
come up to him wishing to thank him for the life
of some wife, or son, or child which they said he
had saved. These things used to happen in
the crowded city streets or courts, and sometimes
in parts of London far away^ from the place
where the illness had occurred. The fact that
these faces were generally forgotten by him,
whilst his was so well remembered, made a still
more beautitul mystery over it. It seemed to me
that there was an honour in belonging to one who
was a help and support to so many. Such experi-
ences must be familiar to those who share his
profession, still I mention it as being my strong
childish impression ; and even now, looking
back upon his life, it appears to me that he
did possess, in a very high degree, not only
the power of healing, but that of soothing
mental suffering.
It was, in fact, this deep sympathy, joined to
his remarkable insight into the relations between
effects and their causes, which led him to devote
his life to the promotion of sanitary reform, when
once it had become obvious to him that all effort
to improve the condition of the people would be
impossible until its principles were known and
acted upon.
EARLY LIFE, I788-182O.
Thomas Southwood Smith was born at Martock
in Somersetshire in 1788, and was intended by
his family to become a minister in the body of
Calvinistic dissenters to which they belonged.
He was educated with that view at the Baptist
College in Bristol, where he went in 1802, being
then fourteen years of age. A scholarship, en-
titled the " Broadmead Benefaction," was granted
to him, and he held it for nearly five years.
But in the course of his earnest reading on
religious subjects he was led to conclusions op-
posed in many ways to the doctrines he would
be expected to teach ; and when, in the autumn
of 1807, from conscientious scruples, he felt bound
to declare this to be the case, the benefaction was
withdrawn. If we consider his youth and his
limited means, it is clear that this avowal must
have cost him no little anguish. He was at this
time only eighteen. It was an early age at which
to have been able to make up his mind on ques-
tions so momentous, to break away from early
and dear traditions, and to face the displeasure
of the Principal of the college, Dr Ryland, whom
he ever revered. But honour demanded the
sacrifice, and it was made.
In consequence his family cast him off at once
and for ever.
During his college career, however, he had
visited much at the house of Mr Read, a large
manufacturer in Bristol, who was a man of noble
character, and at that time one of the leading
supporters of the college ; and an attachment had
sprung up between the young student and Mr
Read's daughter Anne. This lady seems to have
possessed both great personal beauty and much
sweetness and strength of character ; and though
she in nowise changed her own religious opinions,
she yet sympathised deeply with him in his earnest
seeking after truth, and encouraged him to risk
all — position, friends, everything — rather than act
against his conscience.
Mr Read also upheld him through all his diffi-
culties, and in the following year sanctioned their
marriage, which brought with it some few very-
happy years. Two children were born — Caroline,^
my mother, and a year afterwards her sister
His happiness was to be but of short duration,
for in 1812 the young wife died, and left him
alone, at the age of only twenty-four, with two
little children. With what deep grief he mourned
her death his early writings show, but he met it
with a noble courag-e and an undiminished faith.
The course he took was a strong one. De-
prived of the profession to which he had looked
forward, cut off from all intercourse with his
family, and having lost the wife he so devotedly
loved, he resolved — leaving his two children
under the gentle care of their mother's relations —
to apply himself to the study of medicine. Thus
he entered as a student at the Edinburgh Uni-
versity in the year 181 3.
1 Caroline Southwood Smith, married, 1835. Mr James Hill.
Children of this ?narriage : Miranda Hill, Gertrude Hill
(Mrs Charles Lewes), Octavia Hill, Emily S. Hill (Mrs
C. E. Maurice), Florence Hill.
2 Emily Southwood Smith, born 1810, died 1872.
At first he lived quite alone ; but finding it more
than he could bear, he returned to England to
fetch his eldest child, then four years old.
The father and child (my mother) went from
Bristol to Edinburgh in a small sailing vessel,
and encountered a terrible storm, which lasted
many days. She tells me that she still remembers
that storm of eighty -five years ago, the thick
darkness, the war of the winds, the toss of the
waves, the flash of the lightning illuminating her
father's face ; but, most of all, she remembers the
feeling of the strong arm round her, giving the
sense of safety.
His interest in religious matters at this period
was greater than ever ; for the change in his
opinions, in leading him to take a more loving
view of the Divine nature, had increased his
ardour for the truth, and his own personal sorrow
had heightened his faith and made him wish to
carry its comfort to others. As well, therefore,
as pursuing his medical studies, he gathered round
him in Edinburgh a little congregation for service
every Sunday. The sermons preached by him
then, seem to have an added depth of feeling
when we know the circumstances in which they
were given ; and the following words, written by
him at this time, give some insight into the calm
sublime faith which upheld him, not only then,
but throughout life.
" Can there be a more exalted pleasure," he
writes, " than that which the mind experiences
when, in moments of reflective solitude — in those
moments when it becomes tranquil and disposed
to appreciate the real value of objects — it dwells
upon the thought that there is, seated on the
throne of the universe, a Being whose eye never
slumbers nor sleeps, and who is perfect in power,
wisdom, and goodness ? How little can the
storms of life assail his soul who rests his happi-
ness upon this Rock of Ages ! How little can
death itself appal his mind who feels that he is
conducted to the tomb by the hand of the
Sovereign of the universe ! Yes ! there is a
reality in religion ; and if that happiness, which
is so often sought, and so often sought in vain —
that happiness which is worthy of a rational being,
and which at once satisfies and exalts him — be
ever tasted upon earth, it is by him who thus, in
the solitude of his heart, delights to contemplate
the idea of a presiding Benignity, the extent of
whose dominion is without Hmit, and the duration
of whose kingdom is without end ! It is a feHcity
which our Father sometimes sends down to the
heart that is worthy of it, to give it a foretaste of
its eternal portion."
Much interest was felt in the young pale student
and his little girl. For all this time my mother,
the little Caroline, lived with him, cheering his
home-coming from the university to their rooms,
and drinking in from him at a very early age — as
I, her daughter, was destined to do many years
after — lessons of self-devotion to great ends.
It was at this time of sorrow, and in the
intervals of medical study, that he wrote his
* Illustrations of the Divine Government,' the
object of which is to show how perfect is the
Love that rules the world, in spite of that which
seems to clash, — pain, and sorrow, and wrong —
all that we call evil.
His medical studies only added to his impres-
sion of the great Whole as one perfect scheme,
for he felt an intimate connection between the
field of scientific research and those religious
studies to which he had formerly devoted him-
self exclusively. This is shown in his own
words in the preface to the fourth edition of
the work, which was published in 1844.
"The contemplation," he writes, "of the
wonderful processes which constitute Hfe, — the
exquisite mechanism (as far as that mechanism
can be traced) by which they are performed —
the surprising adjustments and harmonies by
which, in a creature Hke man, such diverse and
opposite actions are brought into relation with
each other and made to work in subserviency
and co-operation; — and the divine object of
all — the communication of sensation and intelli-
gence as the inlets and instruments of happi-
ness— afforded the highest satisfaction to my
mind. But this beautiful world, into whose
workings my eye now searched, presented it-
self to my view as a demonstration that the
Creative Power is ^^ infinite in goodness, and
seemed to afford, as if from the essential ele-
ments and profoundest depths of nature, a proof
of His love."
This book came to be a help to many of all
classes and creeds, and passed through several
He was often urged to reprint it in later life,
but held it back, wishing to modify it slightly.
Not that his opinion of its main principles had
altered in the least degree, but that he thought
he had passed too lightly over the sea of misery
and crime that there is in the world ; he thought
there was rather too much of the bright hopeful-
ness of youth about it. Sorrow he had known,
certainly, in the loss of his wife ; but the sorrow
that comes from the loss of one who was noble
and good, and who has been taken from us by
death, is of quite a different kind from that which
comes from a closer acquaintance with the mass
of sin and misery which exists. He did not
change his view that, even this, rightly under-
stood, is consistent with the divine benevolence ;
but he wished to recognise more fully its exist-
ence, and to enter more largely into the subject.
Having completed his medical studies and
obtained his degree, the young physician de-
termined to take a practice in Yeovil. The
following extract from a letter, dated August
5, 1816, addressed by him to a friend in
Rome,^ shows with what views as to his future
profession he quitted Scotland.
1 The Hon. D. G. Halliburton. :
" I leave Edinburgh this week," he writes ;
" I leave it with much regret, for I have found
friends here whom I shall ever remember with
respect, affection, and gratitude. I go to Yeo-
vil, a little town in the west of England, where
it is my intention to take charge of a con-
gregation and at the same time to practise
medicine. This double capacity of physician
to body and soul does not appear to me to be
incompatible, but how the plan will succeed can
be determined only by the test of experience.
" My expectations are not very sanguine, but
neither are my desires ambitious."
" The test of experience " proved that he was
admirably qualified for the double office he had
taken upon himself, and for some years he pur-
sued faithfully the plan he had made.
But this quiet country life was not to be his
always. It was decreed that he should come
up to London and enter into its teeming life,
to think, and write, and labour, until he had
done his part towards lessening its mass of
On first arriving in London in 1820, my grand-
father, who whilst still at Yeovil had married
for the second time (Mary, daughter of Mr John
Christie of HsTckney),^ settled in Trinity Square,
near the Tower. He soon formed a considerable
private practice, and was appointed physician to
the London Fever Hospital, and he was thus
led to give very special attention to the subject
of fever. He also held the offices of physician
to the Eastern Dispensary and to the Jews'
Hospital, situated in the very heart of White-
chapel. And while his experience in the wards
of the fever hospital taught him by what means
that disease can most frequently be cured, his
acquaintance with it in the homes of his East-
^ Children of this marriage: Herman Southwood Smith, born
1819, died 1897; Spencer, Christina, both died in childhood.
end patients taught him more — how it might be
Almost the first writings bearing on what came
to be afterwards called the " Sanitary Question "
are to be found in the pages of the ' Westminster
Review.' In the two first numbers of that Review,
published in the year 1825, there appeared some
articles on "Contagion and Sanitary Laws." These
articles, published anonymously, were written by
Dr Southwood Smith. It must be noted that
the word "sanitary" had not then the meaning
it has in these days : sanitary science was un-
known, and the words " Sanitary Laws " had a
no wider signification than that of the regulations
of a quarantine code.
But from that time these words acquired a new
In the articles above referred to, facts were
brought together which had been collected from
the writings of men who had devoted years to
the study of pestilences in Spain, in various ports
of the Mediterranean, in Constantinople, and in
the West Indies. They had gone where epi-
demics were raging, had risked their lives that
they might increase the store of knowledge about
these fearful scourges, and might, if possible, learn
on what they depend. Amongst these men, one
of the most distinguished was apparently a Dr
Maclean, of whom the article tells us that "when
he was in Spain in 182 1 yellow fever attacked
Barcelona, and that with his wonted zeal he
hastened to the spot in order that he might fully
investigate its nature." Dr Maclean is spoken
of as " one of those extraordinary men who is
capable of concentrating all the faculties of his
mind, and of devoting the best years of his life,
to the accomplishment of one great and benev-
olent object." We are told how, "in order to
demonstrate what epidemic diseases really are,
and what they are not, and to put an end to
errors which have so long and so universally
prevailed on this subject, errors which he believes
to be the source of incalculable misery and of
certain death to millions of the human race, Dr
Maclean, with an energy scarcely to be paralleled,
has devoted thirty years — a large portion of the
active life of man. In this cause he has re-
peatedly risked that life, and for its sake he has
encountered all sorts of suspicion and abuse." ^
^ Westminster Review, 1825, p. 519.
Generalising, then, from the facts which such
men had collected and from others observed by
himself, Dr Southwood Smith endeavours to
establish the laws of epidemic disease. In the
first place, he labours to prove that epidemic
diseases are not, in the strict sense of the word,
contagious, and that the laws which epidemic
diseases observe offer a complete contrast to
those which regulate contagious diseases.
"It was proved," he thought, to use his own
words, " that the symptoms of epidemic diseases
are not determinate and uniform. They vary in
different countries and different seasons — even in
the same country and the same season, and do
not succeed each other in any determinate order.
" That epidemics observe certain seasons — the
periods at which they commence, decline, and
cease, hardly vary. For instance, the plague in
Egypt begins in March or April, and ends in
June or July. All epidemics in Great Britain, of
which we have any record, have raged in the
" That epidemic diseases prevail most in
certain countries, in certain districts, in certain
towns, and in certain parts of the same town.
They prevail most in those countries which are
the least cultivated ; in those districts which are
the most woody, the most exposed to particular
winds and to inundations ; in those towns which
are placed in low and damp situations, and which
are unprotected from certain winds ; in those
streets and houses, and even in those apartments
of the same house, which are the most low and
damp, the worst built, and the least sheltered.
" That epidemics commence, spread, and cease
in a manner perfectly peculiar. They arise, for
example, in some particular quarter of a town,
and do not attack the other districts which happen
to be nearest it in regular succession, but break
out suddenly in the most distant and most oppo-
site directions. People are attacked, not in pro-
portion as the inhabitants of the affected mix with
the inhabitants of the unaffected places, but in
proportion as the inhabitants of the unaffected
expose themselves to the air of the affected places.
" That the termination of epidemics is peculiar,
since they cease suddenly at the exact period
when the greatest number of persons is affected
by them, and when the greatest mortality prevails.
This fact is inexplicable under the supposition
that epidemics owe their spread from person to
person. To suppose that a disease which is
propagated by contagion can rapidly decline and
even suddenly cease, just when most persons are
affected and the mortality is greatest — that is,
when the contagious matter is proved to be in
its most active and malignant state — is utterly
"That epidemics attack the same person more
than once, and that relapses are frequent amongst
those suffering from them, whereas contagious
diseases seldom affect the same individual a
second time, and relapses are most uncommon."
From all this it will be clear that the object
of these articles was to prove that all epidemics
have their origin in the bad sanitary conditions
(as we now say) of the places in which they
It happened then, as very frequently happens
in all sciences when the time is ripe for a dis-
covery, that those working in different fields of
observation noticed, at the same period, the same
facts — some, as for example Dr Maclean, in their
posts of observation during the epidemics in dis-
tant countries ; Dr Southwood Smith in the fever-
haunts of London. But it remained for him,
collecting together all the experience and gener-
alising from it, to announce the law on which
they depend.
Those who thus arrived at the great principle
of the connection between defective sanitary con-
ditions and disease, laid the foundation of Sani-
tary Reform. That connection is an old truth
now, — one of those about which it is difficult
to realise that it could ever have been unknown
to the world ; but in those days it was unknown
and unrecognised, and amongst the few who
began to recognise it, there were scarcely any
who saw to what wide practical results such
truths ought to lead.
My grandfather, however, saw that if the prin-
ciple were once established, not only would the
quarantine laws, at that time absurd and ineffi-
cacious, be modified ; not only would our mer-
chant ships be released from spending long
weary months in unhealthy ports, while their
crews were perhaps contracting, from their con-
finement, the very diseases which they were
supposed to have brought with them from foreign
lands ; not only would the poor sufferers from
plague and yellow fever cease to be imprisoned
in the poisoned districts whose air had just given
them the pestilence ; — not only would th^s^ false
precautions cease, but the true ones would be
taken : the causes of disease would be removed ;
and thus, wherever a knowledge of this law
spread and was acted on, disease and death
would diminish.
Might not, he thought, something practical
be done now and here if these facts were once
generally known ? Epidemics throughout follow
the same laws. Were not the very causes which
produce plague in Egypt operating now to produce
typhus fever in Bethnal Green and Whitechapel ?
We might not be able to stop the pestilential,
moisture - laden wind that came down to Cairo
each year at the time of the inundation of the
Nile, but could we not do something towards
purifying that which crept into the rooms of our
own poor from undrained courts and stagnant
pools ? Could we not, if people once believed
and acted on their belief, banish the yearly
epidemic fever from the back - streets of our
large towns ?
Dr Southwood Smith believed that this great
result would follow from the general acceptance
of the truth of the principle he had announced.
He gave his life to spreading the knowledge of it.
By the articles in the ' Westminster Review '
something was done towards enlightening the
public mind, for I find that they attracted the
attention of leading men in and out of Parliament,
and were often referred to in the debates in both
Five years more of daily experience and con-
stant thought passed before his ' Treatise on
Fever* was published.^ It entered fully into
all the phenomena of the disease and into the
question of its treatment. It added largely to
the knowledge of fever existing at that time, and
was welcomed by the medical profession. ' The
Medico-Chirurgical Review,' the highest author-
ity of that day, pronounced it to be " the best
work on Fever that ever flowed from the pen
of physician in any age or country." It was for
a long time the standard work on the subject
with which it dealt. The most important part of
the work, however, as might be expected, is that
which relates, not to the treatment of disease
^ Longmans, 1830.
(which has since his time much changed) but
to its causes. And here we find an elaboration of
the principles laid down five years before in his
articles in the 'Westminster Review.' Those
articles had been the result of a rapid glance
which had gone to the very root of things,
though when they were written their writer had
held his position at the Fever Hospital for one
year only, and had therefore not acquired the
large experience of fever which he subsequently
attained. But the five years that had passed
since they were written could not change —
could only strengthen — his conviction of the
truth of the principles which he had previously
In the ' Treatise on Fever,' as In the articles
just quoted, it is enforced upon us, that since
epidemics are everywhere the same, when they
reach our own country we must expect to find
conditions similar to those which produce pesti-
lence in foreign countries. He writes as fol-
lows : —
** The room of a fever patient, in a small and
heated apartment of London, with no perflation of
fresh air, is perfectly analogous to a stagnant pool
in Ethiopia full of the bodies of dead locusts. The
poison generated in both cases is the same ; the dif-
ference is merely in the degree of its potency. Na-
ture with her burtiing su7i, her stilled and pent-up
wind, her stagnant and teeming marsh, manufac-
tures plague on a large and fearful scale. Poverty
in her hut, covered with her rags, surrou7ided by
her filth, striving with all her might to keep out
the pure air and to increase the heat, imitates
Nature but too successfully ; the process and the
product are the same, the only difference is in the
magnitude of the result. Pemcry and ignorance
can thus, at any time and in any place, create a
mortal plague.'' ^
Dr Southwood Smith has been accused of
ignoring the fact that those suffering from fever
can communicate the disease to others — of " infec-
tion," as it is called. But he did not. He shows,
on the contrary, that the atmosphere of a room
such as that spoken of in the passage just quoted
must have the power of inducing fever in others
besides the patient. He even says that " the
poison formed by the exhalations given off from
the living bodies of those affected by fever is by
^ Treatise on Fever, p. 324.
far the most potent febrile poison derived from
animal origin."
Then, it might be asked, of what consequence
is it to insist on the disease being non-contagious ?
If fever-patients can give fever to others, it is a
mere matter of words whether you choose to call
it " contagious " or " infectious."
It is, however, of the utmost consequence to
fix the attention on the difference ; because, if that
is done, the real seat of the danger will be clearly
seen, and those whose duty it is to enter the
rooms of the sick will know that their danger
rarely lies in touching the patient, and may be
prevented by abundance of fresh air and scru-
pulous cleanliness.
In order to emphasise this side of the truth
my grandfather wrote as follows (and, though
it may seem to require qualification, the general
truth of his remark will be admitted by all) : " No
fever produced by contamination of the air can be
communicated to others in a pure air — there
never was an instance of such communication."
The form of poison given off from a fever
patient is, besides, not so much to be feared
as other forms of that poison, because, though
it is potent, it has not a wide range ; when
let out into the fresh air, it is so far diluted
that its power is reduced to a minimum.
An epidemic, he asserts, can only arise from
some cause sufficient to affect a whole district.
Continually we are brought back to observe this
universal cause of fevers ; to see that, whether
in the sudden falling off of an army to half its
numbers, or in the prostration of a whole ship's
crew on approaching shore, or in the plague de-
vastating Cairo, this one source may be traced
as the true one. Bad air comes from the marsh
near which the army is stationed ; bad air, poi-
soned by decaying vegetation, comes off shore
to the ship ; bad air enters the houses of Cairo.
We are shown that Cairo is the birthplace of the
plague, because it is a city crowded with a poor
population ; because it is built with close and
narrow streets ; because it is situated in the
midst of a sandy plain at the foot of a moun-
tain, which keeps off the wind, and is therefore
exposed to stifling heat ; and, above all, because
it has a great canal which, though filled with
water at the inundation of the Nile, becomes
dry as the river gets lower, and thus emits an
intolerable smell from the mud and from the
offensive matter that is thrown into it.
Besides being thus shown that, in all places
in which epidemics appear, some sanitary defect
may be found, we are shown that they come
back and back to the same places, and that, if
these defects are removed, the epidemics will
not return. So we are led on to the great idea
that they are preventible.
The facts advanced to prove these principles
have not, of course, the wide range, the distinct
statistical exactness, of those which the further
progress of sanitary science has now enabled
people to bring forward ; but it is very inter-
esting to see how all further advance has been
but a development of the principles brought
forward in this 'Treatise on Fever,' just as it
was itself but a development of those brought
forward five years before. Hardly any investi-
gations had yet been made, but the results
which research would bring to light are here
foreshadowed. Even the direction which such
research would take is indicated, for we are told,
at the end of the chapter which treats of the
** Causes of Fever," that —
"Further inquiries are necessary — such as,
whether the vegetable and animal poisons we
have been considering be the only true, excit-
ing cause of fever ; ^ by what means its gen-
eral diffusion is effected ; on what conditions its
propagation depends ; by what measures its ex-
tension may be checked and its power dimin-
ished or destroyed ; what circumstances in the
modes of life, in the habits of society, in the
structure of houses, in the condition of the
public streets and common sewers, in the state
of the soil over large districts of the country
as influenced by the mode of agriculture, drain-
age, and so on, favour or check the origin and
propagation of this great curse of civilised, no
less than of uncivilised, man."
Not a mere article or book contained the result
of such inquiries. They occupied the greater part
of his life, and that of many others. Their out-
come is the present state of sanitary knowledge.
If some people think there was nothing new
in the view of epidemics insisted on in this
1 Modern investigations have proved, for instance, that con-
taminated water or milk will produce an epidemic as well as
contaminated air. But all these poisons arise from bad sani-
tary conditions. — G. L.
Treatise, they have only to see what was the
common opinion at that time amongst medical
men. A few shared the writer's opinions, but
the majority of EngHsh physicians then cer-
tainly took quite the opposite view. When
Asiatic cholera first broke out in 1831, it was
of no avail that the physicians of Bengal had
declared unanimously that "the attempt to pre-
vent the introduction of cholera by a rigorous
quarantine had always and utterly failed " ; it
was of no avail that the articles on " Quaran-
tine Laws " had, six years before, urged the
same truth ; the London College of Physicians
issued, notwithstanding, a notification that, wher-
ever cholera appeared, the sick should be col-
lected together in houses, which should be
marked conspicuously Sick ; and that, even
after the sufferers had been removed, and the
houses purified. Caution should be marked on
them. That the dead from cholera should be
buried in separate ground ; that food to be de-
livered at a house where any one was sick
should be placed outside, and only taken in
when the person who brought it had gone
away ; and that no one who had communicated
with a cholera patient should, during twenty-
days after, communicate with the healthy.
If cholera resisted all these precautions, and
became fatal in the terrific way it had done in
other countries, the authorities announced " that
it might become necessary to draw a strong body
of troops or police round the affected places."
This proclamation of the physicians of 1831
was published throughout the land in the form
of an Order of the King in Council. It might
have been more to the purpose to have cleansed
the affected town.
" But," says Mr Howell,^ " the strong good
sense of the public averted many of the mis-
chiefs which these scientific advisers would
have produced had their counsels been carried
into execution. The preventive measures, which
were eventually adopted by them, consisted in
prohibiting intercourse between one town and
another by sea, and permitting it by land : thus
communication between London and Edinburgh
by stage-coach was perfectly free and unin-
terrupted, while communication between those
capitals by sea was prohibited with such rigour
^ Origin and Progress of Sanitary Reform. T. Jones Howell.
that no interest, however powerful, could pro-
cure an exemption! Francis Jeffrey — at this
time holding the high office of Lord Advocate
of Scotland, and whose influence from his per-
sonal and official connections was very great —
was unable to obtain permission for his faithful
servant, in the last stage of dropsy, to go from
London to Leith by water, lest he should carry
with him to his native country by that mode of
conveyance, not the dropsy which he had, but
the cholera which he had not.
" ' You will be sorry,' writes Jeffrey to Miss
Cockburn, 'to hear that poor old Fergus is so
ill that I fear he will die very soon. I have
made great efforts to get him shipped off to
Scotland, where he wishes much to go ; but
the quarantine regulations are so absurdly severe
that, in spite of all my influence with the Privy
Council, I have not been able to get a passage
for him, and he is quite tenable to travel by
land, ... He has decided water in the chest
and swelling in all his limbs. The doctors say he
may die any day, and that it is scarcely possible
he can recover.' "^
^ Cockburn's Life of Jeffrey, ii. 247.
Mr Howell adds that these examples are not
adduced for the purpose of casting obloquy on
the eminent physicians of that day, who vainly
endeavoured to reduce to practice in the nine-
teenth century the standard, but obsolete, doc-
trines taught almost universally in the medical
schools, but solely for the purpose of displaying
the state of the science of Public Health in the
year 1831-32, as far as the physicians of highest
reputation and largest practice may be taken as
its exponents.
It need hardly be said that it is with this
purpose only that these facts are again cited
The ' Treatise on Fever ' held an important place
in the development of that sanitary ideal to the
realisation of which my grandfather afterwards
devoted himself almost exclusively; but in the
course of the years which are treated of in this
chapter, he wrote much on other subjects.
During this time severe money losses had
necessitated the breaking up of the establish-
ment in Trinity Square ; retrenchment became
a duty ; Mrs Southwood Smith went abroad with
the three children of the second marriage^ to
carry on their education ; and (his two elder
daughters, Caroline and Emily, being engaged
^ Herman Southwood, born 1820, died 1897 ; Christina and
Spencer, died in childhood.
in teaching away from home) my grandfather
once more retired to a strictly studious and pro-
fessional life at his consulting-rooms in New Broad
Street, giving much time to literary work, includ-
ing the writing of a large number of physiological
articles for the * Penny Encyclopaedia.'
Dr Southwood Smith at this period assisted in
foundinor the * Westminster Review.' This Re-
view, supported as it was by men of great ability
and earnest thought, took, as is well known, a
leading place in the promotion of the political and
social reforms of the day.
His own contributions to it were many. Besides
the articles on " Quarantine and Sanitary Laws "
already mentioned, the one on " Education," which
appeared in the first number, may be specially
referred to.
There was also one calling attention to the
horrors arising from there being no proper pro-
vision for supplying the anatomical schools with
the means of dissection, which led to very prac-
tical results.
" Body- snatching" is now an extinct crime.
Such was the name given to the practice of rob-
bing graves of the bodies of the dead in order
to sell them for the purpose of dissection. Such
practices were an outrage against all the feelings
which render the resting - places of the dead
hallowed spots. One can imagine the horror
which the friends of the newly interred must
have experienced in finding that their graves
had been violated during the night ; and worse
still were the midnight scenes when the work
was interrupted by the police, and struggles
The men who carried on this trade were called
" resurrection-men " : they were a depraved and
dangerous class, and if the state of things then
existing had caused no other evil than that of
educating such a class, it would still have been
worth much effort to get it remedied.
Without bodies for dissection medical educa-
tion was impossible, and at that time there was
only one legal means by which they could be
obtained : those of executed criminals were made
over to the medical profession for the purpose of
dissection. But this source was, happily, even
then a scanty one. Until, therefore, some other
provision was made, the employment of "resur-
rection-men," though against the law, and in itself
revolting to the professors of anatomy, was a
The difficulty was an increasing one. The
wretched men whose trade it was to supply the
medical schools were punished with imprisonment
and heavy fines, and were, not unnaturally, re-
garded with abhorrence by the mob — such abhor-
rence that it was often difficult to protect them
from its fury when arrested. In Scotland, especi-
ally, this popular feeling was so strong that dis-
graceful outrages were committed against those
even suspected of being concerned in exhumation ;
the churchyards were watched, and the obstacles
in obtaining subjects for the schools had become
so many that the students were fast deserting
them. Indeed throughout Great Britain it ap-
peared as if there would soon be a general deser-
tion of all the native schools, and that students
would go to Paris for the education they could
not get at home.
In the article by Dr Southwood Smith which
first called public attention to these evils, he
points out, in a very striking manner, the para-
mount necessity of a supply of subjects. He
reminds his readers of the wild theories of former
times when anatomical knowledge was not pos-
sessed, and enforces on their attention the fact
that this knowledge can only be acquired, with
any degree of perfection, by means of dissection.
He further reminds them that no operation can
be performed without torture to the living, and
danger to life itself, by the hand of a surgeon
unpractised in dissection ; and no clear judgment
formed by the physician on the diseases of the
human frame — diseases generally seated in organs
hidden from the eye — without a study of the
internal structure.
After shortly passing over the evils of the
system then prevailing, which have just been
pointed out — evils which were then very gener-
ally known — he suggests the remedy, — a very
simple one. It was, to cease to give the bodies
of executed criminals for anatomical purposes,
and thus in a measure to take off the stigma
on dissection ; and then to appropriate to that
purpose the bodies of all those who die in hos-
pitals and workhouses unclaimed by relatives.
Nothing was done for some time, till in 1828,
three years after this paper was written, there
came the horrible discovery that the difficulty
of obtaining subjects from the churchyards had
become so great that two men, Burke and Hare,
had resorted to murder to supply the need — the
temptation having been the large price to be
obtained for bodies.
When things had come to this climax, legisla-
lative attention was aroused. At this time the
article which had appeared in the * Westminster
Review ' was reprinted as a pamphlet, under the
title of ' The Use of the Dead to the Living.'
In this form it went through several editions, a
copy being presented to members of both Houses
of Parliament.
The measures recommended in it were mainly
adopted by the Legislature, and have proved
completely successful.
There is something at first sight sad in a plan
which lets anything that is painful in the thought
of such an appropriation of the bodies of the dead
fall exclusively on the poor. This did not fail to
suggest itself to my grandfather's mind. But it
is to the survivors alone that such pain comes,
and these friendless ones would have none left
to shrink from this use of their remains. Such
were to be chosen for the necessary purpose, not
because they were "poor," but because they were
" unclaimed." Neither was any pain arising from
this arrangement to be compared with that spring-
ing from the forcible seizure of bodies in the old
times. Out of that arose, necessarily, scenes of
horror revolting to all sense of the respect due
to the dead ; while their quiet removal from the
hospital to the anatomical school, to be followed,
after the necessary dissection, by their burial, is
widely different. It seemed, moreover, that the
interest of the poor specially demanded a wide-
spread anatomical knowledge in medical men,
since they, more than all others, suffered when
the means of gaining it were limited. " Poverty,
it is true," my grandfather writes, " is a misfor-
tune ; poverty, it is true, has terror and pain
enough in itself. No legislature ought by any
act to increase its wretchedness ; but the measure
here proposed is pregnant with good to the poor,
and would tend, more than can be estimated, to
lessen the misery of their condition. For it would
give knowledge to the lowest practitioners of the
medical art — that is, to persons who are at present
lamentably deficient, and into whose hands the
great bulk of the poor fall. And, after all, the
true question is, whether the surgeon shall be
allowed to gain knowledge by operating on the
bodies of the dead, or driven to obtain it by prac-
tising on the bodies of the living. If the dead
bodies of the poor are not appropriated to this use,
their living bodies must be, and will be. The rich
will always have it in their power to select, for the
performance of an operation, the surgeon who has
signalised himself by success ; but that surgeon, if
he has not obtained the dexterity which ensures
success by dissecting and operating on the bodies
of the dead, must have acquired it by making
them on the living bodies of the poor."
It was said at the time by objectors that the
measure in question would deter patients from
entering the hospitals, and add terrors to work-
houses, but experience has proved that my grand-
father was right : the adoption of his plan has not
been found to have the slightest effect of the kind.
In considering the work of this period of my
grandfather's life, I ought not to omit to mention
his lectures, which were full of the same earnest-
ness and originality that characterised all he did.
He was lecturer at the Webb Street School of
Anatomy, where he gave a course on " Forensic
Medicine," which made much impression at the
time. He gave also courses of popular lectures
on physiology at the London Institution and else-
where. To those at the London Institution ladies
were admitted — a permission unusual in those
One lecture, delivered on a very remarkable
occasion, must be mentioned here. My grand-
father was the friend and physician of Jeremy
Bentham, and was called upon, after his death,
to perform a duty which he had solemnly under-
taken. The venerable philosopher died in 1832
at the age of eighty-five, and by will desired that
his body should be used for the purposes of dis-
section. He intrusted to Dr Southwood Smith,
in conjunction with two other friends, the task
of seeing this disposition properly fulfilled, trust-
ing that they would not be deterred by opposition
or obloquy.
This disposition of his body was not a recent
act. By a will, dated as far back as 1769, it
was left, for the same purpose, to his friend Dr
Fordyce. The reason at that time assigned for
this is expressed by Bentham in the following
remarkable words : —
" This my will and special request I make,
not out of affectation of singularity, but to the
intent and with the desire that mankind may
reap some small benefit by my decease, having
hitherto had small opportunities to contribute
thereto while living."
By a memorandum affixed to this document
it is clear that it had undergone revision as
lately as two months before his death,- and that
this part of it, originally made when he was
twenty-one, was again deliberately and. solemnly
confirmed by him at eighty-five.
In thus appropriating his remains to the ser-
vice of mankind, Bentham carried out, to the
last moment of his life, and even after his death,
his principle of " Utility."
The subject of dissection was agitating the
public mind: the "Anatomy Bill" was not yet
passed, and the idea might well present itself to
a benevolent mind such as his, that to show a
thorough absence of horror or dislike to the idea
of being dissected after death would be a means
of lessening the prejudice which existed against it.
Whatever may be thought of the " greatest
happiness principle " of this philosopher, it did
not cause him to lead a selfish or epicurean
life. The long calm expanse of eighty - five
years was filled with simple pleasures, with hard
work, and contained many sacrifices to the cause
of truth.
My grandfather bears his testimony to the
wonderful energy and self-devotion of Bentham
during his life in these words : —
" Bentham's object was no less a one than to
construct an all-comprehensive system of morals
and an all -comprehensive code of laws. For
the accomplishment of a work so prodigious he
put forth an energy commensurate to the end.
The extent of mental labour required for this
undertaking, and actually brought to it, is truly
extraordinary. Every day for nearly half a cen-
tury did he devote to it never less than eight
hours, often ten, and sometimes twelve."
And now, when this busy life was stilled, my
grandfather was bound to carry out as fully as
possible Bentham's wish that in death too he
might be useful. He delivered the oration over
the body, in the Webb Street School of Anat-
omy, on the evening of the 9th of June 1832.
One who was there thus writes of it : —
" None who were present can ever forget that
impressive scene. The room is small and cir-
cular, with no windows, but a central skylight,
and was filled, with the exception of a class of
medical students and some eminent members of
that profession, by friends, disciples, and admirers
of the deceased philosopher, comprising many
men celebrated for literary talent, scientific re-
search, and political activity. The corpse was
on the table in the centre of the room, directly
under the light, clothed in a night-dress, with
only the head and hands exposed. There was
no rigidity in the features, but an expression of
placid dignity and benevolence. This was at
times rendered almost vital by the reflection of
the lightning playing over them ; for a storm
arose just as the lecturer commenced, and the
profound silence in which he was listened to
was broken, and only broken, by loud peals of
thunder, which continued to roll at intervals
throughout the delivery of his most appropriate
and often affecting^ address. With the feelinpfs
which touch the heart in the contemplation of
departed greatness, and in the presence of death,
there mingled a sense of the power which that
lifeless body seemed to be exercising in the con-
quest of prejudice for the public good, thus co-
operating with the triumphs of the spirit by
which it had been animated. It was a worthy
close of the personal career of the great philoso-
pher and philanthropist. Never did corpse of
hero on the battle-field, with his martial cloak
around him, or funeral obsequies chanted by
stoled and mitred priests in Gothic aisles, excite
such emotions as the stern simplicity of that
hour in which the principle of utility triumphed
over the imagination and the heart."
In the year 1834 my grandfather published
his book entitled 'The Philosophy of Health,'^
the preparation of which had been a work of
great care, and had occupied much time for
several years before. This book, which was,
perhaps, the first attempt to bring the truths
of human physiology within the comprehension
of the general reader, achieved a marked suc-
cess. It was full of the clearness and force
which characterised all the writings of its author.
The strides of modern science have now, of
course, left its physiological teaching far behind,
^ Longmans, 1834.
but at the time it did original educational work
and added lustre to his name.
His life in chambers must have been an ardu-
ous one — first at 36 New Broad Street, after-
wards at 38 Finsbury Square, — his days given
up to his ever-increasing practice, his mornings
and evenings to writing : the amount achieved
was prodigious, and he allowed himself but little
I may mention that it was at this time that
my grandfather first visited at the house of old
Mr Gillies, a city merchant of refined literary
tastes and the father of the two distinguished
women, Mary and Margaret Gillies (author and
artist), who afterwards became the friends for
life of himself, his wife, and daughters, and in
whose home he — and I with him — had rooms
in Kentish Town and afterwards at Hi^heate,
though he occupied for professional purposes
the rooms in the city to which I have before
In the year 1833 it became clear that some
legal interference was necessary with regard to
In order to understand the abuses which ex-
isted in factories in 1833, we must revert to
the system of employment at the end of the
last century and trace its gradual development.
At that period all the spinning and weaving
of the country was domestic, the spinning being
carried on in farmhouses and scattered cottaofes
in rural places by the mothers and daughters
of the families, and the weaving by men working
in their own homes in towns and villages. This
peaceful state of things did not last beyond the
beginning of the present century. The " spin-
ning-jenny " and "power-loom" were invented,
and changes occurred. Large buildings were
now needed to carry on the work, and mills
and factories sprang up beside the streams of
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and Lancashire,
these places being chosen because water was
required to turn the new machinery. The
water-wheel now did much of the work which
had formerly needed the strong arms of men,
but the small and nimble fingers of children
were henceforth called into play, as they were
found to be specially fitted for much of that
which remained to be done by hand. Thus
it came about that children's labour, in con-
sequence of its greater cheapness, was substi-
tuted for that of grown people.
In order to get a sufficient supply of chil-
dren, which the scanty population near the mills
could not afford, manufacturers applied to the
managers of the workhouses in London and
other large towns, for pauper children to be taken
as apprentices. Hundreds, it is said even thous-
ands, of children were thus taken away from
even the slight protection which the tender
mercies of the workhouse authorities of that
day might afford, and placed entirely in the
power of the master manufacturer, or, worse
still, of his overseer.
The evils that resulted from this apprentice-
ship system resembled those springing from
slavery. One writer ^ says : —
" There is abundant evidence on record, and
preserved in the recollection of some who still
live, to show that, in many of the manufac-
turing districts, cruelties the most heartrending
were practised upon the unoffending and friend-
less creatures who were thus consigned to the
care of the master manufacturers ; that they
were harassed to the brink of death by excess
of labour, that they were flogged, fettered, and
tortured to the most exquisite refinements of
cruelty ; that they were in many cases starved
to the bone whilst flogged to their work ; and
that, in some instances, they were driven to
commit suicide to evade the cruelties of a world
where, though born into it so recently, their
happiest moments had been passed in the garb
and in the coercion of a workhouse. The
beautiful and romantic valleys of Derbyshire,
Lancashire, and Nottinghamshire, secluded from
' M. Fielden, M.P., ' The Curse of the Factory System.'
the public eye, became the dismal solitudes of
torture and of many a murder."
The Legislature interfered, and in 1802 passed
an Act for regulating factories and protecting
the apprentices employed in them. This Act
was brought in and carried by Sir Robert Peel,
the father of the statesman who repealed the
Corn Laws, and himself a large manufacturer.
A further change in the history of manu-
facture, however, occurred. The steam - engine
was invented, and when its power was applied
to manufacture, it was no longer necessary to
build factories where water-power was at hand ;
they were henceforth principally established in
towns. Apprentices were now but little em-
ployed ; free, paid child - labour, here to be ob-
tained in abundance, was preferred by the mill-
owners. They had never wished for apprentices ;
the charge of them had always entailed con-
siderable trouble ; the responsibility was felt
heavily by conscientious masters, whilst the legal
restrictions of Sir Robert Peel's Act prevented
the avaricious and hard-hearted from profiting
by the abuses of the system. Apprenticeship
therefore died a natural death.
It might be thought that children employed
under the new plan, receiving wages and living
at home under the protection of their parents,
would suffer no hardships calling for legal re-
straint ; but representations having been made
to the Government that abuses had crept in,
a Royal Commission of inquiry was determined
upon in 1833.
On this occasion Dr Southwood Smith was
appointed by the Government a member of
this Commission, conjointly with Mr Tooke and
Mr Edwin Chadwick.^
Their first work was to send district com-
missioners into the manufacturing regions to col-
lect evidence, and the results of those inquiries
were embodied in the general Report, My
grandfather took a deep interest in the subject,
for the evils disclosed by the inspection, if not
so great as they had been under the apprentice-
ship system, were still sufficiently appalling : chil-
dren, some of them not more than five years
old, were obliged to work the same number of
' This Commission, for considering the employment of children
in factories, preceded by eleven years the one relating to their
employment in mines alluded to in the Introduction.
hours as the adult operatives — twelve, fourteen,
or sixteen hours a - day — sometimes the whole
night ; their health was thus often ruined for
life ; neither time nor strength remained for edu-
cation ; they were growing up totally ignorant ;
and they were, besides, often unkindly treated.
It is sad to see in the Report such words
as these, quoted from the children's lips : "I
am sick tired, especially in the winter nights."
"So tired when I leave the mill that I can
do nothing." " I feel so tired when I gang
home that I throw myself down, no caring what
I does." " So tired I am not able to set one
foot by the other." " Many a time I have been
so fatigued I could hardly take off my clothes
at night, or put them on in the morning. My
mother would be raging at me, because when
I sat down I could not get up again through
the house."
As to their ruined health, such sentences as
these foretell it : " Many nights I do not get
a wink of sleep from the pain." " My knees
failed from the work." Or, " Severe pains would
come on, particularly in the morning."
The evidence of the overseers and managers
is scarcely less strong than that of the little
sufferers themselves.
One manager says : "I have known the chil-
dren hide themselves in the wool so that they
could not go home when the work was over.
I have seen six or eight fetched out of the
stove and beat out of the mill."
Another says : " After the children from eight
to twelve years old had worked eight or nine
hours, they were nearly ready to faint : only
kept to their work by being spoken to, or by
a little chastisement to make them jump up.
I was sometimes obliged to chastise them when
they were almost fainting, and it hurt my feel-
ings ; then they would spring up and work
pretty well for another hour ; but the last two
or three hours were my hardest work, for they
then got so exhausted."
And a third manager says : "I have seen
them fall asleep, and they were performing their
work with their hands, while they were asleep,
after the 'billy' had stopped and their work
was over."
Two great objections were made to any legis-
lative limitation of the number of hours of chil-
dren's labour. One was, that it was impossible
to shorten their hours of work without also short-
ening those of the adults, who could not go
on without them ; the other, that it was wrong
to restrict the liberty of the subject.
The first of these was, truly, a difficulty ; but
if the evil was so very great, it appeared to
my grandfather and those acting with him that
some change must be made in the mode of
working, rather than overtax the children to
this extent. Relays of children must be ob-
tained, or grown-up workers must be substi-
tuted as assistants.
With regard to the second objection — that it
would be restricting the liberty of private indi-
viduals if the law interfered — the Report shows
that children, at the age at which they suffered
these injuries, were not free agents, but were
let out to hire by their parents, by whom their
wages were appropriated, and who were easily
rendered callous to their children's wrongs by
a threat of dismissal, or a bribe of an additional
penny an hour of wage. If the law did not
step in to protect these unfortunate little ones
from parents whose selfishness and ignorance
was allowing them to grow up diseased and
benighted, where, argues the Report, was their
help to come from ?
The question as to whether it is right in
any instance for the Government to intervene
between parent and child, is now practically
settled by the many laws and enactments which
reo-ulate children's education and hours of labour.
But in those days the idea of any restriction
of a parent's right over his child excited much
opposition. It was regarded by many people
as both impracticable and undesirable.
The reformers, however, carried their point
and achieved success. That very year the Fac-
tory Act passed, and the recommendations of
the Report were nearly all embodied in it. No
child was allowed to be employed at all under
eight years old ; children between eight and
thirteen were only allowed to work six and a
half hours a-day ; and all those employed were
obliged to attend school for three hours a-day.
Inspectors were appointed to see that the pro-
visions of the Act were fully carried out.
Of course there was considerable indignation
on the part of the millowners, but many of
those who at first objected to the restrictions
were afterwards convinced of their utiHty, and
as time passed on this conviction spread amongst
all classes and gathered strength.
The only modifications of the Act of 1833
which have been made since, have been mere
extensions of its principles. The regulations,
which at first applied to cotton, cloth, and silk
mills only, have been extended by subsequent
Acts to bleaching and dyeing works. Powers
have also been given to compel the fencing of
machinery, and to enforce other safeguards
against injury to the workpeople.
Even after the Factory Commission had fin-
ished its work, and had ceased to exist, my
grandfather continued to watch with interest the
results of what had been done. Five years
afterwards, the House of Commons having
ordered a Return showing the working of the
educational provisions of the Act, he went down
himself to various mills, and I find his copy
of the Return thickly pencilled with marginal
notes like the following : —
" I visited this mill myself with a view to
examine the school." " The whole neighbour-
hood was opposed to the direction of the mill.
They now consider it a great blessing." " The
children of the higher class of people are anxious
to get employment in the mills."
It must have given him great delight to feel
that, as was said by a writer eleven years later —
" The present Act has led to an amelioration
of the treatment, and an improvement in the
physical and moral character, of the vast juvenile
population, such as was never before effected
by an Act of Parliament ; while the benefits
resulting from it to all parties, the employers
no less than the employed, are not only rapidly
multiplying and extending, but are becoming
more and more the subjects of general acknow-
ledgment and gratulation. There is reason to
believe that the total number employed in fac-
tory labour in the United Kingdom is little
short of 1,000,000.^ In one district, not by
any means one of the largest, the number of
children attending school was increased from
200 to 2316."
^ This was in 1844.
Perhaps the most necessary and the most tried
quahty in a reformer is Patience. Notwithstand-
ing the pubhcation of the ' Treatise on Fever *
in 1830, and the tribute paid by the scientific
world to its masterly exposition of the treatment
and causes of the disease, notwithstanding the
constant and ardent endeavours of the author
to propagate his views, yet seven long years
passed away before he was able to awaken
the apathy of the public and the authorities.
Year after year went by, and the wards of
the Fever Hospital continued to be supplied
from the same districts, from the same courts
and lanes — even from the very same house — as
before. The preventible suffering, thus daily
brought before my grandfather's eyes, was a
daily reminder of the urgent need for help — of
the necessity for taking practical steps to dim-
inish it.
In 1837 the opportunity came for pressing
forward in the cause. That year a frightful
epidemic fever broke out in London, arousing
general alarm, and demanding special inquiry.
The pressure on the poor-rates became exces-
sive, and my grandfather was appointed by the
Poor Law Commissioners to report on the
eastern districts of London, Drs Arnott and
Kay being appointed to other districts.
The title of the Report presented by him
is at once striking. He called it, " Report on
the Physical Causes of Sickness and Mortality
to which the Poor are particularly exposed, and
which are capable of prevention by Sanitary
Measures r Its opening words are, —
"Some of the severest evils at present in-
cident to the condition of poverty, which have a
large share in inducing its high rate of sickness
and mortality, are the consequences of improvi-
dence. Such evils are capable of being remedied
only by bringing the poor under the influence of
the inducements to forethought and prudence.
" But there are evils of another class, more
general and powerful in their operation, which
can be avoided by no prudence, and removed
by no exertion, on the part of the poor. Among
the gravest, and at the same time the most
remediable, of these latter evils, is the exposure
to certain noxious agents generated and accumu-
lated in the localities in which the poor are
obliged to take up their abode, and to the per-
nicious influence of which they are constantly,
and for the most part unconsciously, subjected.
*' It is the object of the present Report to
direct attention to the nature and extent of this
evil, and to show how important it is that its
mitigation, and, as far as may be found prac-
ticable, its entire removal, should form a part
of every exertion that is made for improving
the physical condition of the poor."
These words would- seem to strike the key-
note of Sanitary Reform.
In order to make the Report more full and
impressive, Dr Southwood Smith writes an exact
account of what he saw. He went personally
over the greater part of the Bethnal Green
and Whitechapel districts. " I traversed," he
says, "a circle of from six to seven miles in
extent. I wrote the account of the places I
am about to notice on the spot ; I entered many
of the houses and examined their condition as
to cleanliness, ventilation, as well as the state
of the people themselves, who were at the time
labouring under fever."
The descriptions that follow are too dreadful
to be dwelt upon in detail here. We are shown
individually the houses of Whitechapel : they
are piled storey above storey, and are teeming
with people ; the streets, courts, and alleys are
so built that all current of air is blocked out,
and no measures whatever are taken to secure
cleanliness. We are shown Bethnal Green, flat,
low, damp, wasted. Here the houses are not so
closely packed — there are open spaces ; but these
are for the most part undrained marshes, and the
air coming across them is poisonous rather than
life-giving. Straggling rows of rickety cottages
look out upon stagnant swamps ; their miserable
gardens are scattered over with uncleared dust
and refuse of all kinds, and are surrounded
with black and overflowing ditches, to cross
which you must pass over rotting planks used
as bridges : there are houses which contain only-
two rooms, the larger being 9 feet by 7 and
7 feet high, the smaller not able to contain an
ordinary-sized bed.
If the house has more rooms, it probably con-
tains many families, and a state of overcrowding
is produced nearly as fatal as that which pre-
vails in the parts of London where the houses
stand more thickly.
The picture comes vividly before us of the
dismal homes, with their melancholy gardens
where the pale children play by the black
ditches ; their green damp walls ; the rags
stuffed into the broken windows to keep out the
tainted outside air ; and the crowds huddled
together breathing the suffocating air within
doors. It is easy to realise the hopeless efforts
of the poor inhabitants to fight against the dirt
and disease which all those efforts are powerless
to overcome !
No wonder then, that, in the words of his
Report, we are told that *' in many parts of
both these districts fever of a malignant kind
and fatal character is always more or less preva-
lent ; that in some streets it has recently pre-
vailed in almost every house; in some in every
house ; and, in some few instances, in every room
of every house. Cases are recorded in which
every member of a family has been attacked
in succession, of whom, in every such case,
several have died : some whole families have
been swept away. Instances are detailed in
which there have been found, in one small room,
six persons lying ill of fever together : I have
myself seen this — four in one bed and two in
He once more enforces the preventibleness
of this dreadful state of things — how entirely
it was within the power of man to change it
by wise attention to the laws of health. He
points out parts of the districts which had always
remained comparatively healthy, and some, for-
merly haunts of fever, where during the last
epidemic no single case had occurred, owing to
sanitary improvements.
The necessity for providing in some way for
the airing of streets and courts in densely popu-
lated neighbourhoods, by the knocking down
of houses or other expedients, is insisted upon.
Its difficulty is admitted, but still it is urged.
" Though it might seem a hopeless task," he
says, ** to set about ventilating such districts
as Bethnal Green and Whitechapel, yet, if the
importance of the principle be duly appreciated
and the object be kept steadily in view, much
may be accomplished. In some of the worst
localities in these districts, at moderate expense,
means might be taken to introduce free cur-
rents of air, where at present the air is per-
fectly stagnant and stifling. Some of the im-
provements recently made in the City of London
show to what extent it is possible to introduce
good ventilation into the heart of the most
densely populated part of the Metropolis."
In this Report my grandfather also draws
attention to the state of the Workhouses. He
was writing to the Poor Law Commissioners,
and so he could efficiently bring under their
notice the state of those buildings.
" From what I have observed I am satisfied,"
he says, " that many existing workhouses are
extremely deficient in space, ventilation, and
The overcrowding in the dormitories is especi-
ally pointed out. He writes : —
"In going over the Whitechapel Workhouse
I was struck with the statement of the fact that,
out of 104 children (girls) resident in that house,
89 have recently been attacked with fever. On
examining the dormitory in which these children
sleep, my wonder ceased. In a room 88 feet
long, i6| wide, and 7 feet high, with a sloping
roof rising to 10 feet, all these 104 children,
together with four women who have the charge
of them, sleep. The beds are close to each
other ; in all the beds there are never less than
four children, in many five ; the ventilation of
the room is most imperfect. Under such circum-
stances the breaking out of fever is inevitable.
" I was likewise struck with the pale and un-
healthy appearance of a number of children in
the Whitechapel Workhouse, in a room called
the ' Infant Nursery.' These children appear to
be from two to three years of age ; they are
23 in number, they all sleep in one room, and
they seldom or never go out of this room either
for air or exercise. Several attempts have been
made to send these infants into the country, but a
majority of the Board of Guardians has hitherto
succeeded in resisting the proposition.
"In the Whitechapel Workhouse there are two
fever - wards : in the lower ward the beds are
much too close ; two fever patients are placed
in each bed ; the ventilation is most imperfect,
and the room is so close as to be dangerous to
all who enter it, as well as most injurious to the
The Report mentions, in contrast, the case of
the Jews' Hospital, where he had been physician.
In that hospital, though at one time there had
been a yearly outbreak of fever, since the number
of beds in the dormitories had been reduced, and
several large ventilators had been put in, the evil
had entirely ceased. At the time he wrote eight
years had passed since the improvements, and
fever had not once returned as an epidemic.
After finishing this Report, my grandfather set
to work to obtain exact statistics as to fever in
other parts of London ; and by the next year
(1839) tables had been compiled, which proved,
by a wider range of experience, the truths he had
again and again brought forward. Once more he
wrote a Report to the Poor Law Commissioners
— of whom Mr (afterwards Sir Edwin) Chadwick
was one — pointing out the facts which were
proved by these figures and the duty of act-
ing on them.^
Such accounts as those given by the three
physicians appointed by the Poor Law Board to
inquire, could not pass unnoticed. The press, not
only in London but in all parts of England, took
up the subject. Public men began to be roused.
At first the facts were doubted. It was diffi-
cult to believe that such a dreadful state of things
could exist ; but attention was awakened, and in-
quiry followed.
The Marquis of Normanby, then Secretary of
State for the Home Department, was much im-
pressed with what he had read, but he could
hardly conquer a belief that there must have
been some exaggeration. My grandfather took
him to see some of the places in Bethnal Green
and Whitechapel which the Report had described.
Lord Normanby was deeply moved, as every one
must have been who was brought to realise the
kind of dwellings which were all that these people
had for homes. " So far," he said, " from any
1 Report on the Prevalence of Fever in Twenty Metropolitan
Unions in 1838.
exaggeration having crept into the descriptions
which had been given, they had not conveyed
to my mind an adequate idea of the truth."
Lord Ashley, too, always in the forefront to
relieve the sufferings of the poor, was taken by
my grandfather on two occasions to see these
regions personally ; and from that time forth he
became one of the most ardent supporters of the
Sanitary Cause, working strenuously for it both
in and out of Parliament.^ In a letter to a
friend my grandfather writes : —
"FiNSBURY Square, 1841.
" I have just returned from Whitechapel and
Bethnal Green, over which I have been taking
Lord Ashley and his brother, and I think they
have received an impression which will be lasting,
and which will stimulate them to exert themselves
for the removal of some of the evils which they
have witnessed."
The Bishop of London had the honour of being
the first to bring the question before Parliament.
^ For the account of what was shown to Lord Ashley on these
occasions see Appendix L, p. 159.
In an earnest and eloquent speech made in the
House of Lords during the session of 1839, he
moved for an extension of such inquiries as the
Poor Law Board had caused to be made in Lon-
don, to other towns in the United Kingdom.
It must have seemed to my grandfather a
glorious moment when the principles he had so
long advocated were for the first time recognised
— when the country began to hear with surprise
and shame of the existing state of things — and
when the suffering, which he felt so deeply,
seemed about to be relieved.
The movement had now begun. Surely it
would go quickly, since the saving of thousands
of lives each year depended on its progress ?
I HAVE now arrived at the period of my grand-
father's life which comes within my own memory,
and which begins with the days described in the
Introduction when I used to watch him as he sat
at his writing in the early mornings. He had
taken me to live with him at three years old, and
from that time I was with him throughout his life.
If, in this chapter or elsewhere, I dwell on his care
and tenderness towards myself, it is only that it
may indicate the love he invariably showed to all
near and dear to him.
My grandfather, though losing no opportunity
of promoting the cause he had chiefly at heart —
the great sanitary cause — did not limit his public
work to it alone : he was at this time engaged in
reforming the state of coal-mines, being a member
Old woman carrying coal.
of a Royal Commission — the "Children's Employ-
ment Commission " — the chief object of whose
labours was to secure the abolition of child-labour
in mines. It has been mentioned that the Report
presented to Parliament by this Commission had
pictures : they were drawn on the spot at my
grandfather's instigation, and I believe I am right
in saying it was the only parliamentary report so
issued. The state of things in the mines was
sufficiently appalling. Children of tender years
were employed in opening and shutting little
gates in narrow passages of coal. They were
untaught, and seldom breathed the fresh air.
They were sometimes as young as five years
old (parents have been known to send them
even at four years old) ; they sat in small niches,
scooped out of the coal, for twelve hours at a
time, to watch the doors, and they were alone and
in the dark except when a "hurrier" with a
candle fastened to his forehead passed along, on
hands and knees, dragging a truck.
The suffering was not confined to children ; it
was found that young girls, married women, and
aged and decrepit women were exposed to bear-
ing upon their backs burdens of coal weighing
from three-quarters of a cwt. to 3 cwt. ; often to
carry these whilst wading in water up to the
ankles, sometimes up to the knees, or to carry
them from the bottom of the mine to the bank up
steep ladders ; to go through the hard work of
hewing coal by the side of the men ; to drag
trucks on all fours harnessed by chains ; and that
the nature of their work, when hewing coal, con-
stantly obliged them to dispense with most of
their clothing.
The illustrations in the Report brought all
this before my childish imagination very vividly.
Perhaps they also, as the Commissioners hoped
they might do, caught the attention of busy
members of Parliament and learned lords who
might not have waded through a lengthy "blue-
book" to find the facts which these pictures
showed at a glance. The object of the Commis-
sioners was to put the facts strikingly, and in
this they succeeded.
Lord Ashley's Bill, based on this Report, en-
countered great opposition, especially in the
House of Lords, many members of which were
large proprietors of mines, and in the course
of its passage through Parliament it was much
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Children at work.
Woman drawing truck.
mutilated. Lord Ashley had hoped to prevent
any boy under thirteen from working in the
mines, but the age of exemption was lowered
to ten years old ; and his attempt to prohibit
the employment of boys and old men in the
work of lowering the miners into the pit by
means of ropes was also defeated.
Still, the main points were gained ; for by
Lord Ashley's Bill, which passed in 1844 and
was founded on the labours of this and the Fac-
tory Commission, not only was it enacted that
all children under ten should henceforth be pro-
hibited from working in mines, but that such
labour should also be illegal for girls of all ages
and for women.
It may be worth noticing that the change in
the law did not at first give satisfaction to the
miners. The men considered it a great hardship
to be deprived of the earnings of their wives and
children, and the women themselves complained
sorely of being deprived of their work. But
time has proved the great benefits of the new
system. The men now earn nearly as much as
a man and his wife used to do, the presence
of the wife in the home causes it to be better
cared for, and the children are free to attend
The " Children's Employment Commission" in-
stituted a further inquiry into the state of young
people employed in branches of trade not as yet
brought under regulation. This second Report
of the Commission, on " Trades and Manufac-
tures/' related to the state of apprentices in the
South Staffordshire ironworks, and of young
workers in such trades as earthenware -making,
calico-printing, paper-making, &c. ; and although
nothing could be done for them at the time, the
regulations recommended in the Report have
since been adopted.
These Inquiries — important and interesting as
they were — occupied only the hours which my
grandfather could spare from his professional
work as one of the chief consultants in cases of
fever, and a leading London physician.
He went daily from our home in Kentish
Town to his rooms in the City, and often used to
take me with him as a little child. We usually
stopped first at the Fever Hospital, which was
then near King's Cross. The Great Northern
Railway Station stands now on its site, where I
used to sit in the carriage at its gate. His con-
nection with that Hospital was never broken (at
his death he had been one of its physicians for
nearly forty years), and he was, of course, much
interested in its re-erection when it was removed
to its present position in Liverpool Road, Isling-
ton. The new building was made with wards
having no upper storeys ; each ward had three
outer walls and a very high ceiling, thus ensuring
perfect ventilation ; and there were many other
advantages of arrangement.
But even the original hospital at King's Cross
was very carefully managed as to fresh air, and
my grandfather's implicit belief in his own doc-
trine of non-contagion was proved by his more
than once taking me into the fever-wards, though,
when I was a child and therefore peculiarly sus-
ceptible, he never would let me breathe the
tainted air of the courts and lanes of which he
fearlessly encountered the danger, not only in his
capacity as a physician, but when making his
early sanitary investigations.
Three times in the course of his life he had
been stricken down with fever. In one of these
attacks his life had been despaired of, but medi-
cal skill, aided by most careful nursing and by
his naturally strong constitution, at length con-
quered the disease.
After the visit to the hospital we went on into
the City to his consulting-rooms, which were first
at 36 New Broad Street, and afterwards at 38
Finsbury Square; and then came the morning
hours during which he saw patients there, and I
amused myself until he was ready for the after-
noon round. Then outdoor work again. Gen-
erally the visits led us through crowded streets
where the carriage got blocked in amongst great
waggons or hemmed in near high warehouses ;
but at times there came long drives to some
patient living more in the country at Hackney,
Dalston, Stoke Newington, or farther off still ;
and then what a happy time I had with him,
sitting on his knee and asking endless questions !
It was worth many hours of waiting in the car-
riage, outside doors, to have the times that came
Then there was the Eastern Dispensary and
Jews' Hospital practice, in connection with which
he daily went to see patients in their own poor
homes. How well I remember being left in the
carriage at the end of streets too narrow for it to
drive down. I used to amuse myself with looking
out at the people passing to and fro — children
without hats and bonnets ; old-clothesmen with
their bags ; orange-girls ; — many dark faces
amongst the passers-by — Jews, as I was after-
wards told. I used to wonder at it all, and make
up stories about the people and guess on what
errands they were bent when entering their little
shops and doorways ; and when tired of all this —
for I was still too small to see without kneeling
up on the seat to look out at the window — I
seated myself on the floor of the carriage and
was soon deeply engrossed in some book of
pictures or fairy tales, which my grandfather, in
the midst of all else, had thoughtfully put into
the pocket of the carriage for me to "find."
Then I would climb up again and watch for
him. At last he would come ! Down the dark,
narrow street, looking very grave, the reflection
of some scene just left still resting on his face.
Out of such thoughts — produced by such places
— came his afterwork.
When he came to me, however, the sad
thoughts passed away, and he was ready to let
his happy nature come through to cheer his little
girl. He would practically work to relieve such
misery as he had seen — day and night — at
all cost — through all opposition, — but he would
also play merrily with his little grandchild, to
make joyous for her the homeward drive through
the evening air.
My grandfather was much interested at this
time in another effort of which I have not yet
spoken. It was the institution of a " Home in
Sickness " in London for those of the middle
classes who might be far from their own families,
or who, from some other cause, could not secure
favourable surroundings in times of illness. The
position of such people struck him as very deso-
late. There were many with homes far away —
clerks, students, young men engaged in various
professions, governesses, and other ladies of
limited income — who might be seized with illness
under circumstances when a return to their
family was impossible ; others who had no family
to which to return. It seemed to him that
chambers or lodgings which might be tolerably
convenient for people in health, were utterly
unsuited to give the requisite comforts when
illness came : the poorer classes had the hospi-
tals, but for this intermediate class there was no
His plan was, therefore, to found an institution
into which, by subscribing a small sum annually,
members could secure a right to be received
when they were suffering from disease. They
would each have a separate room where an equal
temperature could be secured, well prepared diet,
superior nursing, the advantage of a medical
officer in the house who could be called in at any
moment, and the daily advice of skilled physicians
and surgeons specially appointed ; or should the
patients prefer it, of their own medical ad-
visers. For this they were to pay two guineas
a-week during their residence, or less, should it be
found that such an establishment could be self-
supporting at a lower rate : that it should be
self-supporting was, he thought, essential.
Such an institution was founded in 1840 under
very good auspices, and opened under the name
of " The Sanatorium " at Devonshire House,
York Gate, Regent's Park, in 1842. My grand-
father freely gave it his medical services, as well
as his influence and supervision, for some years.
The house stood in a garden in which there
were tall trees (with rooks in them), making a
cool green shade and shutting out all other
houses ; whilst within doors the soft carpets and
general feeling of quiet and order gave a sense of
peace. The contrast on turning into that garden
from the " New Road " ^ was striking. Quiet,
indeed, was one of the chief boons which the
Sanatorium could offer.
Charles Dickens, one of its earliest supporters,
speaks forcibly of this contrast in a speech made
in behalf of the Institution. He speaks of the
noise of crowded streets and busy thoroughfares
as —
" That never-ceasing restlessness, that incessant
tread of feet wearing the rough stones smooth and
glossy." "Is it not a wonder," he says, — "is it
not a wonder, how the dwellers in narrow ways
can bear it ? Think of a sick man in such a place
as St Martin's Court, listening to the footsteps,
and in the midst of pain and weariness obliged,
despite himself (as though it were a task he must
perform), to detect the child's step from the man's ;
the slipshod beggar from the hooded exquisite ;
1 Now Marylebone Road.
the lounging from the busy. Think of the hum
and noise always present to his senses, and of
the stream of life that will not stop, pouring on,
on, on, through all his restless dreams, as if he
were condemned to lie dead, but conscious, in a
noisy churchyard, and had no hope of rest for
centuries to come."
After some time it was found that a building
specially constructed, which should contain many
small separate rooms, would be more suitable and
less expensive than Devonshire House. To erect
this it was necessary to raise a building fund. By
this time the Institution was supported by a
powerful list of patrons, with Prince Albert at
their head ; many large banking-houses and City
firms had subscribed to it for the sake of their
clerks and others ; and more than a hundred
members of the medical profession had visited
it, and had signed a statement expressing their
belief in the need of such an establishment, add-
ing that the Sanatorium had supplied this need
most satisfactorily, though on a small scale.
Charles Dickens then lived nearly opposite to
Devonshire House, and when the building fund
was opened, he and several other literary men
and artists came forward and gave for its benefit
the first of those amateur performances which
they repeated at a later period. They acted Ben
Jonson's " Every Man in his Humour," at St
James's Theatre, on November 15, 1845, both
audience and actors being brilliant. Charles
Dickens, Douglas Jerrold, John Foster, Mark
Lemon, Frank Stone, and others took part. I
remember seeing them, as I peeped down from
a side-box.
The Sanatorium did not, from a money point
of view, succeed ; but it was, nevertheless, the
forerunner of all those "Home Hospitals" and
"Nursing Homes" which have since proved so
great a boon to the public. So that in this, also,
my grandfather was a pioneer.
As the name of Dickens has been mentioned, it
may be interesting to refer here to some of the
letters which show the early and keen interest
he felt in the removal of the evils with which
my grandfather was contending, and his readi-
ness to give his aid to the cause of the poor.
Here is the first letter, alluding both to the
Sanatorium and to the Children's Employment
Commission : —
J««c^ --^^^H. ^CfM-^ 4X*w-i^ tfT^ /^-^ *W«/'<-«^
•^ ^<t>^^l£^ a^U ^^ui.^'
I Devonshire Terrace, York Gate,
Fifteenth December 1 840.
My dear Sir, — I am greatly obliged to you
for your kind note and inclosure of to-day. I
had never seen the Sanatorium pamphlet, and
have been greatly pleased with it. The reasons
for such an Institution, and the advantages likely
to result from it, could not have been more
forcibly or eloquently put. I have read it twice
with extreme satisfaction.
You have given me hardly less pleasure by
sending me the Instructions of the Children's
Employment Commission, which seem to me to
have been devised in a most worthy spirit, and
to comprehend every point on which humanity
and forethought could have desired to lay stress.
The little book reaches me very opportunely ; for
Lord Ashley sent me his speech on moving the
Commission only the day before yesterday ; and
I could not forbear, in writing to him in acknow-
ledgment of its receipt, cursing the present system
and its fatal effects in keeping down thousands
upon thousands of God's images, with all my
heart and soul.
It must be a great comfort and happiness to
you to be instrumental in bringing about so much
good. I am proud to be remembered by one
who is pursuing such ends, and heartily hope that
we shall know each other better. — My dear Sir,
faithfully yours, Charles Dickens.
Dr SouTHWOOD Smith.
Another characteristic and genial letter, dated
half a-year later, appears to refer to some pro-
posed expedition, in the course of which Dickens
was to see on the spot some place where children
were at work in a coal-mine : —
Devonshire Terrace,
Wednesday y June the Second^ 1841.
My dear Dr Smith, — I find it can't be done.
The artists, engravers, printers, and every one
engaged have so depended on my promises, and
so fashioned their engagements by them, that I
cannot with any regard to their comfort or con-
venience leave town before the nineteenth. At
any other time I would have gone with you to
John-o'-Groat's for such a purpose ; and I don't
thank you the less heartily for not being able to
go now.
If you should see one place which you would
like me to behold of all others, and should find
that I could get easy access to it, tell me when
you come back, and I'll see it on my way to
Scotland, please God.
I will send your papers home by hand to-
morrow.— In haste, believe me with true regards,
faithfully yours, Charles Dickens.
Dr SouTHWooD Smith.
The following year, Dickens, being about to
proceed to Cornwall, wrote to my grandfather
asking his advice as follows : —
Devonshire Terrace,
Saturday^ October Twenty-second, 1842.
My dear Sir, — I have an expedition afoot
in which I think you can assist me.
I want to see the very dreariest and most
desolate portion of the sea - coast of Cornwall ;
and start next Thursday, with a couple of friends,
for St Michael's Mount. Can you tell me of
your own knowledge, or through the information
of any of the Mining Sub-Commissioners, what
is the next best bleak and barren part ? And
can you, furthermore, while I am in those regions,
help me down a mine ?
I ought to make many apologies for troubling
you, but somehow or other I don't — which is your
fault and not mine. — Always believe me faithfully
your friend, Charles Dickens.
Dr SouTHWooD Smith.
My grandfather's feeling about the Cornish
coast is given in his answer : —
36 New Broad Street, October 2^, 1842.
My dear Sir, — I do not think you will find
St Michael's Mount particularly desolate, but it
is nevertheless a very remarkable and interesting
place. The coast about Land's End, I am told,
is incomparably more dreary and presents a fine
specimen of wrecken scenery. But the place
above all others for dreariness is Tintagel (King
Arthur's) Castle, near Camelford. There shall
you see nothing but bleak-looking rocks and an
everlastingly boisterous sea, both in much the
same state as when good King Arthur reigned.^
You must go through Truro to get to either
^ It is somewhat curious to note that a similar enthusiasm for
Tintagel animated the mind of his granddaughter, Octavia Hill :
she became instrumental, through the National Trust, in preserv-
ing its wonderful cliff intact for the nation for ever. It was
bought in 1896.
place. Your best plan will be to call on Dr
Charles Barham. He is the physician of those
parts and a most intelligent man, thoroughly ac-
quainted with every nook in Cornwall and known
to every mine. He was one of our best Sub-
Commissioners ; and he will tell you where best
to go for your immediate object, and will take you
with the least loss of time to the best specimen
of a mine. But pray do not forget that a Cor-
nish mine is quite different from a coal-mine :
while much less disagreeable to the senses, far
more fatal in its effects upon the men and boys
(they have no women).
I send you herewith a letter of introduction to
Dr Barham, whom you will find both able and
willing to give you all the information and assist-
ance you may require. — Faithfully yours,
SouTHWOoD Smith.
The following merry letter from Dickens, on
his return, winds up the little correspondence : —
I Devonshire Terrace,
York Gate, Eighth November 1842.
My dear Sir, — I have just come home from
Cornwall. I did not, after all, deliver your letter.
Having Stanfield and Maclise and another friend
with me, I determined not to do so, unless I
found it absolutely necessary ; lest the unfor-
tunate Doctor should consider himself in a state
of siege.
I saw all I wanted to see, and a noble coast
it is. I have sent your letter to Dr Barham
with a line or two from myself; and am as much
obliged to you as though I had driven him wild
with trouble. — Always faithfully yours,
Charles Dickens.
Dr SouTHWOOD Smith.
Before leaving this subject, I will give two
more of Charles Dickens's letters, which show
that the interest he had manifested in the first
beginning of the inquiry into the state of the
children in coal-pits did not wane, but that, when
the Report came before him in 1843, he was
deeply moved, and prepared himself at once to
take up arms in defence of the children. The
first letter runs thus : —
Devonshire Terrace, Sixth March 1843.
My dear Dr Smith, — I sent a message across
the way to-day, urging you, in case you should
come to the Sanatorium, to call on me if con-
venient. My reason was this :
I am so perfectly stricken down by the blue-
book you have sent me, that I think (as soon
as I shall have done my month's work) of writing
and bringing out a very cheap pamphlet called
" An Appeal to the People of England on be-
half of the Poor Man's Child," with my name
attached, of course.
I should be very glad to take counsel with you
in the matter, and to receive any suggestions
from you in reference to it. Suppose I were to
call on you one evening in the course of ten
days or so ? What would be the most likely
hour to find you at home? — In haste, always
faithfully your friend, Charles Dickens.
Dr SouTHWooD Smith.
The next promises a "sledge-hammer" in lieu
of the pamphlet.
Devonshire Terrace, Tenth March 1843.
My dear Dr Smith, — Don't be frightened
when I tell you that, since I wrote to you last,
reasons have presented themselves for deferring
the production of that pamphlet until the end
of the year. I am not at liberty to explain them
further just now ; but rest assured that when you
know them, and see what I do, and where and how,
you will certainly feel that a sledge-hammer has
come down with twenty times the force — twenty
thousand times the force I could exert by fol-
lowing out my first idea. Even so recently as
when I wrote to you the other day I had not
contemplated the means I shall now, please God,
use. But they have been suggested to me ; and
I have girded myself for their seizure — as you
shall see in due time.
If you will allow our tete-a-tete and projected
conversation on the subject still to come off, I will
write to you as soon as I see my way to the
end of my month's work. — Always faithfully
yours, Charles Dickens.
Dr SouTHWOOD Smith.
I now turn to another subject. It was dur-
ing these years that my grandfather conceived
the idea that houses might be built from which
fever could be banished even amongst the classes
and in the districts in which up to that time
disease had most fatally prevailed. If the ex-
periment succeeded, and the amount of sickness
and death were found to be markedly diminished,
he felt that a very valuable practical illustration
would be afforded of the truth of the principles he
was advocating — of the law which connects bad
sanitary conditions with disease. He also hoped
it would be proved that money expended on the
building of such dwellings would bring in a fair
return of interest, so that it would be seen to
be a wise as well as a benevolent expenditure of
capital, and healthy dwellings might be multiplied.
To accomplish this purpose he gathered to-
gether the men who formed the original direc-
tors of " The Metropolitan Association for Im-
proving the Dwellings of the Industrious
Classes" in 1843.
As this was before the days of "limited lia-
bility," it was necessary to obtain through the
Prime Minister a Royal Charter to secure those
who should furnish money for the experiment
against serious loss if it failed, and a depu-
tation (who chose my grandfather as spokes-
man) waited on Sir Robert Peel on January
23, 1844, to ask him for this charter, which
was eventually cordially granted.
The course the promoters took resulted in
the building of the block of, so-called, " Model
Dwellings" in Old St Pancras Road, on a site
nearly opposite the Fever Hospital.
Thus a first step was taken towards providing
healthy and cheap homes for the poor, and the re-
sults realised the fullest hopes of the originators.
In 1844 we removed from Kentish Town
to our Highgate home. It was very beauti-
fully situated, the slopes of the West Hill lying
at the back, and the front looking over Caen
Wood. When we went there, not even the
present open park paling divided us from the
park : there were only a few moss-grown and
picturesque hurdles bordering the road between
us and it, and our lane was as quiet as if it
had been far in the real country. The life
was, indeed, like that of the country, and full
of pleasure to a child. We had cows ; and
my longed-for and much -enjoyed pony in the
field ; and chickens, and dogs, and a goat, and
pigs ; a perfect orchard of wonderful apple-trees,
and a wealth of roses that I have never seen
equalled. In the summer came hay-making of
our own, and all this so near London that
half an hour's drive of our fast horse Ariel
took us to its centre. It was indeed inwardly
and outwardly a beautiful home, and it is the
one of my childhood which is fullest of recol-
lections of my grandfather.
During all my early years he had, as it were,
two works going on — the profession which oc-
cupied his days, and the work for the various
reforms, which occupied the early mornings and
the quiet Sundays alluded to in the Introduc-
tion. But now, as the "ten years' struggle"
advanced, the necessity of attending committees
and of having interviews with public men,
whom he was interesting and bringing together,
made itself felt; and thus not only were the
early mornings, as hitherto, given up, but, as
the public health cause advanced, many hours
were given out of his professional time, and
he compressed that given to his practice as
much as possible. He worked enthusiastically,
and with unfailing energy, beginning to write
at four or five (sometimes even at three) o'clock
in the morning, and only returning home to
dinner about eight o'clock in the evening.
Our " Hillside " was a peaceful and lovely
spot for him to come to after the day's work
in London, and he made the most of the hours
spent at home. It was his wish, and our habit,
during all possible weather to breakfast out in
the summer-house, which stood at the top of
that piece of Lord Mansfield's park which was
our field, so that he might carry the memory
of its pretty view, and the feeling of its fresh
morning air, into town with him. We dined
in the garden in a tent under trees and sur-
rounded by flower-beds, and had dessert in the
field, where the view of the wooded slopes in
the light of the setting sun gave much de-
light, not only to ourselves, but to many of
the distinguished friends who frequently joined
us on those happy evenings. These hours
were indeed happy ones, whether in summer,
spent in the field out in the starlight, or in
winter, round his hospitable fire ; for he liked
to have, and helped to make, happiness around
Sometimes he used to let me tell him the
story of my day — the wonderful doings of pony,
dog, or newly - hatched little yellow chickens.
And then he would tell us of his own work.
Each time that some onward step of impor-
tance had been taken he told us about it, but
when things were uncertain, or depressing, he
seldom mentioned them. So that an advance
for the cause came generally with the pleas-
ure of a sudden surprise, but a defeat we only-
surmised by seeing him unusually grave. He
was naturally extremely reserved ; but as he
advanced in years his desire for sympathy
overcame this reticence in some degree, so that
he became ready to share his thoughts on all
deep subjects with others. He rarely spoke of
things merely personal, and there was an ab-
sence of all littleness in his conversation which
was striking. A mixture of high thought with
simplicity of expression was characteristic of
him. I listened to all that passed, and with
a strange, vague, but gradually - increasing un-
derstanding, I learned to watch for the suc-
cess of his different efforts.
The days were over when the height of the
carriage-windows had been an obstacle to my
view out into the streets of Whitechapel in
our daily drives, but I was still a child at the
time of the first public meeting of the " Health
of Towns Association." To this day the look
of everything at that meeting is distinctly im-
pressed upon me : the platform ; the empty
chairs upon it ; the table and bottle of water ;
the crowd round us, which were all new to me,
are remembered as vivid first impressions are.
And when, after waiting some time, a number
of men came in — many of them of great im-
portance— and I saw my grandfather amongst
them, how proud and glad I felt that his efforts
to interest others had been successful, and that
he now had all this strength on his side.
I did not understand all that passed, but I
knew when the speakers praised him ; and when
his speech came, towards the end of the meeting,
I felt the thrill of his voice, and liked all those
other people to hear it too — I liked them to feel
what he was.
But stronger even than the pride in him was
the belief that people must be moved by the
truth that was being brought forward ; for, even
more than himself, I loved his cause. He lost
himself in it, and I caught from him the desire,
above all else, for the progress of the thing itself.
It is pleasant to me now to see the words, only
partly understood then, in which the public men
with whom he worked expressed the feeling with
which he inspired them. "Benevolent," " earnest,"
" indefatigable," — this is what they call him when
mentioning his name. Again and again he was
thanked in the House of Commons and House
of Lords for what he had done.
" The country was indebted to Dr South wood
Smith and Mr Slaney," says Sir Robert Harry
Inglis, M.P., "for its first knowledge of the real
condition of the poorer classes. Their unwearied
labours for the instruction of the Legislature and
the public on these subjects were unrewarded by
emolument or fame ; though the value of their
services was beginning to be appreciated, and
they would be more highly estimated by posterity
than in their own day."
And Mr Slaney himself says that " for the
powerful manner in which he had first described
the actual condition of the poor in their present
dwellings ; for the clearness with which he had
shown that their most grievous sufferings were
adventitious and removable ; and for the untiring
zeal with which he had continued to press these
truths on the attention of the Legislature and
the public, Dr Southwood Smith deserved the
gratitude of his country."
In bringing in the first sanitary measure in
1 84 1, Lord Normanby speaks of what Dr South-
wood Smith had "taught" him; and in 1847 the
same tone is still used.
In bringing in the Health of Towns Bill in
1848, Lord Morpeth, then Home Secretary,
gracefully disclaims his own share in the work,
and alludes to my grandfather, amongst others,
when saying, —
" Several persons of very great accomplish-
ment, and, what is more to the purpose, of most
ardent benevolence, both in and out of this House,
have taken great pains, in a way which does
them infinite credit, to inform and excite the
public mind on this subject ; and now, mainly by
the accident of my position, I find myself at the
last hour (as I trust it may prove to be) entering
upon the fruit of their labours and gleaning from
their stores."
All they could say of his devotion to the cause
of the people and the saving of life was true.
Silently, almost unconsciously, and as the most
natural thing he could do, he pursued his point.
As far as unceasing labour could enable him, he
carried on both his professional and his public
work ; but when it became a question between
private fortune and public good he never hesi-
tated— he steadily and persistently chose the
REFORM, 1 838- 1 848.
It is not easy to convince a whole nation of the
truth of new principles, however closely they may
in reality affect its welfare ; not easy to produce
a degree of conviction that shall lead to practical,
tangible results. The early workers in the public
movements, such as that for Sanitary Reform,
have first to spread such a knowledge of existing
evils as shall create a general feeling of the need
for improvement. They have to educate the
public until it believes in that need. And when
the vis inertia of ignorance and indifference is
overcome, they have to encounter the active op-
position of those whose interests are bound up
with the old abuses, and whose property would
be affected were the evil swept away. Even
when it is decided that something must be done
they have to bear a long time of waiting until it
is settled what that something is to be, for de-
cision is not easy when questions arise which
closely affect the property of a powerful class.
From these causes arose the long delay which
occurred before any mitigation of the suffering
took place, and hence it was that the great feature
of the period was a succession of " Inquiries " and
of bills brought before Parliament and defeated.
The first step in the House of Commons was
made in 1840, the year following that which has
just been spoken of as the one from which dates
the public beginning of the Sanitary movement,
when Mr Slaney, M.P. (one of the most earnest
and energetic of the early labourers in the cause)
obtained a Committee of the House to " inquire
into the sanitary state of large towns in England."
Mr Slaney wished not only to extend the inves-
tigation, but to bring the striking results already
obtained directly before Parliament.
My grandfather was the first witness examined
by the Committee, and nearly the whole of his
evidence was transferred to its minutes. Some
of his words were —
" These miseries will continue till the Gov-
ernment will pass measures which shall remove
the sources of poison and disease from these
places. All this suffering might be averted.
These poor people are victims that are sacri-
ficed. The effect is the same as if twenty or
thirty thousand of them were annually taken
out of their wretched homes and put to death;
the only difference being that they are left in
them to die.''
And how long was it before any measure
to stop this could be carried through Parlia-
ment ? Dating from the time when he first
examined Bethnal Green and Whitechapel, ten
years. Not long, perhaps, in reality, consider-
ing the difficulties in the way, but very long
to one who not only believed, but most deeply
felt and realised, the truth of such words as
those quoted above.
The history of events was this. In 1841
Lord Normanby brought in a " Drainage of
Buildings Bill." It was by no means a perfect
one. My grandfather wrote of it many years
afterwards in the following words : —
" Subsequent discussion and inquiry greatly
f^yi^C^ ^/v^'j
' U^i^-^
improved both the principles and the details of
sanitary legislation as compared with the pro-
posals in this bill. Still, honour to the House
of Lords who carried it with a cordial and
noble spirit through their own House and sent
it down to the Commons ! "
The session, however, came to an end before
any discussion could there be held on it.
Next year, 1842, was presented Mr Edwin
Chadwick's Report on the Sanitary Condition of
the Labouring Population of Great Britain. He
was Secretary to the Poor Law Board, and
this Report was, in fact, a Return to the Bishop
of London's motion of 1839. It confirmed and
extended the results of previous inquiries, and
greatly helped to prepare the way for legislation.
In 1843 Lord Normanby made a second at-
tempt. It was again defeated. The Administra-
tion of which he was a member was broken up
before much progress had been made with the
new and improved bill which he had introduced.
Now came another Inquiry. Sir Robert Peel's
Government, soon after coming into office, ap-
pointed a Royal Commission,^ of which the Duke
^ " The Health of Towns Commission."
of Buccleuch was chairman, "to inquire into
the state of large towns and populous districts."
My grandfather was again the first witness ex-
amined. Their report was presented in June
1844; but during this session no bill bearing
on sanitary subjects was even introduced.
My grandfather, however, who was brought
daily face to face with the preventible suffering,
was not likely to forget it, nor to relax his
efforts. With the calm, persistent earnestness
which was characteristic of him, he worked on
and on. The more defeats, the more necessity
for strenuous exertion.
Seeing the difficulty of obtaining any practical
result from all the labour that had been devoted
to the improvement of the health of the people,
he now determined to try to bring together the
distinguished men who had taken an interest in
the cause, and who had exerted themselves to
promote it. He hoped that, thus united, they
would have more power in spreading the infor-
mation which had been acquired, and in forcing
it on the attention of the public and the Legis-
lature ; and he also thought that a body of
men acquainted with the subject would be useful
in suggesting and discussing remedies, and in
proposing legislative measures.
He succeeded in this effort. He founded the
" Health of Towns Association " already re-
ferred to, which, numbering amongst its mem-
bers Lord Normanby, Lord Ashley, Lord Mor-
peth, Lord Robert Grosvenor, Lord Ebrington,
Mr Slaney, M.P., and many other influential men
both in and out of Parliament, proved a highly
useful instrument in carrying forward the work
of Sanitary Reform up to the time of the pass-
ing of the Public Health Act.
Its first meeting was held in December 1844,
and the facts which the various speakers elo-
quently brought out are chiefly summed up in
the petition which, in accordance with one of
the resolutions then passed, was presented to
Those to whom sanitary truths are familiar
will have little interest in this repetition of what
they already know, except as showing what the
early sanitary work was before a public opinion
had been formed. But it is somewhat curious
to look back upon a time when it was necessary
to state what now appear self- evident truths.
My grandfather gives it as the opinion of the
meeting, that —
" From the neglect of sewerage, drainage, a
due supply of water, air, and light to the interior
of houses, and an efficient system of house and
street cleansing, a poisonous atmosphere is en-
gendered, particularly in the districts occupied
by the poor, which endangers the health and life
of the whole community, but which is particu-
larly injurious to the industrious classes.
" That it appears from indubitable evidence
that the amount of deaths attributable to these
causes is, in England alone, upwards of 40,000
" That the great majority of the persons who
thus prematurely perish are between the ages of
^ The statements as to the saving of life which would be effected
if proper sanitary measures were carried out were necessarily-
various, since the difference which could be made in the death-rate
was a matter of opinion, and had yet to be proved by experiment.
If, instead of one death annually in every 46 inhabitants through-
out England and Wales (the then proportion), there should be an
improvement sufficient to secure there being one death in every
50, upwards of 25,000 lives would be saved. Whilst, if the sanitary
state of towns could be raised to that of healthy counties, there
would be a saving of 49,000 lives. The Association seems to have
chosen something between the least probable and the highest
probable saving of life. — G. L.
twenty and forty, the period when they ought
to be most capable of labour and are heads of
families ; and that it appears from official returns
that in some districts nearly one -third of the
poor-rates are expended in the maintenance of
destitute widows and orphans rendered destitute
by the premature death of adult males : that the
number of widows receiving out- relief was, in
the year 1844, 86,000; that these widows had
dependent upon them 111,000 orphan children;
and that there were, besides, receiving relief
in the Union houses, 18,000 orphan children.
" That the expense thus constantly incurred
for the maintenance of the destitute would in
many cases defray the cost of putting the district
into a good sanitary condition, and thus prevent
the recurrence of these dreadful evils.
That this poisonous atmosphere, even when
not sufficient to destroy life, undermines the
strength, deteriorates the constitution, and ren-
ders the labourer in a great degree unable to
work ; and that there is every reason to believe
that his healthy life and working ability is
abridged in many districts to the extent of
twelve years. And lastly —
" That the moral and religious improvement of
the industrious classes is incompatible with such
a degree of physical degradation as is actually
prevalent in numerous instances ; and that until
the dwellings of the poor are rendered capable
of affording the comforts of a home, the earnest
and best directed efforts of the schoolmaster and
clergyman must in a great degree be in vain."
In 1845 the Government Commission issued
their second Report. Another bill, founded on
this and their former Report, was brought for-
ward ; but it was so late in the year that it could
not be passed that session.
Lord Lincoln, who brought it in, avowed that
his principal motive was that it might be con-
sidered during the recess. " The Health of
Towns Association " was here very useful in
publishing a report (addressed in the first instance
to its own members) criticising the provisions of
this bill. My grandfather wrote this report,
assisted by the notes and suggestions of various
members, and by Mr Chadwick, who, though not
connected with the Association, helped greatly on
this and other occasions.
Lord Lincoln's bill was not again introduced,
and the only sign of progress in these matters
during 1846 was to be found in the criticisms
offered on that abortive measure.
It was at this juncture that it was thought well
to strengthen the hands of the Government by
bringing the force of Petition to bear upon the
Legislature. It thus became important to arouse
the attention of the working classes to the subject.
My grandfather, as one move in this direction,
wrote the following address, which I give in full.
It was written from his heart, and, with all its
calm, philosophical mode of expression, burns
underneath with the white heat of that earnestness
which made this sanitary cause — this saving of
life and of suffering — with him almost a crusade.
An Address to the Working Classes of
THE United Kingdom on their Duty
IN THE Present State of the Sanitary
My Fellow-Countrymen,
The artificial distinctions by which
the people of a country are divided into different
classes have no relation to the capacities and
endowments of our common nature. No class
is higher or better than another in the sense of
having more or different sentient, intellectual,
moral, and religious faculties. Every property
by which the human being is distinguished from
the other creatures of the earth is possessed alike
by rich and poor. Wealth can give to the rich
man no additional powers of this kind, nor can
poverty deprive the poor man of one of them.
Before these glorious gifts with which our com-
mon nature is endowed, with which all human
beings without distinction are enriched, and which
can be neither added to nor taken away, the little
distinctions of man's creation sink into absolute
It is the universal possession of these noble
faculties by the human race that makes the gift
of human life alike a boon to all. It is the exer-
cise of these noble faculties on objects appro-
priate to them, and worthy of them, that makes
life a boon. It is because these faculties, when
duly exercised and properly directed, strengthen
and enlarge with time, that the value of life
increases with its duration. In the mere pos-
session of the full number of the years that make
up the natural term of life there is a larger and
higher boon than is apparent at first view. What
the natural term of human life may be is indeed
altogether unknown ; because, although one of
the characteristics by which man is distinguished
from other animals is, that he is capable of under-
standing the conditions of his existence, and of
exerting, within a certain limit, a control over
them, so as to be able materially to shorten or to
prolong the actual duration of his life, — yet these
conditions have hitherto been so little regarded
that there is not a single example on record of a
community in which the conditions favourable to
life have been present and constant, and in which
the conditions unfavourable to it have been ex-
cluded, in as complete a degree as is obviously
practicable. History is full of instances in which
the successive generations of a people have been
swept away with extraordinary rapidity ; but on
no page is there to be found the notice of a single
nation, in ancient or modern times, the great mass
of the population of which has attained a higher
longevity ; yet it is certain that a degree of lon-
gevity never yet witnessed has always been attain-
able, because such longevity depends on condi-
tions which are now known — conditions entirely
within human control.
I have said that there is involved in the mere
length of life a larger and higher boon than is
apparent without reflection. First, because length
of life is in general a tolerably accurate measure
of the amount of health, without a good share of
which life is comparatively worthless. The in-
stances are rare in which a person attains to old
age who has not enjoyed at least a moderate
share of daily health and vigour.
Secondly, because length of life is a perfectly
accurate measure of the amount of enjoyment.
Long life is incompatible with a condition of
constant privation and wretchedness. It is one
of the beneficences of the constitution of our
nature that when the balance of happiness is
against us, a limit is fixed to our misery by its
rapid termination in the insensibility of death.
In the very brevity of its existence, therefore,
a human being indicates his own history for evil ;
the shortness of his life is the sure and correct
index of the amount of his suffering, physical and
mental : it is the result, the sum-total, the aggre-
gate expression, of the ills endured.
Thirdly, because length of life is the protraction
of that portion of life, and only of that portion of
it, in which the human being is capable of the
greatest degree of usefulness. I have elsewhere
shown that every year by which the term of
human life is extended is really added to the
period of mature age ; the period when the organs
of the body have attained their full growth and
put forth their full strength ; when the physical
organisation has acquired its utmost perfection ;
when the senses, the feelings, the emotions, the
passions, the affections are in the highest degree
acute, intense, and varied ; when the intellectual
faculties, completely unfolded and developed, carry
on their operations with the greatest vigour, sound-
ness, and continuity : in a word, when the indi-
vidual is capable of communicating, as well as
of receiving, the largest amount of the highest
kind of happiness.
These considerations give peculiar interest to
the results of the inquiries recently made into the
actual duration of life at the present time in our
cities, towns, and villages. From these inquiries
it appears not only that the rate of mortality in
the whole of England at the present day is de-
plorably high, but that there is an extraordinary
excess of mortality over and above what is nat-
ural, supposing the term at present attainable to
be the natural term of human life. The state-
ment of this excess presents to the mind an
appalling picture. From accurate calculations,
based on the observation of carefully recorded
facts, it is rendered certain that the annual
slaughter in England alone by causes that are
preventible, by causes that produce only one
disease — namely, typhus fever — is more than
double the loss sustained by the allied armies in
the battle of Waterloo ; that 1 36 persons perish
every day in England alone whose lives might
be saved ; that in one single city — namely, Man-
chester— thirteen thousand three hundred and
sixty-two children have perished in seven years
over and above the mortality natural to mankind.
It appears, moreover, that the field in which
this annual slaughter takes place is always and
everywhere the locality in which you reside, and
that it is you and your wives and children who
are the victims. In some instances in the streets,
courts, and alleys in which you live, the mortality
which afflicts you is nearly double, and in others
it is quite double, that of the inhabitants of other
streets in the same district, and in adjoining dis-
tricts. While the average age at death of the
gentry and of professional persons and their
families is forty- four, the average age at death
attained by you and your families in many in-
stances is only twenty-two, just one-half, — that is
to say, comparing your condition with that of the
professional persons, you and your families are
deprived of one-half of your natural term of life.
Though the causes by which you and your
children are thus immolated are well known ;
though they have been constantly proclaimed to
the public and the Government for nearly ten
years past ; though their truth is universally
admitted ; and though it is further admitted that
the causes in question are removable, — yet not
only has nothing whatever been done to remove
them, but their operation during this very year
has been far more fatal than at any period since
we have had the means of making accurate obser-
vations on the subject. Thus we are informed
by the Registrar- General, that in the summer
quarter of the present year Ten Thousand Lives
have been destroyed, in a part only of England,
by causes which there is every reason to believe
may be removed ; that in the succeeding quarter —
namely, the quarter ending the 30th of September
— the number of deaths exceeded the number in
the corresponding quarter of last year by Fifteen
Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty - seven ;
that is to say, in the very last quarter upwards
of 15,000 persons perished, in a part only of
England, beyond the mortality of the correspond-
ing quarter of last year.
From this same report it appears, further, that
in many of our large towns and populous districts
— that is, in the places in which you in great
numbers carry on your daily toil — the mortality
has nearly doubled ; in some it has quite doubled,
and in others it has actually more than doubled ;
that this is the case among other places in
Sheffield and Birmingham ; that in Sheffield, for
example, the number of deaths in the last quarter
are double those in the corresponding quarter of
last year and 149 over ; while in Birmingham
they are double and 239 over.
"The causes of this high mortality," says the
Registrar- General, " have been traced to crowded
lodgings, dirty dwellings, personal uncleanliness,
and the concentration of unhealthy emanations
from narrow streets without fresh air, water, or
We are further told by the Registrar-General
that " the returns of the past quarter prove that
nothing effectual has been done to put a stop to
the disease, suffering, and death in which so many
thousands perish ; that the improvements, chiefly
of a showy, superficial, outside character, have
not reached the homes and habits of the people ;
and that the consequence is that thousands, not
only of the children, but of the men and women
themselves, perish of the diseases formerly so
fatal, for the same reason, in barracks, camps,
gaols, and ships."
For every one of the lives of these 15,000
persons who have thus perished during the last
quarter, and who might have been saved by
human agency, those are responsible whose proper
office it is to interfere and endeavour to stay the
calamity — who have the power to save, but who
will not use it. But their apathy is an additional
reason why you should rouse yourselves, and
show that you will submit to this dreadful state
of things no longer. Let a voice come from your
Streets, lanes, alleys, courts, workshops, and houses
that shall startle the ear of the public and com-
mand the attention of the Legislature. The time
is auspicious for the effort ; it is a case in which
it is right that you should take a part, in which
you are bound to take a part, in which your own
interests and the wellbeing of those most dear to
you require you to take a part. The Govern-
ment is disposed to espouse your cause ; but
narrow, selfish, short - sighted interests will be
banded against you. Petition both Houses of
Parliament. Call upon the instructed and benev-
olent men in the legislative body to sustain your
just claim to protection and assistance. Petition
Parliament to give you sewers ; petition Parlia-
ment to secure to you constant and abundant
supplies of water — supplies adequate to the un-
intermitting and effectual cleansing both of your
sewers and streets ; petition Parliament to remove
— for it is in the power of Parliament universally
and completely to remove — the sources of poison
that surround your dwellings, and that carry dis-
ease, suffering, and death into your homes. Tell
them of the parish of St Margaret, in Leicester,
with a population of 22,000 persons, almost all of
whom are artisans, and where the average age
of death in the whole parish was during the year
1 846 only eighteen years ; tell them that on taking
the ages of death in the different streets in this
parish, it was found that in those streets that
were drained (and there was not a single street
in the place properly drained) the average age
of death was twenty-three and a-half years ; that
in the streets that were partially drained it was
seventeen and a-half years ; while in the streets
that were entirely undrained it was only thirteen
and a-half years.
You cannot disclose to them the suffering you
have endured on your beds of sickness, and by
which your wives and children have been hurried
to their early graves — there is no column in the
tables of the Registrar-General which can show
that ; but you can tell them that you know, and
you can remind them that they admit, that by
proper sanitary regulations the same duration of
life may be extended to you and your families
that is at present enjoyed by professional persons,
and that it is possible to obtain for the whole
of a town population at least such an average
duration of life as is already experienced in some
parts of it. In your workshops, in your clubs, in
your institutes, obtain signatures to your petitions :
get every labourer, every artisan, every tradesman
whom you can influence, to sign petitions. Other
things must also be done before your condition
can be rendered prosperous ; but this must pre-
cede every real improvement : the sources of the
poison that infects the atmosphere you breathe
must be dried up before you can be healthy, and
uncleanliness must be removed from the exterior
of your dwellings before you can find or make
a Home. — I am your friend and servant,
SouTHWooD Smith.
\st January 1847.
In this same year 1847 a Royal Commission —
"Metropolitan Sanitary Commission" (of which
my grandfather was a member) — was appointed
to inquire " whether any, and what, sanitary
measures were required for London."
To the country at large, however, it seemed as
if perhaps there had been enough " inquiring."
The thing had been considered. Surely some-
thing might be done; and Lord Morpeth now
brought forward a Government measure for
"improving the health of towns in England."
In bringing in the bill, Lord Morpeth first
gives a history of the principal stages of the
various inquiries and commissions which had
been helped on by all parties, and by successive
Governments. He states that he has nothing
new to bring forward, and can but repeat the
information gained by others. He goes on to
show by elaborate statistics the waste of life in
large towns.
" Thus the inhabitants of London," he sums
up, " compared with England at large, lose eight
years of their lives, of Liverpool nineteen. The
population of the large towns in England being
4,000,000, the annual loss is between 21,000 and
But all places are not equally unhealthy, as
further statistics strikingly show. Where do we
find the greatest number of deaths ? Is it where
wages are lowest and the people poorest ? What
did Lord Morpeth tell the House ?
" Let it not be said," he urges, " that the
greater rate of mortality in certain districts is
owing to extreme poverty and the want of the
^ Lord Morpeth speaks here of the saving of life in large towns
necessaries of life. The condition of the labourers
of the west, the lowness of their wages and the
consequent scantiness of their food and clothing,
have been the subject of public animadversion.
The mortality of the south-western district, which
includes Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, and
Wilts, is only i in 52 — not 2 per cent; while that
of the north - western, including Cheshire and
Lancashire, is i in 37. With the exception of
the Cornish miners the condition of labourers
throughout the western counties is nearly the
same, yet in Wiltshire, the county of lowest
wages, the deaths are 1 in 49, in Lancashire
I in 36. The average age at death in Wiltshire
was thirty-five, in Lancashire twenty-two. The
Wiltshire labourer's average age was thirty-five,
that of the Liverpool operative fifteen. At Man-
chester, in 1836, the average consumption per head
of the population was 105 lb. of butcher's meat
— about 2 lb. a-week (exclusive of bacon, pork,
fish, and poultry) ; the average age at death was
twenty years." He then brings forward evidence
of the preventibleness of most of the premature
Having proved the extent of the evil. Lord
Morpeth proceeded to show how it was proposed
to meet it, — by what machinery of central board,
inspectors, &c ; and, lastly, he entered into the
money-saving that would be effected were thorough
sanitary measures carried out. He cites Dr
Playfair's estimates, which give the money loss,
through unnecessary sickness and death, at
;^ 1 1,000,000 for England and Wales, and at
;^ 20,000,000 for the United Kingdom. This
loss arises from many causes : the expenses of
direct attendance on the sick ; the loss of what
they would have earned ; the loss caused by the
premature death of productive contributors to the
national wealth ; and the expenses of premature
But the measure which was framed to relieve
this sum of misery, though well and carefully
prepared, was again to be thrown out!
It was weary work. The years were passing
away, and nothing was being done. My grand-
father used to come home saddened by each
new defeat. He was sad at the delay, but he
was not disheartened ; he knew that the thing
would be done in time, and that the progress
must be slow. He could wait calmly in that
belief and enjoy fully the beauty of the sunset
light during the summer evenings passed in our
beautiful field, overlooking the green slopes and
large trees of Caen Wood, Highgate. There our
friends used to come to us, amongst others Pro-
fessor Owen, Robert Browning, William and
Mary Howitt, and Hans Christian Andersen ;
and we spent evenings that I can never forget,
staying out constantly till the moon rose or the
stars came out. How he loved nature and all
happy things !
His faith did not err. The work of urging
had not been in vain ; the movement could not
be stopped ; the time was ripe.
The bill had been thrown out in 1847, but in
1848 the first sanitary law, the Public Health
Act, passed !
Immediately after the passing of the PubHc
Health Act, Lord Morpeth wrote to my grand-
father that the changes made in the bill during
its passage through Parliament had prevented
the creation of any post which could be offered
to him. Lord Morpeth said, however, that if
Dr Southwood Smith would give the department
the advantage both of his presence and counsel
by accepting a seat on the Board, he hoped
to provide for him a permanent post, by means
of a supplementary Act, *' The Diseases Pre-
vention Act," which the Government expected
to pass shortly. In answer to this my grand-
father wrote as follows : —
38 FiNSBURY Square, Sept. 12, 1848.
My dear Lord Morpeth, — I thank you very
sincerely for your kind communication. . . .
Thanks to your Lordship's indefatigable exer-
tions, a position is now gained from which it
is possible to attack, with some hope of success,
the sources of excessive sickness and of pre-
mature mortality. You have at last laid the
foundation of Practical Sanitary Improvement ;
but the structure is still to be raised, and if,
as your Lordship intimates, both you and the
Government ,are desirous that I should assist
you in this labour, no one will apply himself
with a deeper feeling of responsibility, or with
greater earnestness, to what her Majesty justly
calls "this beneficent work."
Your Lordship will remember how earnest
I was in December last, on the publication of
the Bishop of London's Pastoral Letter, that
we should at once avail ourselves of the power
of the Contagious Diseases Act ; as well to
make immediate preparation against the threat-
ened visitation of cholera, as to check the pro-
gress of our own native epidemics, then and
Still SO frightfully prevalent ; diseases manifestly
dependent on conditions within our control, and
highly favourable to the spread of the pestilence
then menacing, and now still more nearly men-
acing us. The Bishop of London had called
earnestly upon the clergymen of his diocese to
co-operate with the medical profession in this
object ; and being desirous of ascertaining the
state of intelliofence and feelino- of this natural
class of co-operators in such a work, I visited
privately every clergyman in the Eastern Dis-
trict of London and discussed the subject with
Without a single exception, I found, them im-
pressed with a sense of the necessity of doing
something, and with a conviction that they might
materially help the medical profession in car-
rying out any plan of operation proposed by
authority. The necessity of some such general
plan is greater now than it was then, on account
of the continual prevalence in their severest
forms of our own epidemics, and of the nearer
approach of cholera. The new " Contagious
Diseases Act," the " Public Health Act," and the
new " Metropolitan Sewers Act," taken together,
afford greater facilities for meeting this neces-
sity than ever before existed ; and certainly it
is now in the power of the Government to do
more for securing the public health, and im-
proving the physical condition of the population,
than has ever yet been attempted in any age
or nation, — a power which, if wisely and success-
fully exerted, will reflect the highest honour on
the Government and the country.
My intimate relation with the origin and pro-
gress of this work, and my deep conviction that
it is one of the most useful to which experience
and science can be applied, would render it a
satisfaction to me to spend the remainder of
my life in assisting to complete it. — I am, my
Lord, with much esteem and regard, very faith-
fully yours, SouTHWOOD Smith.
The dates given at the head of this chapter
(1848 to 1854) cover the period when the
Sanitary cause was completely successful, and
when my grandfather found himself one of the
heads of a Government department devoted to
the furtherance of sanitary measures throughout
the kingdom — a department which was called the
General Board of Health. Here, at offices in
Whitehall, in daily conference with Lord Ashley
(afterwards the Earl of Shaftesbury) and Mr
Edwin Chadwick, he could propagate knowledge
on questions relating to the public health, and
carry out sanitary measures, as from a powerful
centre, having the authority of a Government
This power of carrying out his convictions to
practical issues was an immense satisfaction to
my grandfather's mind, and many were the con-
gratulations which he received on this public
appointment. The following, from a Portsmouth
physician, is interesting : —
October 8, 1848.
Sir, — Though personally a stranger, permit
me to offer my sincere congratulations on your
appointment by her Majesty's Government to the
Board of Health, where the talents you have so
long displayed will have scope for the full share
of utility.
I have traced and followed you in the various
publications issued by the Government and the
Health of Towns Association for several years
past, and having myself, though in a much more
confined area, mingled with public life, I know
the heart - burnings, the disappointments and
annoyances, to which in such a course a man is
necessarily exposed ; but if reward come at last —
though the delay has almost made the heart sick
— one is then amply repaid, especially in a case
like yours, when a whole kingdom will applaud
the appointment.
Permit me again, sir, to beg your acceptance
of my congratulations. — I am, sir, your obedient
servant, .
To Dr SouTHWooD Smith, Whitehall.
Almost the first work which the Board of
Health had to do was to take measures to resist
an epidemic of Asiatic cholera. This it did by
sending down inspectors from London to instruct
and aid the local authorities in organising plans
for systematic cleansing, and for the removal of
the sick. The Board also issued ** Notifications "
for the purpose of instructing the public as to
what precautions were necessary to avert an
attack. But above all, it organised, at my grand-
father's instance, what was called the "system of
house-to-house visitation." My grandfather was
of Opinion that in every instance an attack of
cholera is preceded by a period of a few days
(sometimes only of a few hours) of premonitory
symptoms, which, since they are painless, escape
notice ; and that, unless a specially appointed
medical visitor goes round to the houses of the
less educated to inquire, and almost to cross-
question, as to the existence of these symptoms,
and to treat the disease at once, this stage rapidly
passes on into developed cholera, when recovery
becomes all but hopeless. These facts and ex-
periences are brought out in the General Board
of Health's Report on the Cholera Epidemic of
1848-49, presented to Parliament in 1850.
In relation to this, Lord Brougham thus wrote
to my grandfather : —
"I also proclaimed^ your important statement
of the preventive cure of cholera, bearing further
testimony to the soundness of your views from
Sir J. Mordaunt's account given to me in the
Malta case.
" I availed myself of the opportunity to give
you just praise, and to note your many valuable
^ In the House of Lords.
services to the country. Lord Lansdowne amply
concurred in the statement by his cheers. But
such things are never reported. Had you given
a vote or an opinion on a contested party matter,
all the papers would have chronicled your merits
and our eulogies of you. — Ever yours truly,
" H. Brougham."
Another of the subjects which the Board of
Health took up was that of quarantine. Their first
report on that subject, issued in 1850, was con-
sidered of sufficient importance to be translated
into various foreign languages, and was ordered
to be presented to the Parliaments of France and
Italy. I think that, even if recent discoveries
have modified some of the opinions there ad-
vanced, all the progress which has been made
in the prevention of disease by quarantine regu-
lations has been in the direction there indicated —
that is, in plans for cleanliness, for the letting in
of light and air, and for the isolation of infected
persons in pure air, thus diluting the poison —
rather than in plans for shutting them into con-
fined quarters as was formerly done, thereby
concentrating the poison.
The question of putting a stop to burials in
overcrowded churchyards was also taken up by
the Board. Their report on " A General Scheme
for Extra-mural Sepulture " was published also in
the same year (1850), and proved very clearly
the evils arising- from the crowded state of church-
yards at that time.
The Board proposed that a Government de-
partment should be established which should be
intrusted with the care of the whole question of
the burial of the dead ; that, in future, interment
should take place only in ground remote from
large towns ; and that everything should be ar-
ranged decorously and reverently. My grand-
father, personally, was much interested in adding
an element of beauty in the form of exquisite and
appropriate cemetery churches and chapels. But
only the preventive part of the scheme was
carried out. What was actually achieved was
the closing of the overcrowded churchyards ; the
provision of other grounds has been left for
private enterprise.
Thus, for six years, earnest men, at the head
of a Health Department, spread information and
gave advice. The newspapers of the period con-
tained many notices of the various practical
measures devised by this department, together
with comments and leading articles on its re-
ports on such large and pressing questions as
cholera, quarantine, extra-mural sepulture, and
water-supply. The newspapers, indeed, began
to devote much space to the discussion of health
questions in all forms, so that at last a wide-
spread interest was aroused.
Then came a time when the chief question was,
not as to the principles, but as to what machinery
could best be employed to carry out those prin-
The fear of "centralisation," and the desire for
local self-government, which is strong in the
English people, caused opposition in Parliament
to the continuance of any Government depart-
ment having such large control over the expendi-
ture of public money on local objects ; so that in
1854 the original Board of Health ceased to exist,
but did not cease till sanitary principles and
sanitary science, once unknown or despised, were
acknowledged throughout the country, and recog-
nised as one of the fundamental needs lying at
the root of all efforts to benefit the community.
With the ending of this department my grand-
father's official Hfe came to a close. From a
personal point of view this cessation of his
public work was somewhat softened by the
following letter, written at the desire of the
Prime Minister : —
Whitehall, \2th August, 1854.
Sir — I am directed by Viscount Palmerston to
inform you that he cannot allow you to quit the
Board which this day ceases to exist by the ex-
piration of the Act of Parliament by which it was
constituted, without conveying to you the full
approbation of her Majesty's Government of the
zealous, able, and indefatigable manner in which
you have performed the important duties which
have belonged to your official situation ; and his
Lordship desires me to express to you the great
regret which he feels, that an adverse decision
of the House of Commons as to an arrangement
which his Lordship had proposed for the re-
construction of the Board of Health has led
to so abrupt a cessation of your employment.
— I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Henry Fitzroy.
Dr SouTHWooD Smith.
According to the rules of the service, my grand-
father was not entitled to a retiring allowance,
because so much of the work he had done had
been unpaid. A few years afterwards, however,
a Government pension was awarded him in con-
sideration of the services which he had rendered
to the country.
HILL, WEYBRIDGE, 1854-1860.
When his official life came to a close, my grand-
father retired to a house on Weybridge Heath,
and he met the sudden cessation of his eager
public life with the same calm courage with which
he had met all the other crises in his career.
This house had been built on a beautiful spot
as a gathering-place for his much-loved and some-
what scattered family, and the beauty of its posi-
tion came to be a great comfort to him when he
turned his quiet days to the prosecution of literary
work in his little study, which, opening on to a
sunny terraced walk, overlooked, through vistas
of dark - green pines and yellow birch - trees,
the miles of blue distance which stretched out
southwards to the Surrey and Hampshire hills.
Through the kindness of Lord Ellesmere, whose
property adjoined, there was a small private gate
leading from our own little firwood on to St
George's Hill itself; and, in the intervals of his
writing, frequent strolls on to its beautiful slopes
were a great source of pleasure during that first
autumn and in all the ensuing years. The heather
banks and wooded dells brought him much joy ;
for, as always, it was in the presence of nature
and in the stillness of the country that he gathered
strength. The strain of the last few months had
been great, and it was well that the closing of the
year brought with it the much-needed rest.
He now gave a good deal of time to physio-
logical study, turning to his old subjects with the
vigour of a younger man, and entering with the
deepest interest into the discoveries of later
science. He did this with a view of bringing his
early book, ' The Philosophy of Health,' which at
the time of its publication had made so much
mark, up to the standard of modern knowledge ;
and though he did not live to complete this task,
the reading for it gave a living interest to those
years of quiet country life.
He had also much satisfaction in writinof and
publishing a pamphlet called ' Results of Sanitary
Improvement,' based mainly on the experience
obtained in the " Model Dwellings " for the work-
ing classes, of which he had been the originator.
This pamphlet, coming as it did before many
influential men throughout the country, spread
the good news of progress far and wide.
A further instance of the fruit of his labours
was afforded him by his visit to Edinburgh,
in November 1855, when he lectured on his
own subject, " Epidemics," at the Philosophical
Institution, where a brilliant reception and dis-
tinguished audience awaited him.^
I have a vivid recollection of his pleasure
in the beauty of Alnwick as we journeyed
north — of its old castle's warm grey walls, its
lovely woods and clear running streams, dur-
ing a sunny Sunday which we passed there, —
the gold and russet tints of autumn shining
out against a perfectly blue sky ; and I also
remember the satisfaction he had in hearing
from the Mayor, who took us round the town,
* Epidemics considered with relation to their Common Nature
and to Climate and Civilisation. Published by Edmonston &
Douglas, Edinburgh, 1856.
of the pure water and good drainage lately
introduced. Alnwick was, I believe, one of the
first places which adopted the sanitary meas-
ures advised by the General Board of Health,
so that here he had the gratification of seeing
some of the great reforms practically carried out.
As I am recalling the various sources of com-
fort which came to my grandfather during these
years at Weybridge, I must mention the great
happiness which arose from the opening out
of the lives of two of his granddaughters, Mir-
anda and Octavia Hill ; for it was at this time
that they — at the ages of nineteen and sixteen
— took the responsibilities of their lives upon
themselves, and began the great and good works
which they have since carried to such wide
In his retirement, letters of appreciation and
sympathy reached him from many of the public
men with whom he had worked, expressing in
various ways that which Lord Shaftesbury, who
knew him as well as any, gives as his own
feeling when writing to a mutual friend : —
" I have known Dr Southwood Smith well,
having sat with him during four years and in
very trying times at the Board of Health. A
more able, diligent, zealous, and benevolent man
does not exist. No work ever seemed too much
for him if it were to do good. His great services
will not, I fear, be appreciated in this generation."
Such words as these cannot but have been
gratifying to my grandfather; but in 1858 those
who shared these sentiments resolved to make
a clearer and more public demonstration of their
sense of the value of the services which he had
rendered to the country. At a preliminary meet-
ing held on the 7th May 1856 it was agreed
that this recognition should take the form,
primarily, of a memorial bust, to be presented
to a suitable public institution. This intention
was communicated to Dr Southwood Smith at
the final meeting held at the house of Lord
Shaftesbury, 24 Grosvenor Square, on the 6th
of December 1858, and was accompanied by a
short address.
I give his own words of thanks, as they show
not only the pleasure this recognition afforded
him, but also — what is so characteristic of him
— his joy in the progress of his cause, quite
apart from his personal share in it : —
" My Lord, I need not say how deeply I
feel the kindness that prompted the proceeding
which has led to this meeting. If anything could
increase the intensity of that feeling, it would
be the words in which you have given expression
to your sentiments in this matter, and to those
of the rest of the subscribers to this recognition.
"The labourers in the work of sanitary re-
form have been many ; and it is by the united
efforts of some of the most enlightened, disin-
terested, and learned men that shed lustre on
this century, that this great work has been placed
in its present position.
" That such names as those which grace this
Tablet^ should have united to express their
sense of the value of any part which I may
have taken in this work, will ever be to me
a source, I do not say of happiness only, but
of that rare and pure happiness which results
not alone from the inward consciousness of de-
votion to duty through encouragement and dis-
couragement, through evil and through good
report, but also from the knowledge that such
judges of the matter justify that consciousness,
^ See Appendix II,, p. 164.
and in my own individual case have so placed
their judgment on record, that it may be present
to me to the latest day of my life and to my
children and my children's children.
" I will only add that the honourable names
on this Record give me this further delight,
that they are to me a pledge that Sanitary
Improvement will go on. They thus bear their
testimony to their sense of its importance, and
they, from their position and character, can
ensure its progress. The first labourers in this
work may not be permitted to complete it, —
they seldom are in any great work ; but, who-
ever may have the satisfaction of completing
it, that work — whatever obstacles may retard,
whatever short - sighted and short - lived inter-
ests may oppose it, however it may seem for
a while not to advance — that work will be
done; and the time will come when not only
the professional man and the educator, but the
legislator, the statesman, the general, the min-
ister of religion — in a word, every one to whom
is entrusted the care, the guidance, and the
control of numbers, will feel ashamed to be
ignorant, and indeed will be accounted unfit
for his office if he be ignorant, of the laws
of human health and life."
Yes ! That his work had lived and would
live, this was what he cared for. This it was
that kept him uniformly brave and bright, and
made him say to me one evening in tones of
grateful joy — we were sitting on the wide balcony
watching the moon rise over the fir-tree tops,
his hand in mine as of old, —
" I have indeed succeeded ! I have lived
to see seven millions of the public money ex-
pended on this great cause. If any one had
told me, when I began, that this would be,
I should have considered it absolutely in-
My grandfather had travelled abroad but little dur-
ing- his strenuous life. He had, it is true, been to
Paris in 1850, accompanied by Mr Charles Mac-
aulay, Dr John Sutherland, and Mr (afterwards Sir
Henry) Rawlinson, on business connected with the
General Board of Health scheme for extra-mural
sepulture, but, except on that occasion, he had
not left England.
So that when in 1857 he was asked to join
a party of three proceeding to Milan for the
purpose of examining the irrigation works of
that city, he gladly undertook the journey, which
was to lead them via Marseilles and along the
Cornice Road, then traversed by carriage only.
The beauty of Italy thus came before him with
full freshness at the age of seventy, and he re-
turned strengthened and invigorated.
The following year my grandfather lost his
wife. She died at The Pines, at Weybridge,
after a short illness, in the summer of 1858.
Two years later he was able to carry out his
cherished hope of returning to Italy, and we went
to Florence, where his daughter Emily had been
living for some years. She welcomed us to the
rooms she had secured in an old palace beyond
the Arno — to the artistic Italian surroundings
of which she had added something of the atmo-
sphere of an English home.
His delight in the art and nature of Florence
and its environs w^as intense, and the beauty of
land and sky seems to make a fitting setting
for the end of such a life as his.
He stood on the old jeweller's bridge, one
autumn evening late in November, and watched
the sun go down behind the western hill of the
rushing Arno ; and the sunset of his own life
came soon after. Perhaps he had lingered too
long gazing at this beautiful scene ; for a chill,
producing rapid bronchitis, took him from us on
the loth December 1861.
Towards the end, when he knew he was pass-
ing away, after other gentle loving words, almost
his last were — with a sweet triumphant smile —
" Draw up the blind and let me see the stars ;
for I still love the beauty."
At the cemetery at Porta Pinti are some
sombre gates with, over them, the words "lis
se reposent de leurs travaux, et leurs oeuvres les
suivent." Those black gates opened one sunny
December morning and showed a sloping avenue
of marble tombs, tangles of pink and of white
China roses in full flower falling over them, and
at the end a tall white cross shining in the
sunlight against the blue Italian sky, — fit type
of the black gates of death, which had rolled
back to let him pass into the Eternal Light
There we left him in completest trust, our
" Knight Errant," after his life's warfare.
For there is a poem by Adelaide Procter (on
whom written I know not) which seems to give,
with the full force of poetical presentation, the
spirit of the Life I have tried to depict. It even
seems to follow the very order of the periods
of that life — oui' hero following the course of
hers ; and thus fulfilling Mrs Browning's words
when she says —
" Ingemisco, ingemisco !
Is ever a lament begun
By any mourner under sun
Which, ere it endeth, suits but one ? "
In my extract-book the following lines have
lain away for the nearly forty years which have
passed since he went from us, and they still
remain, to me, the best expression of what he
was. I find, in pencil, against the verses the
place or date which they symbolise.
If those who have read these pages see their
aptness, they will learn from them, more than
from any words of mine, what measure of man
he was.
A Knight Errant.
" Though he hved and died amongst us, Bristol,
Yet his name may be enrolled Edinburgh,
With the knights whose deeds of daring
Ancient chronicles have told.
Still a stripling he encountered
Poverty, and suffered long.
Gathering force from every effort
Till he knew his arm was strong.
Then his heart and life he offered
To his radiant mistress — Truth.
Never thought or dream of faltering
Marred the promise of his youth.
So he rode forth to defend her, London, 1820
And her peerless worth proclaim ; ^^ ^^54-
Challenging each recreant doubter
Who aspersed her spotless name.
First upon his path stood Ignorance,
Hideous in his brutal might ;
Hard the blows and long the battle
Ere the monster took to flight.
Then, with light and fearless spirit,
Prejudice he dared to brave.
Hunting back the lying craven
To her black sulphureous cave.
Followed by his servile minions.
Custom, the old Giant, rose ;
Yet he, too, at last was conquered
By the good Knight's weighty blows.
Once again he rose a conqueror, Weybridge,
And, though wounded in the fight.
With a dying smile of triumph
Saw that Truth had gained her right.
On his failing ear re-echoing
Came the shouting round her throne ;
Little cared he that no future
With her name would link his own.
Spent with many a hard-fought battle
Slowly ebbed his life away,
And the crowd that flocked to greet her
Trampled on him where he lay.
Gathering all his strength he saw her Italy.
Crowned and reigning in her pride,
Looked his last upon her beauty,
Raised his eyes to God — and died."
— A. A. Procter.
It was at this time that the Prince Consort
died, and England was full of mourning. Lord
Shaftesbury speaks, in his diary of December
16, 1 86 1, of that national loss, and then alludes
to the death of my grandfather in these words : —
" I hear, too, that my valued friend and co-
adjutor in efforts for the sanitary improvement
of England is gone — the learned, warm-hearted,
highly-gifted Southwood Smith."
But the work he had set on foot and the
principles he had established did not end with
his life. They have gone on with an ever-in-
creasing vitality to this day.
The efforts he made for the non-employment
of women and young children in mines have
resulted in the entire cessation of the practice ;
while his work for the provision of proper
schooling for factory children has culminated
now in a whole system of workhouse and fac-
tory supervision and in the school-board system
throughout the land.
Intramural burial is virtually at an end. And
the "Home Hospitals" and "Nursing Homes,"
which are established in all our large towns, are
the successors of that " Sanatorium, or Home
in Sickness," which he devised, and for which
Charles Dickens pleaded in its early days.
The marshy Bethnal Green and Spitalfields,
where he first visited the individual homes,
and which he took Lord Normanby and Lord
Ashley to see, are now comparatively healthy
places. He found them without water; there
is now water laid on to every house. He found
them without drainage ; now a complete and
scientific system of drainage exists throughout
the metropolis. The "^7,000,000 of public
money spent on sanitary reform," over which
he rejoiced so greatly, is, since he spoke in 1857,
increased by all the millions spent on such works
in the last forty years.
His first set of " Model Dwellings," in the
St Pancras Road, is now multiplied by the
countless blocks of such in all the large towns
of England. Sanitary Law and Sanitary In-
spection everywhere prevail, and the thousands
of lives annually saved — the lowered death-rate
both in town and country — attests the power
of the laws he was one of the first to perceive
and proclaim.
To show the saving of life in London alone,
the death-rate in the early "forties" was 26 in
the thousand, it is now 19 ; whilst in the Model
Dwellings the improvement is even more strik-
ing, since there it is not more than half that of
London at large. To show how completely the
experiment he made to prove the possible health-
fulness of such dwellings has answered, it is only
necessary to quote the figures given in the re-
port just issued for this fifty-third year of the
Society which he founded.
" The rate of mortality," we learn, " in the
Dwellings of the Association, was 9"64'per 1000,
including 12 deaths which occurred in hospitals,
infirmaries, &c. In the entire metropolis the
rate was i8'2 per 1000. As regards infant mor-
tality, the deaths under one year of age were
at the rate of 79 in every 1000 births ; and in
the entire metropolis, at the rate of 161 per
1000 births."
Allusion has been made to the bust which
was executed as a tribute to the public services
of my grandfather by those whom we have called
the Pioneers of Sanitary Reform — Lord Nor-
manby, Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Carlisle (for-
merly Lord Morpeth), Charles Dickens, Mr
Slaney, and others. This bust is now in the
National Portrait Gallery, and accompanying it
are the following lines by Leigh Hunt, which
proclaim the services of his life in the cause
of the poor to wider circles still: —
" Ages shall honour, in their hearts enshrined,
Thee, Southwood Smith, Physician of Mankind ;
Bringer of Air, Light, Health into the Home
Of the rich Poor of happier times to come ! "
Letter from Mr Taylor, Assistant Returning
Officer of the Whitechapel Union, to Dr
Southwood Smith ; written at the request of
the latter, for Lord Ashley's use, after their
personal inspection of Bethnal Green and White-
289 Bethnal Green Road, Feb. 5, 1842.
My dear Doctor,— Lord Ashley, the Hon'''^- Mr
Ashley, and yourself visited the following places with
me. I have arranged them in the form of a table : in
one column is the name of the street, and, opposite, a
brief notice of its condition, with an occasional remark
by which his Lordship may recognise it.
Apologising for the length of time that has elapsed
since I promised to forward this account to you, I
remain, dear Doctor, Your Obed"'- Serv'-,
T. Taylor.
First Visit.
Back of Chester Place.
Pitt Street.
Burnham Square.
Grosvenor Street.
Bonner Street.
Pleasant Place.
Green Street.
Baker Street.
Digby Street.
James Street.
Bethnal Green Road
(eastern end).
Sanderson's Gardens.
Pitt Street, Bethnal
Green Road.
Open ditch and several pigsties.
Awretched road, no drainage. Hon. Mr
Ashley spoke to one of the inhabi-
tants respecting the state of the road.
Houses built on undrained ground.
Undrained houses on one side not sup-
plied with water (all the houses on
this estate, to the amount of about
200 or more, in the same condition,
the inhabitants having to go to a
distant pump or beg of their neigh-
bours, who have had it laid on at
their own expense, and who for giv-
ing it are liable to punishment).
Bonner Street has an open ditch in
front of part of it.
Road a perfect quagmire.
Stagnant water on southern side and
also on part of the northern.
Houses back to back, consisting of two
rooms, each one above the other.
Privies close to windows of lower
rooms. Baker's night-yard is in this
Another night-yard.
No drainage, many of the houses having
10 inches to 2 feet of water in the
cellars, which are from 3 feet to 3 feet
8 inches only below the level of the
Houses on each side below the level of
the pathway, which has a gutter in
the middle. (Lord Ashley spoke to
one of the inhabitants of this place.)
A narrow street with only surface
drainage. (Fever was very prevalent
Cambden Gardens.
Lamb's Fields.
London Street.
Rupia Lane.
Ann's Place.
Houses at the back of
Ann's Place.
A group of streets to the
north of Slacky Road.
Warmer Place.
Wellington Pond.
A thoroughfare leading
from bottom of Pol-
lards Row to Welling-
ton Row.
Squirries Street.
Wellington Row.
Houses built on the soil, many of them
not being larger than an 8-feet cube,
are inhabited.
An acre at least of complete marsh and
three open ditches — one on the north,
another in the middle, and the third
to the eastern side close to the backs
of the houses in North Street.
Two open ditches.
Open sewer in front of some of the
The open sewer from Ann's Place passes
beneath one of the houses and then is
again open to the houses at the back,
but is boarded in so that Lord Ashley
had to mount a boundary stone to ob-
tain the view of it.
All the houses stained with damp to a
height varying from i to 2 or more feet.
An open sewer in front of the houses
giving off bubbles of gas very freely.
A large piece of water into which the
above sewer drains — gives off con-
stantly innumerable bubbles of gas,
and the stench is sometimes abomin-
able. Persons who have accidentally
fallen into it, though taken out im-
mediately, have all died.
The lucifer match manufactory faces
this road, into which we all went.
An open ditch in the most filthy con-
Green stagnant water on each side.
Lower rooms all damp. An open ditch
in front Western end soft mud, into
which the wheels of a waggon sank
14 or 15 inches as it passed.
1 62
North Street and some
of the houses at the
Waterloo Town (several
Lord Ashley saw the landlord of some
of them.
All undrained, but part of Manchester
Street and Albion Street. Many
variations of level of several feet at
a distance of a few yards only, as
Manchester Place, Derbyshire Street,
Sale Street. Many of the houses
back to back and consisting of five
ground-floor rooms only.
Second Visit.
George Street.
Old Bethnal Green
Clare Street, Felix
Street, Centre Street,
Cambridge Circus,
Minerva Street, Ma-
tilda Street, Hope
Street, Temple Street,
Charles Street, Char-
lotte Street, Durham
Court opposite to Cam-
bridge Road.
Nova Scotia Gardens.
Virginia Row, York
Street, and the streets
to the east.
Rose Court.
Typen Street
A centre gutter full of stagnant water.
Has had a sewer made recently, but
houses do not communicate with it.
All built on undrained ground, and the
houses affected with damp.
One privy to several houses, and mosses
growing on the damp brick of the
houses to the height of 4 or 5 feet
from the ground.
Several feet below the road in many
parts, the drainage of which it re-
ceives. (Here lived the burkers of
the Italian boy.)
Undrained, having stagnant water in
Most wretched hovels.
(Where the child was burnt.)
Satchwell Rents.
Mount Street.
Courts out
of Mount
Collingvvood Street.
The privies form part of the ground-
floor of these houses. Lord Ashley
inspected the first house ; no yards.
Level of the houses very uneven ; many
below the level of the road. The un-
drained portion of this street suffered
from fever to an awful extent, while
the high and drained part had
scarcely a case.
Dung- heap in one. Lord Ashley saw
the landlord of another and spoke to
Houses on one side much lower than
on the other; very badly drained, and
not a healthy-looking person or child
in the street.
Recognition of the Public Services of
Dr Southwood Smith.
At a Meeting held at the residence of the Earl of
Shaftesbury on the 7th of May 1856
It was resolved
That this Meeting, deeply impressed with the
untiring and successful labours of Dr Southwood Smith
in the cause of social amelioration, and specially recog-
nising the value of these labours in the great cause of
Sanitary Improvement,
are anxious to tender him some mark of their personal
esteem. That accordingly a bust of Dr Southwood
Smith be executed in marble, and presented to some
suitable institution, as an enduring memorial of his
eminent services in the promotion of the Public Health.
The following is a List of the Subscribers : —
Viscount Palmerston, K.G.,
G.C.B., First Lord of the
The Earl of Carlisle, K.G., Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland.
The Earl of Harrovvby, Chan-
cellor of the Duchy of Lan-
The Marquis of Lansdowne,
The Marquis of Normanby,
K.G., G.C.B., Ambassador at
The Right Honourable W. F.
Cowper, M.P., President of
the Board of Health.
Thomas Graham, Esq., F.R.S.,
Master of the Mint.
The Duke of Buccleuch.
The Duke of Newcastle.
The Earl of Ellesmere.
The Earl Fortescue, K.G.
The Earl of St Germans.
The Earl of Harrington.
The Earl of Shaftesbury.
The Lord Bishop of London.
The Lord Bishop of St Asapli.
The Lord Bishop of Ripon.
The Lord Brougham and Vaux.
The Viscount Ebrington, M.P.
The Viscount Goderich, M.P.
The Lord Robert Grosvenor,
The Lord Claude Hamilton,
The Lord Stanley of Bicker-
staffe, M.P.
The Honourable A. Kinnaird,
Sir Edward Borough, Bart.
Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart.
The Rev. Sir H. Dukinfield,
Sir John Easthope, Bart.
Sir Ralph Howard, Bart.
Sir Samuel Morton Peto, Bart.
Sir John Ramsden, Bart.
Sir Erskine Perry, Q.C., M.P.
The Lord Mayor.
The Dean of Ely.
Henry Austin, Esq.
B. G. Babington, Esq., M.D.
Thomas Baker, Esq.
Joseph Bateman, Esq., LL.D.
John Batten, Esq.
G. Beaman, Esq., M.D.
Thomas Bell, Esq., F.R.S.
Joseph Brotherton, Esq., M.P.
Alexander Browne, Esq., M.D.
A. Collyer, Esq.
The Rev. J. Gumming, D.D.
The Rev. R. S. Daniell, M.A.
Charles Dickens, Esq.
John Dillon, Esq.
William Farr, Esq., M.D.
Arthur Farre, Esq., M.D.
John Finlaison, Esq.
C. Gatlifif, Esq.
F. D. Goldsmid, Esq.
R. D. Grainger, Esq., F.R.S.
Samuel Gurney, Esq.
J. F. Hart, Esq.
A. Hassall, Esq., M.D.
James Heywood, Esq., M.P.
Rowland Hill, Esq.
M. D. Hill, Esq., Q.C.
F. Hill, Esq.
A. Hill, Esq.
E. Hill, Esq.
Gurney Hoare, Esq.
P. H. Holland, Esq.
T. Jones Howell, Esq.
The Rev. Charles Hume, M.A.
R. W. Kennard, Esq.
Duncan M'Laren, Esq.
J. Leslie, Esq.
Waller Lewis, Esq., M.B.,
C. Z. Macau lay, Esq.
J. J. Mechi, Esq.
R. Monckton Milnes, Esq., M.P.
Gavin Milroy, Esq., M.D,
James Morrison, Esq.
Professor Owen, F.R.S.
Tucker Radford, Esq., M.D.
Robert Rawlinson, Esq.
J. A. Roebuck, Esq., M.P.
W. Rogers, Esq.
S. S. Scriven, Esq,
R. A. Slaney, Esq., M.P.
J. J. Smith Esq.
James Startin, Esq.
John Sutherland, Esq., M.D.
Thomas Thornely, Esq., M.P.
John Thwaites, Esq.
J. W. Tottie, Esq.
Thomas Tooke, Esq., F.R.S.
E. Westall, Esq.^
^ It will be seen that a very large number of tlie names on this list
are those of men who had personally worked with my grandfather or
had watched and helped as labourers in the Sanitary cause from the
beginning. — G. L.
Ashley, Lord, visits Bethnal Green
and Whitechapel with Dr South-
wood Smith, 70 — his Bill relating
to child labour in mines passed,
Bentham, Jeremy, death of, 43 — Dr
Soulhwood Smith delivers oration
on, 45.
"Body-snatching," agitation in con-
nection with, 36.
Bristol, Dr Southwood Smith edu-
cated at Baptist College in, 7.
" Broadmead Benefaction," Dr
Southwood .Smith holds the, 7.
Brougham, Lord, letter from, 133.
Chadwick, Mr Edwin, member of
Factory Commission, 53 — reports
on the sanitary condition of the
labouring population, 105.
Children, employment of, in fact-
ories, 49 et seq.
" Children's Employment Commis-
sion," Dr Southwood Smith a
member of, 73 — report by, ib. —
report on "Trades and Manu-
factures," 76.
Cholera, house - to - house visitation
as a preventive cure of, 132,
Christie, Miss Mary, marriage of Dr
Southwood Smith to, 16.
Dickens, Charles, speech by, 82 —
joins in performance for the bene-
fit of " The Sanatorium," 84 —
letters from, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91
—letter to, 88.
Edinburgh, Dr Southwood Smith
enters University as medical stu-
dent, 9— lectures in Philosophical
Institution, 141.
Education, article on, 36.
"Epidemics," lecture on, 141.
Factories, need for reform in, 49 et
seq. — Factory Commission ap-
pointed, 53 — report by, 54 et
seq. — Factory Act, 1833, passed,
57 — return showing working of
educational provisions of Act,
' Factory System, The Curse of the,'
by M. Fielden, M.P., quoted, 51.
" General Board of Health," Dr
Southwood Smith appointed to,
127 — work on, 132 et seq. — report
on " A General Scheme for Extra-
mural Sepulture," 133 — Board
discontinued, 136.
Gillies, Mr, Dr Southwood Smith
becomes acquainted with, 48.
lialiburton, Hon. D. G., letter to,
" Health of Towns Association," 98
— founding of, 107.
" Health of Towns Commission,"
Highgate, Dr Southwood Smith's
home at, 94 e^ seq.
' Illustrations of the Divine Govern-
ment,' publication of, 12 — fourtli
edition of, 13 — quotation from
preface to, ib.
Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, M.P.,
quoted, 99.
Italy, travels in, 147, 148.
Jeffrey, Lord, quoted, 33.
Kentish Town, life at, 3 et seq.
Lincoln, Lord, introduces a Sanitary
Reform Bill, no.
London, Bishop of, moves in House
of Lords for extension of Poor
*Law Board inquiries, 71.
London, Dr Southwood Smith re-
moves to, 16 — report on eastern
districts of, 61 et seq.
RLaclean, Dr, referred to, 18.
Martock, Dr Southwood Smith born
at, 7.
"Metropolitan Association for Im-
proving the Dwellings of the In-
dustrious Classes," founding of, 93.
" Metropolitan Sanitary Commis-
sion" appointed, 122.
Mines, child labour in, 73.
"Model Dwellings," building of
first, 94.
Morpeth, Lord, quoted, 100 — brings
forwanl Bill for "Improving the
Health of Towns in England," 122
et seq. — letter to, 128.
Normanby, Marquis of, visits Beth-
nal Green and Whitechapel with
Dr Southwood Smith, 69 — referred
to, 100 — his " Drainage of
Buildings Bill," 104.
'Origin and Progress of Sanitary Re-
form,' by T. Jones Howell, quoted,
Palmerston, Viscount, letter from,
' Penny Encyclopsedia,' Dr South-
wood Smith contributes to, 36.
'Philosophy of Health, The,' 47—
revision of, 140.
Procter, Adelaide, quotation from,
PubUc Health Act, 1848, passed, 126.
"Quarantine Laws," articles on, 31.
Read, Miss Anne, attachment of Dr
Southwood Smith to, 8 — marriage
of, 9 — death of, ib.
Recognition of public services of Dr
Southwood Smith, 143, 162.
" Report on the Physical Causes of
Sickness and Mortality," &c., 61
— extracts from, ib. et seq.
' ' Report on the Prevalence of Fever
in Twenty Metropolitan Unions in
1838," 68.
' Results of Sanitary Improvement,'
publication of, 141.
Ryland, Dr, reference to, 8.
Sanatorium, founding of the, 81.
Sanitary Reform, Dr Southwood
Smith's first writings on, 17 —
beginning of the movement for,
60 et seq. — struggle fur, 102 et seq.
— Parliamentary Committee ap-
pointed, 103 — Mr Chadwick's re-
port, 105 — "Health of Towns
Commission," ib. — " Public Health
Act, 1848," passed, 126.
Shaftesbury, Lord, letter from, 142
— quotation from diary of, 153.
Slaney, Mr, M.P., quoted, 99 — ob-
tains committee to inquire into
sanitary state of large towns in
England, 103.
Smith, Caroline Southwood, 9.
Smith, Emily Southwood, 9.
Smith, Dr Thomas Southwood,
author's recollections of, i et seq.
— birth and early years, 7 — his
education and preparation for the
ministry, //'. — cast off by his family
on account of religious views, 8 —
attachment to Miss Anne Read,
ib. — marriage, 9 — death of his
wife, ib. — decides to study medi-
cine and enters Edinburgh Uni-
versity, ib. — conducts religious
services in Edinburgh, 10 — writes
his ' Illustrations of the Divine
Government,' 12 — starts practice
at Yeovil, 14 — removes to London,
16 — second marriage, ib. — ap-
pointed physician to the London
Fever Hospital, the Eastern Dis-
pensary, and the Jews' Hospital,
ib. — his first writings on the
" Sanitary Question," 17 — pub-
lishes his ' Treatise on Fever,' 24
— house at Trinity Square broken
up, 35 — contributes to the ' Penny
Encyclopaedia,' 36 — assists in
founding the 'Westminster Re-
view,' ib. — publishes pamphlet on
' The Use of the Dead to the
Living,' 40 — lectures at Webb
Street School of Anatomy, 42 —
delivers popular lectures at London
Institution and elsewhere, 43 —
his oration on Jeremy Bentham,
46 — publishes ' The Philosophy of
Health,' 47 — appointed to the
Factory Commission, 53 — reports
to the Poor Law Commissioners
on eastern districts of London, 61
— member of " Children's Em-
ployment Commission," 73 — as-
sists in founding "The Sana-
torium," 81 — correspondence with
Charles Dickens, 85 et seq. — forms
the ' ' Metropolitan Association for
Improving the Dwellings of the
Industrious Classes," 93 — removes
to Highgate, 94 — founds the
"Health of Towns Association,"
98, 107 — his efforts on behalf of
Sanitary Reform, 102 et seq. —
issues an "Address to the Working
Classes," 11 1 — is appointed mem-
ber of the " Metropolitan Sanitary
Commission," 122 — appointed to
General Board of Health, 127 —
letter to Lord Morpeth, 128 — re-
tires from public life, 139 — revises
' The Philosophy of Health,' 140
— writes pamphlet on ' Results of
Sanitary Improvement,' 141 —
lectures on " Epidemics " at Edin-
burgh, ib. — receives public recog-
nition of his services, 143 — travels
in Italy, 147 — death of his wife,
148 — returns to Italy, ib. — death,
Taylor, Mr, letter from, 157.
Tooke, Mr, member of Factory
Commission, 53.
'Treatise on Fever,' publication of,
24 — opinion of ' The Medico-
Chirurgical Review ' on, ib. —
quotations from, 25 et seq,, 30.
' Use of the Dead to the Living,
The,' 40.
'Westminster Review,' Dr South-
wood Smith's contributions to, 17
— founding of, 36.
Workhouses, Dr Southwood Smith
draws attention to state of, 66.
Yeovil, Dr Southwood Smith begins
practice and fakes charge of con-
gregation at, 14 — leaves for Lon-
don, 16.
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and Transformations. By W. A. Clouston, Editor of ' Arabian Poetry for Eng-
lish Readers,' &c. 2 vols, post 8vo, roxbni^he binding, 258.
William Blackwood and Sons.
COCHRAN. A Handy Text-Book of Military Law. Compiled
chiefly to assist Officers preparing for Examination ; also for all Officers of the
Regular and Auxiliary Forces. Comprising also a Synopsis of part ot the Army
Act. By Major P. Cochran, Hampshire Regiment Garrison Instructor, North
British District. Crown 8vo, Ts. 6d..
COLQUHOUN. The Moor and the Loch. Containing Minute
Instructions in all Highland Sports, with Wanderings over Crag and Corrie,
Flood and Fell. By John Colquhoun. Cheap Edition. With Illustrations
Demy 8vo, lOs. 6d.
COLVILE. Hound the Black Man's Garden. By Lady Z. Col-
vile, F.R.G.8. With 2 Maps and 50 Illustrations from Drawings by the
Author and from Photographs. Demy 8vo, 16s.
The Bible and the East. By Lieut. -Col. C. R. Conder,
R.E., LL.D., D.C.L., M.R.A.S., Author of 'Tent Work in Palestine,' Ac. With
Illustrations and a Map. Crown 8vo, 6s.
The Hittites and their Language. "With Illustrations and
Map. Post 8vo, 7s. fid.
SCOTLAND. With an Introductory Note by the late Principsl Tulloch. Ne»
Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
COTTERILL. Suggested Reforms in Public Schools. By C. C.
CoTTERiLL, M.A. Crown 8vo, 38. 6d.
unies of about 350 pp. each. With Maps. Price 7s. 6d. net.
Fife and Kinross. By ^neas J. G. Mackay, LL.D., Sheriff
of these Counties.
Dumfries and Galloway. By Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart.,
Moray and Nairn. By Charles Rampini, LL.D., Sheriff"-
Substitute of these Counties.
Inverness. By J. Cameron Lees, D.D.
Roxburgh, Peebles, and Selkirk. By Sir George Douglas,
Bart. [In the press
CRAWFORD. Saracinesca. By F. Marion Crawford, Author
of ' Mr Isaacs,' &c., Ac. Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo, 38. 6d.
The Doctrine of Holy Scripture respecting the Atonement.
By the late Thomas J. Crawford, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the University
of Edinburgh. Fifth Edition. 8vo, 128.
The Fatherhood of God, Considered in its (Jeneral and Special
Aspects. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, 98.
The Preaching of the Cross, and other Sermons. 8vo, 7s. 6d.
The Mysteries of Christianity. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
CROSS. Impressions of Dante, and of the New World ; with a
Few Words on Bimetallism. By J. W. Cross, Editor of ' George Eliot's Life, as
related in her Letters and Jonmals.' Post 8vo, 68.
CUMBERLAND. Sport on the Pamirs and Turkistan Steppes.
By Major C. 8. Cumberland. With Map and Frontispiece. Demy 8vo, 10s. 6d.
CURSE OF INTELLECT. Third Edition. Fcap. Svo, 2s. 6d. net.
GUSHING. The Blacksmith of Voe. By Paul Cushino, Author
of ' The Bull i' th' Thorn,' ' Cut with his own Diamond.' Cheap BMition. Crown
8vo, 88. «d
DARBISHIRE. Physical Maps for the use of History Students.
By Bernhard V. Darbisbire, M.A., Trinity ColleKP, Oxford. Two Series:—
Ancient History (9 maps) ; Modern History (12 maps). [In the press.
10 List of Books Published by
DAVIES. Norfolk Broads and Rivers ; or, The Waterways,
Lagoons, and Decoys of East Anglia. By G. Chbistophkr Davies. Illustrated
with Seven full-page Plates. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
DE LA WARR. An Eastern Cruise in the ' Edeline.' By the
Countess Db La Warr. In Illustrated Cover. 28.
DESCARTES. The Method, Meditations, and Principles of Philo-
sophy of Descartes. Translated from the Original French and Latin. With a
New Introductory Essay, Historical and Critical, on the Cartesian Philosophy.
By Professor Veitcu, LL.D., Glasgow University. Eleventh Edition. 6s. 6d.
DOGS, OUR DOMESTICATED : Their Treatment in reference
to Food, Diseases, Habits, Punishment, Accomplishments. By 'Haqkkta.'
Crown 8vo, 28. 6d.
The Ethics of John Stuart Mill. By Charles Douglas,
M.A., D.Sc, Lecturer in Moral Philosophy, and Assistant to the Professor of
Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Post 8vo, 6s. net.
John Stuart Mill : A Study of his Philosophy. Crown 8vo,
4s. 6d. net.
DOUGLAS. Chinese Stories. By Robekt K. Douglas. With
numerous Illustrations by Parkinson, Forestier, and others. New and Cheaper
Edition. Small demy 8vo, 58.
DOUGLAS. Iras : A Mystery. By Theo. Douglas, Author of
' A Bride Elect.' Cheaper Edition, in Paper Cover specially designed by Womrath.
Crown Svo, Is. 6d.
DU CANE. The Odyssey of Homer, Books L-XII. Translated
into Ensrlish Verse. By Sir Charlks Du Cane, K.C.M.Q. 8vo, lOs. 6d.
DUNSMORE. Manual of the Law of Scotland as to the Rela-
tions between Agricultural Tenants and the Landlords, Servants, Merchants, and
Bowers. By W. Dunsmore. 8vo, Vs. 6d.
DZIEWICKL Entombed in Flesh. By M. H. Dziewickl
Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
George Eliot's Life, Related in Her Letters and Journals.
Arranged and Edited by her husband, J. W. Cross. With Portrait and other
Illustrations. Third Edition. 3 vols, post Svo, 42s.
George Eliot's Life. With Portrait and other Illustrations.
New Edition, in one volume. Crown Svo, Ts. 6d.
Works of George Eliot (Standard Edition). 21 volumes,
crown Svo. In buckram cloth, gilt top, 2s. 6d. per vol. ; or in roxburghe
binding, 3s. 6d. per vol.
Adam Bede. 2 vols. — The Mill on the Floss. 2 vols. — Felix Holt, thib
Radical. 2 vols. — Bomola. 2 vols. — Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols.—
—Jural. 1 vol.— The Spanish Gipsy. 1 vol.— Essays. 1 vol.— Theophras-
Tus Such. 1 vol.
Life and Works of George Eliot (Cabinet Edition). 24
volumes, crown Svo, price £6. Also to be had handsomely bound in half and full
calf. The Volumes are sold separately, bound in cloth, price 68. each
Novels by George Eliot. New Cheap Edition. Printed on
fine laid paper, and uniformly bound.
Adam Bede. Ss. 6d.— The Mill on the Floss. 3s. 6d.— Scenes of Clerical
Life. 3s.— Silas Mamer: the Weaver of Raveloe. 2s. 6d.— Felix Holt, the
RadicaL 3s. 6d.— Romola. 3s. 6d.— Middlemarch. Ts. 6d— Daniel Deronda.
7s. 6d.
Essays. New Edition. Crown Svo, 58.
Impressions of Theophrastus Such. New Edition. Crown
Svo, 58.
The Spanish Gypsy. New Edition. Crown Svo, 5s.
William Blackwood and Sons. ii
The Legend of Jubal, and other Poems, Old and New.
New Edition. Crown 8vo, 58.
Scenes of Clerical Life. Pocket Edition, 3 vols, pott 8vo,
Is. net each ; bound in kather, Is 6d. net each. Popular Edition. Koyal 8vo,
in paper cover, price 6d,
Adam Bede. Pocket Edition. 1\\ 3 vols, pott 8vo. [in the press.
Wise, Witty, and Tender Sayings, m Prose and Verse. Selected
from the Works of Qeoboi: Eliot. New Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 38. 6d.
ELTON. The Augustan Ages. 'Periods of European Litei'a-
ture.' By Oliver Elton. In 1 vol. crown 8vo. [In the press.
ESSAYS ON SOCIAL SUBJECTS. Originally published in
the 'Saturday Review.' New Edition. First and Second Series. 2 vols, crown
8vo, 68. each.
FAITHS OF THE WORLD, The. A Concise History of the
Great Religious Systems of the World. By various Authors. Crown 8vo, 5s.
FALKNER. The Lost Stradivarius. By J. Meade Falkner.
Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
FENNELL and O'CALLAGHAN. A Prince of Tyrone. By
Charlotte Fejojell and J. P. O'Callaghan. Crown 8vo, 6s.
FERGUSON. Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ireland of his Day.
By Lady Ferguson, Author of "The Irish before the Conquest,' ' Life of William
Reeves, D.D., Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Drumore,' &c., &c With
Two Portraits. 2 vols, post 8vo, 2l8.
FERGUSSON. Scots Poems. By Robert Fergusson. With
Photogravure Portrait. Pott Svo, gilt top, bound in cloth, Is. net.
Philosophical Works of the late James F. Ferrier, B.A.
Oxon., Professor of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy, St Andrews.
New Edition. Edited by Sir Alexander Grant, Bart., D.C.L., and Professor
LUSHINOTON. 3 vols. CTOWU 8vo, 34s. 6d.
Institutes of Metaphysic. Third Edition, 10s. 6d.
Lectures on the Early Greek Philosophy. 4th Edition. 10s. 6d.
Philosophical Remains, including the Lectures on Early
Greek Philosophy. New Edition. 2 vols. 248.
Historical Philosophy in France and French Belgium and
Switzerland. By Robert Flint, Corresponding Member of the Institute of
France, Hon. Member of the Royal Society ol Palermo, Professor in the Univer-
sity of Edinburgh, Ac. Svo, 21 s.
Agnosticism. Being the Croall Lecture for 1887-88.
[In the press.
Theism. Being the Baird Lecture for 1876. Ninth Edition,
Revised. Crown Svo, Ts. 6d
Anti-Theistic Theories. Being the Baird Lecture for 1877.
Fifth Edition. Crown Svo, lOs. 6d.
by Mrs Oliphant. Price Is. each. For List of Volumes, see page 2.
FOSTER The Fallen City, and other Poems. By Will Foster.
Crown Svo, 68.
FRANCILLON. Gods and Heroes ; or. The Kingdom of Jupiter.
By R. E. Francillon. With S Illustrations. Crown Svo, 58.
FRANCIS. Among the Untrodden Ways. By M. E. Francis
(Mrs Francis Blundell), Author of ' In a North Country Village,' ' A Daughter of
the Soli,' ' Frieze and Fustian,' &c. Crown Svo, Ss. 6d.
12 List of Books Published by
Philosophy of Theism. Being the GiflFord Lectures delivered
before the University of Edinburgh in 1894-95. First Series. By Alexander
Campbell Fraser, D.C.L. Oxford ; Emeritus Professor of Logic and Meta-
physics in the University of Edinburgh. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. net.
Philosophy of Theism. Being the Gitford Lectures delivered
before the University of Edinburgh in 1895-96. Second Series. Post 8vo,
78. 6d. tut.
Novels by John Galt. With General Introduction and
Prefatory Notes by 8. R. Crockett. The Text Revised and Edited by D.
Storrar Meldrum, Author of 'The Story of MargrMeL' With Photogravure
Illustrations Itom Drawings by John Wallace. Fcap. 8vo, 38. net each vol.
Annals of the Parish, and The Ayrshire Legatees. 2 vols. — Sir Andrew
WvLiE. 2 vols.— The Entail; or, The Lairds of Grippy. 2 vols.— The Pro-
vost, and The Last of the Lairds. 2 vols.
See also Standard Novels, p. 6.
Scottish Hymnal, With Appendix Incorporated. Published
for use in Churches by Authority of the General Assembly. 1. Large type,
cloth, red edges, 2s. 6d.; French morocco, 4s. 2. Bourgeois type, limp cloth, Is.;
French morocco, 2s. 3. Nonpareil type, cloth, red edges, 6d.; French morocco,
Is. 4d. 4. Paper covers, 3d. 5. Sunday-School Edition, paper covers. Id.,
cloth, 2d. No. 1, bound with the Psalms and Paraphrases, French morocco, 88.
No. 2, bound witli the Psalms and Parapnrases, cloth, 28.; French morocco, 38.
Prayers for Social and Family Worship. Prepared by a
Special Committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Entirely
New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Fcap. Svo, red edges, 28.
Prayers for Family Worship. A Selection of Four Weeks*
Prayers. New Edition. Authorised by the General Assembly of the Church of
Scotland. Fcap. 8vo, red edges, Is. 6d.
One Hundred Prayers. Prepared by the Committee on Aids
to Devotion. 16mo, cloth limp, 6d.
Morning and Evening Prayers for Affixing to Bibles. Prepared
by the Committee on Aids to Devotion. Id. for 6, or Is. per 100.
Prayers for Soldiers and Sailorc. Prepared by the Committee
on Aids to Devotion. Thirtieth Thousand 16mo, cloth limp. 2d. net.
, Reata : What's in a Name. By E. D. Gkraed. Cheap
Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
Beggar my Neighbour. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, Ss. 6d.
The Waters of Hercules. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, Ss. 6d.
A Sensitive Plant. Crown Svo, Ss. 6d.
A Foreigner. An Anglo -German Study. By E. Gerard.
Crown Svo, 6s.
The Land beyond the Forest. Facts, Figures, and Fancies
from Transylvania. With Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols, post Svo, 25b.
Bis : Some Tales Retold. Crown Svo, 6s.
A Secret Mission. 2 vols, crown Svo, 178.
An Electric Shock, and other Stories. Crown Svo, 6s.
The Impediment. By Dorothea Gerard. Crown Svo, 6s.
A Forgotten Sin. Crown Svo, 6s.
A Spotless Reputation. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 68.
William Blackwood and Sons, 13
The Wrong Man. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Lady Baby. Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Recha. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
The Rich Miss Riddell. Second Edition. Crown Bvo, 68.
GERARD. Stonyhurst Latin Grammar. By Rev. John Gbbabd.
Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, Ss.
GOOD ALL. Association Football. By John Goodall. Edited
by S. Archibald DE Bear. With Diagrams. In 1 vol. cro%vn Svo. [In the 'press.
At Home in Fiji. By C. F. Gordon Cumjonq. Fourth
Edition, post 8to. With Illustrations and Map. 7s. 6d.
A Lady's Cruise in a French Man-of-War. New and Cheaper
Edition. 8vo. With Illustrations and Map. 12s. 6d.
Fire-Fountains. The Bangdom of Hawaii : Its Volcanoes,
and the History of its Missions. With Map and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s.
Wanderings in China. New and Cheaper Edition. 8vo, with
Illustrations, lOs.
Granite Crags : The Yo-semit^ Region of California. Dlus-
trated with 8 Engravings. New and Cheaper Edition. Svo, 8s. 6d.
GRAHAM. Manual of the Elections (Scot.) (.Corrupt and Illegal
Practices) Act, 1890. With Analysis, Relative Act of Sederunt, Appendix con-
taining the Corrupt Practices Acts of 1883 and 1885, and Copious Index. By J.
Edwabd Graham, Advocate. Svo, 4s. 6d.
A Domestic Experiment. By Sarah Grand, Author of
' The Heavenly Twins,' ' Ideala : A Study from Life.' Crown Svo, 68.
Singularly Deluded. Crown Svo, 6s.
GRANT. Bush-Life in Queensland. By A. C. Grant. New
Edition. Crown Svo, 68.
GREGG. The Decian Persecution. Being the Hulsean Prize
Essay for 1896. By John A. F. Gregg, B A, late Scholar of Christ's College,
Cambridge. Crown Svo, 6s.
In Furthest Ind. The Narrative of Mr Edward Carlyon of
EUswether, in the County of Northampton, and late of the Honourable Bast India
Company's Service, Ctentleman. Wrote by his own hand in the year of grace 1697.
Edited, with a few Explanatory Notes, by Sydney C. Grier. Post Svo, 6s.
His Excellency's English Governess. Second Edition. Crown
Svo, 68.
An Uncrowned King : A Romance of High Politics. Second
Edition. Crown Svo, 6s.
Peace with Honour. Second Edition. Crown Svo, 6s.
A Crowned Queen: The Romance of a Minister of State.
Crown Svo, 6s.
GROOT. A Lotus Flower. By J. Morgan de Groot. Crown
Svo, 68.
GUTHRIE -SMITH. Orispus: A Drama. By H. Guthbds-
Smith. Fcap. 4to, 58.
HAGGARD. Under Crescent and Star. By Lieut.-Col. Andrew
Haooard, D.S.O., Author of 'Dodo and I,' 'Tempest Tom,' &c. With a
Portrait. Second Edition. Crown Svo, 6s.
HALDANE. Subtropical Cultivations and Climates. A Handy
Book for Planters, Colonists, and Settlers. By R. C. Haldamk. Post Svo, 98.
14 List of Books Published by
Wenderholme : A Story of Lancashire and Yorkshire Life
By P. O. Hauebton, Author of 'A Painter's Camp.' New Bdition. Crown
8vo, Ss. 6<1.
Marmome. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Lectures on Metaphysics. By Sir William Hamilton,
Bart., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in the University of Bdinborgh.
Edited by the Bev. H. L. Mansel, B.D., LL.D., Dean of 8t Paul's; and John
Veitch, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Logic and Rhetoric, Glasgow. Seventh
Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s.
Lectures on Logic. Edited by the Same. Third Edition,
Revised. 2 vols., 24s.
Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and
University Reform. Third Edition. 8vo, 2l8.
Memoir of Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Professor of Logic
and Metaphysics in the University of Edinburgh. By Professor Veitch, of the
University of Glasgow. 8vo, with Portrait, 18s.
Sir William Hamilton : The Man and his Philosophy. Two
Lectures delivered before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, January and
February 1883. By Professor Veitch. Crown 8vo, 28.
The Operations of War Explained and Illustrated. By
General Sir Edward Bruce Hamley, K.C.B., E.C.M.G. Fifth Edition, Revised
throughout. 4to, with numerous Illustrations, 30s.
National Defence ; Articles and Speeches. Post 8vo, 68.
Shakespeare's Funeral, and other Papers. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Thomas Carlyle : An Essay. Second Edition. Crown Svo,
2s. 6d.
On Outposts. Second Edition. Svo, 2s.
Wellington's Career ; A Military and Political Summary.
Crown 8vo, 28.
Lady Lee's Widowhood. New Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
Cheaper Edition, 2s. 6d.
Our Poor Relations. A Philozoic Essay. With Illustrations,
chiefly by Ernest Griset. Crown Svo, cloth gilt, Ss. 6d.
The Life of General Sir Edward Bruce Hamley, K.C.B.,
K.C.M.G. By Alexander Innes Shakd. With two Photogravure Portraits and
other Illustrations. Cheaper Edition. With a Statement by Mr Edward
Hamley. 2 vols, demy Svo, 10s. 6d.
HANNAY. The Later Renaissance. By David Hannay. Being
the second volume of ' Periods of European Literature. ' Edited by Professor
Saintsbury. Crown Svo, 5s. net.
HARE. Down the Village Street : Scenes in a West Country
Hamlet. By Christopher Hare. Second Edition. Crown Svo, 68.
In Varying Moods : Short Stories. By Beatrice Harraden,
Author of 'Ships that Pass in the Night.' Twelfth Edition Crown Svo, Ss. 6d.
Hilda Strafford, and The Remittance Man. Two Califomian
stories. Tenth Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. fid.
Untold Tales of the Past. With 40 Illustrations by H. R Millar.
Square crown Svo, gilt top, 6s.
From Batum to Baghdad, vid Tiflis, Tabriz, and Persian
Kurdistan. By Walter B. Harris, F.R.G.8., Author of 'The Land of an
African Sultan ; Travels in Morocco,' &c. With numerous Illustrations and 2
Maps. Demy Svo, 128.
William Blackwood and Sons. 15
Tafilet. The Narrative of a Journey of Exploration to the
Atlas Mountains and the Oases of the North-West Sahara. With Illustrations
by Maurice Romberg from Sketches and Photographs by the Author, and Two
Maps. Demy 8vo, 128.
A Journey through the Yemen, and some General Remarks
upon that Country. With 3 Maps and numerous Illustrations by Porestier and
Wallace from Sketches and Photographs taken by the Author. Demy 8vo, 168.
Danovitch, and other Stories. Crown 8vo, 6s.
HAY. The Works of the Right Rev. Dr George Hay, Bishop of
Edinburgh. Edited under the Supervision of the Right Rev. Bishop Strain.
With Memoir and Portrait of the Author. 5 vols, crown 8vo, bound in ertra
cloth, £1, Is. The following Volumes may be had separately — viz. :
The Devout Christian Instructed in the Law of Christ from the Written
Word. 2 vols., 8s. — The Pious Christian Instructed in the Nature and Practice
of the Principal Exercises of Piety. 1 vol., 38.
The Horse-Owner's Safeguard. A Handy Medical Guide for
every Man who owns a Horse. By G. 8. Heatley, M.R.C.V.S. Crown 8vo, 5s.
The Stock-Owner's Guide. A Handy Medical Treatise for
every Man who owns an Ox or a Cow. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d.
HEDDERWICK. Lays of Middle Age ; and other Poems. By
James Hedserwick, LL.D., Author of 'Backward Glances.' Price 3s. 6d.
The Poetical Works of Mrs Hemans. Copyright Edition.
Royal 8vo, with Engravings, cloth, gilt edges, 7s. 6d.
Select Poems of Mrs Hemans. Fcap., cloth, gilt edges, 3s.
HENDERSON. The Young Estate Manager's Guide. By
Richard Henderson, Member (by Examination) of the Royal Agricultural
Society of England, tlie Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, and
the Surveyors' Institution. With Plans and Diagrams. Crown 8vo, 5s.
HERKLESS. Cardinal Beaton: Priest and Politician. By
John Herkless, Professor of Church History, St Andrews. With a Portrait.
Post 8vo, 7s. 6d.
HEWISON. The Isle of Bute in the Olden Time. With Hlus-
trations. Maps, and Plans. By James Kino Hewison, M.A., P.8.A. (Scot.),
Minister of Rothesay. Vol. I., Celtic Saints and Heroes. Crown 4to, 16s. net.
Vol. II., The Royal Stewards and the Brandanes. Crown 4to, 15s. net.
HIBBEN. Inductive Logic. By John Grier Hibben, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of Logic in Princeton University, U.S.A. Cr. 8vo, 3s. 6d. net.
HOME PRAYERS. By Ministers of the Church of Scotland
and Members of the Church Service Society. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, Ss.
HORNBY. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Geoffrey Phipps Hornby,
G.C.B. A Biography, By Mrs Fred. Egerton. With Three Portraits. Demv
8vo, 16s.
HUTCHINSON. Hints on the Game of Golf. By Horace G.
Hutchinson. Ninth Edition, Enlarged. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. Is.
HYSLOP. The Elements of Ethics. By James H. Hyslop,
Ph.D., Instructor in Ethics, Columbia College, New York, Author of 'The
Elements of Logic' Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. net.
IDDESLEIGH. Life, Letters, and Diaries of Sir Stafford North-
cote, First Earl of Iddesleigh. By Andrew Lang. With Three Portraits and a
View of Pynes. Third Edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, 3l8. 6d.
Popular Edition. With Portrait and View of Pynes. Post 8vo, 78. 6d.
JEAN JAMBON. Our Trip to Blunderland ; or. Grand Ex-
cursion to Blundertown and Back. By Jean Jambon. With Sixty Illustrations
designed by Charles Doyle, engraved by Dalziel. Fourth Thousand. Cloth,
gUt edges, 68. 6d. Cheap Edition, cloth, Ss. 6d. Boards, 28. 6d.
1 6 List of Books Published by
A Strange Career. The Life and Adventures of John
Gladwyn Jebb. By his Widow. With an Introduction by H. Rider Haooard,
and an Electrogravure Portrait of Mr Jebb. Third Edition. Demy 8vo, lOs. 6d.
Cheap Edition. With Illustrations by John Wallace. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Some Unconventional People. By Mrs Gladwyn Jebb,
Author of ' Life and Adventures of J. G. Jebb.' With Illustrations. Crown
8vo, 38. 6d.
Reminiscences of an Attach^. By Hubekt E. H. Jebkinohah.
Second Edition. Crown Svo, 58
Diane de Breteuille. A Love Story. Crown Svo, 2s. 6d.
The Chemistry of Common Life. By Professor J. F. W.
Johnston. New Edition, Revised. By Arthur Herbert Chuech, M. A. Oxon.;
Author of ' Food : its Sources, Constituents, and Uses,' &c. With Maps and 102
Engravings. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. An entireW New
Edition from the Edition by Sir Charles A. Cameron, M.D., F.R.C.8.I., &c.
Revised and brought down to date by C. M. Airman, M.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E.,
Professor of Chemistry, Glasgow Veterinary College. 17th Edition. Crown Svo,
6b. 6d.
Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry. An entirely New
Edition from the Edition by Sir Charles A. Cameron. Revised and Enlarged
by C. M. AiKMAN, M.A., &c. 95th Thousand. With numerous Illustrations.
Crown Svo, Is.
JOHNSTON. Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Acts, 1883 and
1S89 ; and the Ground Game Act, 1880. With Notes, and Summary of Procedure,
&c. By Christopher N. Johnston, M.A., Advocate. Demy Svo, 5s.
JOKAL Timar's Two Worlds. By Maurus Jokai. Authorised
Translation by Mrs Heoan Kennard. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, 68.
KEBBEL. The Old and the New : English Country Life. By
T. B. Eebbel, M. a.. Author of ' The Agricultural Labourers,' ' Essays in History
and Politics,' ' Life of Lord Beaconsfleld.' Crown Svo, 5s.
KERR. St Andrews in 1645-46. By D. R. Kerb. Crown
Svo, 2s. 6d.
History of the Invasion of the Crimea. By A. W. Kinolake.
Cabinet Edition, Revised. With an Index to the Complete Work. Illustrated
with Maps and Plans. Complete in 9 vols., crown Svo, at 6s. each.
Abridged Edition for Military Students. Revised by
Lieut.-Col. Sir George Sydenham Clarke, K.C.M.G., R.E. In 1 vol. demy Svo.
[In the press.
History of the Livasion of the Crimea. Demy 8vo. Vol. VI.
Winter Troubles. With a Map, 16s. Vols. VII. and VIII. From the Morrow of
Inkerman to the Death of Lord Raglan With an Index to the Whole Work.
With Maps and Flans. 28s
Eothen. A New Edition, uniform with the Cabinet Edition
of the ' History of the Invasion of the Crimea.' 6s.
Cheaper Edition. With Portrait and Biographical Sketch of the Author.
Crown Svo, 38. 6d. Popular Edition, in paper cover, Is net.
KIRBY. In Haunts of Wild Game: A Hunter- Naturalist's
Wanderings from Eatjamba to Libombo. By Frederick Vauohan Eirby,
F.Z.S. (Maqaqamba). With numerous Illustrations by Charles Whymper, and a
Map. Large demy Svo, 25s.
William Blackwood and Sons. 17
KNEIPP. My Water -Cure. As Tested through more than
Thirty Years, and Described for the Healing of Diseases and the Preservation of
Health. By Sebastian Rneipp, Parish Priest of Worishofen (Bavaria). With a
Portrait and other Illustrations. Authorised English Translation from the
Thirtieth German Edition, by A. de F. Cheap Edition. With an Appendix, con-
taining the Latest Developments of Pfarrer Kneipp's System, and a Preface by
E. Gerard. Crown 8vo, Ss. 6d.
KNOLLYS. The Elements of Field-ArtUlery. Designed for
the Use of Infantry and Cavalry Officers. By Henry Knollys, Colonel Royal
Artillery; Author of 'From Sedan to Saarbriick,' Editor of 'Incidents in the
Sepoy War,' &c. With Engravings. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Life, Letters, and Diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, First
Earl of Iddesleigh. By Andrew Lang. With Three Portraits and a View of
Pynes. Third Edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, 31s. 6d.
Popular Edition. With Portrait and View of Pynes. Post 8vo, Ts. 6d.
The Highlands of Scotland in 1750. From Manuscript 104
in the King's Library, British Museum. With an Introduction by Andrew Lano
Crown 8vo, 5s. net.
LANG. The Expansion of the Christian Life. The Duff Lec-
ture for 1«97 By the Rev J. Marshall Lang, D D Crown 8vo, 5s.
LAPWOEIH. Intermediate Text-Book of Geology. By Pro-
fessor Lapworth, LL.D., F.R.S., &c. Founded on Dr Page's 'Introductory
Text-Book of Geologj'. ' With Illustrations. In 1 vol. crown 8vo. [Immediately.
LEES. A Handbook of the Sheriff and Justice of Peace Small
Debt Courts. With Notes, References, and Forms. By J. M. Lees, Advocate,
Sheriff of Stirling. Dumbarton, and Clackmannan. 8vo, Ts. fid.
LENNOX AND STUKROCK. The Elements of Physical Educa-
tion : ATeaeher's Manual. By David Lennox, M.D., late R.N., Medical Director
of Dundee Public Gymnasium, and Alexander Stiirrock, Superintendent of
Dundee Public Gymnasium, Instructor to the University of St Andrews and
Dundee High School. With Original Musical Accompaniments to the Drill by
Harry Everitt Loseby. With 130 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 4s.
LEWES. Dr Southwood Smith : A Ketrospect. By his Grand-
daughter, Mrs Charles Lewes (Gertrude Hill). With Portraits and other Illus-
trations. In 1 vol. demy 8vo. [In the press.
Recent Advances in Theistic Philosophy of Religion. By Rev.
James Lindsay, M.A., B.D., B.Sc, F.R.8.B., F.G.S., Minister of the Parish of
St Andrew's, Kilmarnock. Demy 8vo, 12s. 6d. net.
The Progressiveness of Modem Christian Thought. Crown
8vo, 6s.
Essays, Literary and Philosophical. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
The Significance of the Old Testament for Modern Theology.
Crown 8vo, Is. net.
The Teaching Function of the Modern Pulpit. Crown 8vo,
la. net.
Doubles and Quits. By Laubencb W. M. Lockhart. New
Edition. Crown 8vo, Ss. 6d.
Fair to See. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Mine is Thine. New Edition. Crown Bvo, 3s. 6d.
The Church of Scotland in the Thirteenth Century. The
Life and Times of David de Bemham of St Andrews (Bishop), a.d. 1239 to 1253.
With List of Churches dedicated by him, and Dates. By William Lockhart,
A.M., D.D., F.8.A. Scot., Minister of Colinton Parish. 2d Edition. Svo, 68.
1 8 List of Books Published by
Dies Tristes : Sermons for Seasons of Sorrow. Crown 8vo, 6s.
The Institutes of Law : A Treatise of the Principles of Juris-
prudence as determined by Nature. By the late James Lorimer, Professor of
Public Law and of the Law of Nature and Nations in the University of Edin>
burgh. New Edition, Revised and much Enlarged. 8vo, 18s.
The Institutes of the Law of Nations. A Treatise of the
Jural Relation of Separate Political Communities. In 2 vols. 8vo. Volume I.,
price 16s. Volume II., price 20s.
LUGARD. The Rise of our East African Empire : Early Efforts
in Uganda and Nyasaland. By F. D. Luoard, Captain Norfolk Regiment.
With 130 Illustrations from Drawings and Photographs under the personal
superintendence of the Autlior, and 14 specially prepared Maps. In 2 vols, large
demy 8vo, 42s.
Essays on Nature and Culture. By Hamilton Wright Mabie.
With Portrait. Fcap. 8vo, 33. 6d.
Books and Culture. Fcap. 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Miriam Cromwell, Royalist : A Romance of the Great Rebel-
lion. By DoEA Greenwell McChesney. Crown 8vo, Cs.
Kathleen Clare : Her Book, 1637-41. With Frontispiece, and
Ave full-page Illustrations by James A. Shearman. Crown 8vo, 6s.
M'COMBIE. Cattle and Cattle-Breeders. By William M'Combie,
Tillyfour. New Edition, Enlarged, with Memoir of the Author by Jambs
Macdonald, F.R.S.E., Secretary Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.
Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Works of the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, D.D. Uniform Edition.
4 vols, crown 8vo, 24s.
Life of John Knox. Crown 8vo, 6s. Another Edition, 3s. 6d.
Life of Andrew Melville. Crown Svo, 6s.
History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation
in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. Crown 8vo, 4s.
History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation
in Spain in the Sixteenth Century. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
M'CRIE. The Public Worship of Presbyterian Scotland. Histori-
cally treated. With copious Notes, Appendices, and Index. The Fourteenth
Series of the Cunningham Lectures. By the Rev. Charles G. M'Crie, D.D.
Demy Svo, 10s. 6d.
MACDONALD. A Manual of the Criminal Law (Scotland) Pro-
cedure Act, 1887. By Norman Doran Macdonald. Revised by the Lord
Jdstice-Clerk. 8vo, 10s. 6d.
MACDOUGALL and DODDS. A Manual of the Local Govern-
ment (Scotland) Act, 1894. With Introduction, Explanatory Notes, and Copious
Index. By J. Patten MacDouoall, Legal Secretary to the Lord Advocate, and
J. M. Dodds. Tenth Thousand, Revised. Crown Svo, 23. 6d. net.
MACINTYRE. Hindu-Koh : Wanderings and Wild Sports on
and beyond the Himalayas. By Major-General Donald Macintvbe, V.C, late
Prince of Wales' Own Goorkhas, F.R.G.8. Dedicated to H.R.H. the Prince of
Wales. New and Cheaper Edition, Revised, with numerous Illustrations. Post
Svo, 33. 6d.
Elements of Modem Geography. By the Rev. Alexander
Mackay, LL.D., F.R.G.S. 55th Thousand, Revised to the present time. Crown
Svo, pp. 300, 38.
William Blackwood and Sons. 19
The Intermediate Geography. Intended as an Intermediate
Book between the Author's 'Outlines of Geography' and' Elements of Geo-
graphy.' Eighteenth Edition, Revised. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 238, 2s.
Outlines of Modern Geography. 191st Thousand, Kevised to
the present time. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 128, Is.
Elements of Physiography. New Edition. Eewritten and
Enlarged. With numerous Illustrations. Crown Svo. [In the press
MACKENZIE. Studies in Eoman Law. With Comparative
Views of the Laws of France, England, and Scotland. By Lord Mackenzie,
one of the Judges of the Court of Session in Scotland. Seventh Edition, Edited
by John Kirkpatrick, M.A., LL.B., Advocate, Professor of History in the
University of Edinburgh. In 1 vol. Svo. [In the press.
MTHERSON. Golf and Golfers. Past and Present. By J.
Gordon M'Pherson, Ph.D., F.R.S.E. With an Introduction by the Right Hon.
A. J. Balfour, and a Portrait of the Author. Fcap. Svo, Is. 6d.
MACRAE. A Handbook of Deer-Stalking. By Alexander
Macrae, late Forester to Lord Henry Bentinck. With Introduction by Horatio
Ross, Esq. Fcap. Svo, ■» ith 2 Photographs from Life. 3s. 6d.
MAIN. Three Hundred English Sonnets. Chosen and Edited
by David M. Main. New Edition. Fcap. Svo, 3s. 6d.
MAIR. A Digest of Laws and Decisions, Ecclesiastical and
Civil, relating to the Constitution, Practice, and Affairs of the Church of Scot-
land. With Notes and Forms of Procedure. By the Rev. William Maib, D.D.,
Minister of the Parish of Earlston. New Edition, Revised. Crown Svo, 9s. net.
MAESHMAN. History of India. From the Earliest Period to
the present time. By John Clark Marshman, C.S.I. Third and Cheaper
Edition. Post Svo, with Map, 6s.
The ^neid of Virgil. Books I.-VI. Translated by Sir Theo-
dore Martin, K.C.B. Post Svo, 7s. 6d.
Goethe's Faust. Part I. Translated into English Verse.
Second Edition, crown Svo, 6s. Ninth Edition, fcap. Svo, 3f>. 6d.
Goethe's Faust. Part II. Translated into English Verse.
Second Edition, Revised. Fcap. Svo, 6s.
The Works of Horace. Translated into English Verse, with
Life and Notes. 2 vols. New Edition. Crown Svo, 21 s.
Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine. Done into English
Verse. Third Edition. Small crown Svo, 5s.
The Song of the Bell, and other Translations from Schiller,
Goethe, Uhland, and Others. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d.
Madonna Pia : A Tragedy ; and Three Other Dramas. Crown
Svo, 7s. 6d. _ _
Catullus. With Life and Notes. Second Edition, Revised
and Corrected. Post Svo, 7*". ed.
The ' Vita Nuova ' of Dante. Translated, with an Introduction
and Notes. Third Edition. Small crown Svo, 58.
Aladdin : A Dramatic Poem. By Adam Oehlenschlaeger.
Fcap. Svo, 5s.
Correggio : A Tragedy. By Oehlenschlaeger. With Notes.
Fcap. Svo, 38.
MARTIN. On some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. By
Helena Faucit, Lady Martin. Dedicated hy permission to Her Most Gracious
Majesty the Queen. Fifth Edition. With a Portrait by Lehmann. Demy Svo,
7s. 6d.
MARWICK. Observations on the Law and Practice in regard
to Municipal Elections and the Conduct of the Business of Town Councils and
Commissioners of Police in Scotland. By Sir James D. Mabwick, LL.D.,
Town-Clerk of Glasgow. Royal 8to, 808.
20 List of Books Published by
Can the Old Faith Live with the New ? or, The Problem of
Evolution and Revelation. By the Rev. Okorok Mathbson, D.D. Third Edi-
tion. Crown 8vo, 78. 6d.
The Psalmist and the Scientist ; or, Modem Value of the Reli-
gious Sentiment. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 58.
Spiritual Development of St Paul. Fourth Edition, Cr. 8vo, 58.
The Distinctive Messages of the Old Religions. Second Edi-
tion. Crown 8vo, 58.
Sacred Songs. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
MATHIESON. The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Jesus Christ
our Lord, as set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. By J. E. Mathieson,
Superintendent of Mildmay Conference Hall, 1880 to 1890. Second Edition.
Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
MAURICE. The Balance of Military Power in Europe. An
Examination of the War Resources of Great Britain and the Continental States.
By Colonel Maurice, R.A., Professor of Military Art and History at the Royal
Staff College. Crown 8vo, with a Map, 6s.
The Honourable Sir Charles Murray, K.C.B. A Memoir.
By Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., M.P., P.S.A., Ac, Author of 'Passages in
the Life of Sir Lucian Elphin.' With Five Portraits. Demy 8vo, IBs.
Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. William Henry Smith, M.P.
With Portraits and numerous Illustrations by Herbert Railton, Q. L. Seymour,
and Others. 2 vols, demy 8vo, 258.
Popular Edition. With a Portrait and other Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 38. 6d.
Scottish Land-Names : Their Origin and Meaning. Being
the Rhind Lectures in Archaeology for 1893. Post 8vo, 68.
Meridiana : Noontide Essays. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Post Meridiana : Afternoon Essays. Post Bvo, 6s.
A Duke of Britain. A Romance of the Fourth Century.
Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, 68.
Dumfries and Galloway. Being one of the Volumes of the
County Histories of Scotland. With Four Maps. Demy 8vo, 7s. 6d. net.
Holland and the Hollanders. By D. Storrar Meldrtjm.
With numerous Illustrations In 1 vol. square Bvo. [In the jiress.
The Story of Margrddel Being a Fireside History of a Fife-
shire Family. Cheap Edition. Crown Bvo, Ss. 6d.
Grey Mantle and Gold Fringe. Crown Bvo, 6s.
MELLONE. Studies in Philosophical Criticism and Construction.
By Sydney Herbert Mellone, M.A. Lond., D.Sc Edin. Post Bvo. 10s. 6d. net.
MERZ. A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Cen-
tury. By John Theodore Merz. Vol. I., post Bvo, 10s. 6d. net.
The Larch : Being a Practical Treatise on its Culture and
General Management. By Christopher Y. Michie, Forester, Cullen House.
Crown Bvo, with Illustrations. New and Cheaper Edition, Enlarged, 5s.
The Practice of Forestry. Crown 8vo, with Illustrations. 6s
MIDDLETON. The Story of Alastair Bhan Comvn ; or, The
Tragedy of Dunphail. A Tale of Tradition and Romance. By the Lady Middle-
ton. Square Bvo, 10s. Cheaper Edition, 58.
MIDDLETON. Latin Verse Unseens. By G. Middleton, M.A.,
Lecturer in Latin, Aberdeen University ; late Scholar of Emmanuel College. Cam-
bridge ; Joint-Author of ' Student's Companion to Latin Authors.' Crown Bvo,
18. 6d.
William Blackwood and Sons. 31
MILLER. The Dream of Mr H , the Herbalist. By Hugh
Miller, P.R.S.E., late H.M. Geological Survey, Author of ' Landscape Geology.
With a Photogravure Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
MILLS. Greek Verse Unseens. By T. R. Mills, M.A., late
Lecturer in Greek, Aberdeen University ; formerly Scholar of Wadham College,
Oxford ; Joint- Author of ' Student's Companion to Latin Authors. Crown 8vo,
Is. 6d.
A Manual of English Prose Literature, Biographical and
Critical: designed mainly to show Characteristics of Style. By W. Minto,
M. A., Hon. LL.D. of St Andrews ; Professor of Logic in the University of Aber-
deen. Third Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Characteristics of English Poets, from Chaucer to Shirley.
New Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo, 78. 6d.
Plain Principles of Prose Composition. Crown 8vo, Is. 6d.
The Literature of the Georgian Era. Edited, with a Bio-
graphical Introduction, by Professor Knight, St Andrews. Post 8vo, 68.
Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith. By D. M. Moir.
With Cruikshank's Illustrations. Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Another Edition, without Illustrations, fcap. 8vo, Is. 6d.
Domestic Verses. Centenary Edition. With a Portrait. Crown
8vo, 2s. 6d. net.
MOLE. For the Sake of a Slandered Woman. By Marion
MoLK. Fcap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. net.
Defects of Modern Christianity, and other Sermons. By Rev.
Alfred Williams Momerie, M.A., D.Sc, LL.D. Fifth Edition. Crowrj 8vo, 58.
The Basis of Religion. Being an Examination of Natural
Religion. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
The Origin of Evil, and other Sermons. Eighth Edition,
Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Personality. The Beginning and End of Metaphysics, and a Ne-
cessary Assumption in all Positive Philosophy. Fifth Ed., Revised. Cr. 8vo, 38.
Agnosticism. Fourth Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo, 58.
Preaching and Hearing ; and other Sermons. Fourth Edition,
Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Belief in God. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s.
Inspiration ; and other Sermons. Second Edition, Enlarged.
Crown 8vo, 5s.
Church and Creed. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d.
The Future of Religion, and other Essays. Second Edition.
Crown 8vo, 38. 6d.
The English Church and the Romish Schism. Second Edition.
Crown 8vo, 2s. t)d.
The Provost-Marshal. A Romance of the Middle Shires. By
the Hon. Frederick Moncrkiff. Crown 8vo, 6s.
The X Jewel. A Romance of the Days of James VI. Cr. 8vo, 6s.
MONTAGUK Military Topography. Illustrated by Practical
Examples of a Practical Subject. By Major-General W. E. Montague, C.B.,
P.S.C., late Garrison Instructor Intelligence Department, Author of ' Campaign-
ing in South Africa.' With Forty-one Diagrams. Crown 8vo, 58.
MONTALEMBERT. Memoir of Count de Montalembert. A
Chapter of Recent French History. By Mrs Oliphamt, Anthor of the ' Life of
Edward Irving,' &c. 2 vols, crown 8vo, £1, 48.
22 List of Books Published by
Doorside Ditties. By Jeanie Morison. With a Frontispiece.
Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
iEolus. A Romance in Lyrics. Crown 8vo, 3s.
There as Here. Crown 8vo, 3s.
*,* A limUed impression on, hand-made paper, bound in vellum, ?«. 6d.
Selections from Poems. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d.
Sordello. An Outline Analysis of Mr Browning's Poem.
Crown 8vo, 3s.
Of " Fifine at the Fair," " Christmas Eve and Easter Day,"
and other of Mr Browning's Poems. Crown 8vo, 3s.
The Purpose of the Ages. Crown Svo, 9s.
Gordon : An Our-day Idyll. Crown Svo, 3s.
Saint Isadora, and other Poems. Crown Svo, Is. 6d.
Snatches of Song. Paper, Is. 6d. ; cloth, 3s.
Pontius Pilate. Paper, Is. 6d. ; cloth, 3s.
Mill o' Forres. Crown Svo, Is.
Ane Booke of Ballades. Fcap. 4to, Is.
John Splendid. The Tale of a Poor Gentleman and the Little
Wars of Lorn. By Neil Munro. Crown Svo, 63.
The Lost Pibroch, and other Shelling Stories. Second
Rdition. Crown Svo, 33. 6d.
Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia.
With an Account of the proceedings of the Congress of Archaeologists and
Anthropologists held at Sarajevo in 1S94. By Robkrt Munro, M.A., M.D.,
P.R.S.E., Author of the ' Lake Dwellings of Europe,' &c. With numerous illus-
trations. Demy Svo, 12s. 6d. net.
Prehistoric Problems. With numerous Illustrations. Demy
8vo, lOs. net.
MUNRO. On Valuation of Property. By William Munro,
M.A., Her Majesty's Assessor of Railways and Canals for Scotland. Second
Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Svo, 3s. 6d.
MURDOCH. Manual of the Law of Insolvency and Bankruptcy :
Comprehending a Summary of the Law of Insolvency, Notour Bankruptcy,
Composition -Contracts, Trust -Deeds, Cessios, and Sequestrations; and the
Winding-up of Joint-Stock Companies in Scotland : with Annotations on the
various Insolvency and Bankruptcy Statutes ; and with Forms of Procedure
applicable to these Sabjects. By Jambs MaRoocH, Member of the Faculty of
Procurators in Glasgow. Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Svo, 12s. net.
MYERS. A Manual of Classical Geography. By John L.
Myers, M.A., Fellow of Magdalene College; Lecturer and Tutor, Christ Church,
Oxford. In 1 vol. crown Svo. [In the press.
no Plot in Particular. By A Plain Woman. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, 33. 6d.
By the Same Author.
POOR NELLIE. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
NAPIER. The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Loga-
rithms. By JoH» Napier of Merohiston. Translated, with Notes, and a
Catalogue of Napier's Works, by William Rae Macdonald. Small 4to, 15s.
A few larqe-paper copies on, Whatman paper, 30s.
NEAVES. Songs and Verses, Social and Scientific. By An Old
Contributor to 'Maga.' By the Hon. Lord Neaves. Fifth Edition. Fcap.
Svo, 48.
William Blackwood and Sons. 23
A Manual of Zoology, for the Use of Students. With a
General Introduction on the Principles of Zoology. By Henry Alleynb
Nicholson, M.D., D.Sc, P.L.8., F.G.S., Regius Professor of Natural History in
the University of Aberdeen. Seventh Edition, Rewritten and Enlarged. Post
8vo, pp. 956, with 555 Engravings on Wood, 18s.
Text-Book of Zoology, for Junior Students. Fifth Edition.
Rewritten and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, with 358 Engravings on Wood, 10s. 6d.
Introductory Text-Book of Zoology. New Edition. Revised
by Author and Alexander Brown, M.A., M.B., B.Sc, Lecturer on Zoology in
the University of Aberdeen. [In the press.
A Manual of Palaeontology, for the Use of Students. With a
General Introduction on the Principles of Palaeontology. By Professor H.
Alleyne Nicholson and Richard Lydekker, B.A. Third Edition, entirely
Rewritten and greatly Enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, £3,'3s.
The Ancient Life-History of the Earth. An Outline of the
Principles and Leading Facts of Palaiontological Science. Crown 8vo, with 276
Engravings, 10s. 6d.
On the " Tabulate Corals " of the Palaeozoic Period, with
Critical Descriptions of Illustrative Species. Illustrated with 15 Lithographed
Plates and numerous Engravings. Super-royal 8vo, 21s.
Synopsis of the Classification of the Animal Kingdom. 8vo,
with 106 Illustrations, 6s.
On the Structure and Affinities of the Genus Monticulipora
and its Sub-Genera, with Critical Descriptions of Illustrative Species. Illustrated
with numerous Engravings on Wood and Lithographed Plates. Super-royal
8vo, 18s.
Thoth. A Romance. By Joseph Shield Nicholson, M.A.,
D.Sc, Professor of Commercial and Political Economy and Mercantile Law in
the University of Edinburgh. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d.
A Dreamer of Dreams. A Modern Romance. Second Edi-
tion. Crown 8vo, 6s.
MasoUam : A Problem of the Period. A Novel. By Laueence
Oliphant. 3 vols, post 8vo, 25s. 6d.
Scientific Religion ; or. Higher Possibilities of Life and
Practice through the Operation of Natural Forces. Second Edition. 8vo, 163.
Altiora Peto. Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo, boards, 2s. 6d.;
cloth, 3s. 6d. Illustrated Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.
Piccadilly. With Illustrations .by Richard Doyle. New Edi-
tion, Ss. 6d. Cheap Edition, boards, 2s. 6d.
k Traits and Travesties ; Social and Political. Post 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Episodes in a Life of Adventure; or. Moss from a Rolling
stone. Cheaper Edition. Post 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Haifa : Life in Modern Palestine. Second Edition. Svo, 7s. 6d.
The Land of Gilead. With Excursions in the Lebanon.
With Illustrations and Maps. Demy 8vo, 21s.
Memoir of the Life of Laurence Oliphant, and of Alice
Oliphant, his Wife. By Mrs M. O. W. Oliphant. Seventh Edition. 2 vols,
post 8vo, with Portraits. 2l8.
Popular Edition. With a New Preface. Post Svo, with Portraits. Ts. 6d.
Annals of a Publishing House. William Blackwood and his
Sons ; Their Magazine and Friends. By Mrs Oliphant. With Four Portraits.
Third Edition. Demy Svo. Vols. I. and II. £2, 28.
A Widow's Tale, and other Stories. With an Introductory
Note by J. M. Babrie. Second Edition. Crown Svo, 6s.
24 List of Books Published by
Who was Lost and is Found. Second Edition. Crown
8vo, 68.
Miss Marjoribanks. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
The Perpetual Curate, and The Rector. New Edition. Crown
8vo, 38. 6d.
Salem Chapel, and The Doctor's Family. New Edition.
Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d
Chronicles of Carlingford. 3 vols, crown 8vo, in uniform
binding, gilt top, 3s. 6d. each.
Katie Stewart, and other Stories. New Edition. Crown 8vo,
cloth, Ss. 6d.
Katie Stewart. Illustrated boards, 2s. 6d.
Valentine and his Brother. New Edition. Crown Svo, 38. 6d
Sons and Daughters. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
Two Stories of the Seen and the Unseen. The Open Door
—Old Lady Mary. Paper covers, Is.
OLIPHANT. Notes of a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy
Land. By P. R. Oliphant. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
Intermediate Text-Book of Geology. By David Page, LL.D.,
Professor of Geology in the Durham University of Physical Science, Newcastle.
With Engravings and Glossarial Index. New Edition. Revised by Professor
Lapworth of Mason Science College, Birmingham. [In the press.
Advanced Text-Book of Geology, Descriptive and Industrial.
With Engravings, and Glossary of Scientific Terms. New Edition. Revised by
Professor Lapworth. [In preparation.
Introductory Text-Book of Physical Geography. With Sketch -
Maps and Illustrations. Edited by Professor Lapworth, LL.D., F.G.8., &c..
Mason Science College, Birmingham. Thirteenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged.
2s. 6d.
Advanced Text- Book of Physical Geography. Third Edition.
Revised and Enlarged by Professor Lapworth. With Engravings. 58.
PATERSON. A Manual of Agricultural Botany. From the
German of Dr A. B. Prank, Professor In the Royal Agricultural College, Berlin
Translated by John W. Paterson, B.Sc, Ph.D., Free Life Member of the High-
land and Agricultural Society of Scotland, and of the Royal Agricaltural Society
of England. With over 100 Illustrations. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
Spindrift. By Sir J. Noel Paton. Fcap., cloth, 5s.
Poems by a Painter. Fcap., cloth, 5s.
•PATON. Castlebraes. Drawn from "The Tinlie MSS." By
James Paton, B.A., Editor of 'Jotn G. Paton: an Autobiography,' Ac, &c
Crown Svo, 6s.
PATRICK. The Apology of Origen in Reply to Celsus. A Chap-
ter in the History of Apologetics. By the Rev. J. Patrick, D.D., Professor of
Biblical Criticism in the University of Edinburgh. Post Svo, 78. 6d.
PAUL. History of the Royal Company of Archers, the Queen's
Body-Guard for Scotland. By James Balfour Paul, Advocate of the Scottish
Bar. Crown 4to, with Portraits and other Illustrations. £2, 28.
PEARSE. Soldier and Traveller: Bting the Memoirs of
Alexander Gardner, Colonel of Artillery in the Service of Maharaji Ran.jit
Singh. Edited by Major Huoh Pearse, 2nd Battalioa the East Surrey Regiment.
With an Introduction by the Right Hon. Sir Richard Temple, Bart., G.C.8. 1.
With Two Portraits and Maps. Demy Svo, 15s.
PEILE. Lawn Tennis as a Game of Skill. By Lieut.-Col. S. C.
p. Peile, B.S.C. Revised Edition, with new Scoring Rules. Pcap. Svo, cloth, Is.
William Blackwood and Sons. 2$
fessor Saintsburv. For list of volumes see page 2.
PETTIGREW. The Handy Book of Bees, and their Profitable
Management. By A. Pettigrbw. Fifth Edition, Enlarged, with Engravings.
Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
PFLEIDERER. Philosophy and Development of Religion.
Being the Edinburgh Gifford Lectures for 1894. By Otto Pfleiderer, D.D.,
Professor of Theology at Berlin University. In 2 vols, post Svo, 15s. net.
PHILLIPS. The Knight's Tale. By F. Emily Phillips, Author
of ' The Education of Antonia.' Crown Svo, 3s. Pd.
Edited by William Knioht, LL.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy, Universitj
of 8t Andrews. In crown Svo volumes, with Portraits, price 33. 6d.
[For List of Volumes, see page ?.
POLLARD. A Study in Municipal Government : The Corpora-
tion of Berlin. By James Pollard, C.A., Chairman of the Edinburgh Public
Health Committee, and Secretary of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.
Second Edition, Revised. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
POLLOK. The Course of Time : A Poem. By Robert Pollok,
A.M. New Edition With Portrait. Pcap. Svo, gilt top, 28. 6d.
PORT ROYAL LOGIC. Translated from the French; with
Introduction, Notes, and Appendix. By Thomas Spencer Baynes, LL.D., Pro-
fessor in the University of St Andrews. Tenth Edition, 12mo, 48.
Aditus Faciliores : An Easy Latin Construing Book, witl
Complete Vocabulary By A. W. Potts, M.A., LL.D., and the Rev. C. Darnell,
M. A., Head-Master of Cargilfleld Preparatory School Edinburgh. Tenth Edition,
fcap. Svo, 38. 6d.
Aditus Faciliores Graeci. An Easy Greek Construing Book,
with Complete Vocabulary. Fifth Edition, Revised. Fcap. Svo, 3s.
POTTS. School Sermons. By the late Alexander Wm. Potts,
LL.D., First Head-Master of Fettes College. With a Memoir and Portrait.
Crown Svo, 7s. 6d.
PRINGLE. The Live Stock of the Farm. By Robert O.
Pringle. Third Edition. Revised and Edited by James MAca)ONALD. Crowr.
Svo, 78. 6d.
from 1707 to 1S47, with Chronological Table and Index. 3 vols, large Svo, £3, 38
COLLECTION OF. Published Annually, with General Index.
RAMSAY. Scotland and Scotsmen in the Eighteenth Century.
Edited from the M88. of John Ramsat, Esq. of Ochtertyre, by Alexandep
Allardyce, Author of 'Memoir of Admiral Lord Keith, K.B.,' Ac. 2 vols.
Svo, 31a. 6d.
RANJITSINHJI The Jubilee Book of Cricket. By Princk
Edition db Luxe. Limited to 350 Copies, printed on hand made paper, and
handsomely bound in buckram. Crown 4to, with 22 Photogravures and 85
full-page Plates. Bach copy signed by Prince Ranjitsinh.ji. Price £5, 5s. net.
Pine Paper Edition. Medium Svo, with Photogra\nire Frontispiece and 106
full-page Plates on art paper. 25.s. net.
Popular Edition. With 107 full-page Illustrations. Sixth Edition. Lai^
crown Svo, 68.
A Handbook of the Church of Scotland. By James Rankin,
D.D., Minister of Muthill ; Author of 'Character Studies in the Old Testament,
&c. An entirely New and much Enlarged Edition. Crown Svo, with 2 Maps',
78. 6d.
The First Saints. Post Svo, 7s. 6d.
26 List of Books Published by
The Creed in Scotland. An Exposition of the Apostles'
Creed. With Extracts from Archbishop Hamilton's Catechism of 1552, John
Calvin's Catechism of 1556, and a Catena of Ancient Latin and other Hymns.
Post 8vo, 7s. 6d.
The Worthy Communicant. A Guide to the Devout Obser-
vance of the Lord's Supper. Liinp cloth, Is. 3d.
The Young Churchman. Lessons on the Creed, the Com-
mandments, the Means of Grace, and the Church. Limp cloth, Is. 3d.
First Communion Lessons. 25th Edition. Paper Cover, 2d.
RANKINE. A Hero of the Dark Continent. Memoir of Rev.
Wm. Affleck Scott, M. A., M.B., CM., Church of Scotland Missionary at Blantyre,
British Central Africa. By W. Henry Rankine, B.D., Minister at Titwood.
With a Portrait and other Illustrations. Cheap Edition. Cro-\vn 8vo, 2s.
The Poetry and the Religion of the Psalms. The Croall
Lectures, 1893-94. By James Robertson, D.D., Professor of Oriental Languages
in the University of Glasgow. In 1 vol. demy 8vo. \lti the press.
The Early Religion of Israel. As set forth by Biblical Writers
and Modern Critical Historians. Being the Baird Lecture for 1888-89. Fourth
Edition. Crown 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Orellana, and other Poems. By J. Logie Robeetson,
M.A. Fcap. 8vo. Printed on hand-made paper. 6s.
A History of English Literature. For Secondary Schools.
With an Introduction by Professor Masson, Edinburgh University. Cr. 8vo, Ss.
English Verse for Junior Classes. In Two Parts. Part I. —
Chaucer to Coleridge. Part II. — Nineteenth Century Poets. Crown 8vo, each
Is. 6d. net.
Outlines of English Literature for Young Scholars. With
Illustrative Specimens. Crown 8vo, Is. 6d.
English Prose for Junior and Senior Classes. Part. I. — Malory
to Johnson. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. [Part II. in the press.
ROBINSON. Wild Traits in Tame Animals. Being some
Familiar Studies in Evolution. By Louis Robinson, M.D. With Illustrations
by Stephen T. Dadd. Demy 8vo, 10s. 6d. net.
RODGER. Aberdeen Doctors at Home and Abroad. The Story
of a Medical School. By Ella Hill Burton Rodoer. Demy 8vo, 10s. 6d.
ROSCOE. Rambles with a Fishing-Rod. By E. S. Roscoe.
Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d.
ROSS AND SOMERVILLE. Beggars on Horseback : A Riding
Tour in North Wsfles. By Martin Ross and E. (E. Somerville. With Illustra-
tions by E. (E. Somerville. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Notes of an Irish Tour in 1846. By the Duke of Rutland,
G.C.B. (Lord John Manners). New Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Correspondence between the Right Honble. William Pitt
and Charles Duke of Rutland, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 1781-1787. With
Introductory Note by John Dukf. of Rutland. 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Gems of German Poetry. Translated by the Duchess of
Rutland (Lady John Manners). [New Edition in preparation.
Impressions of Bad-Homburg. Comprising a Short Account
of the Women's Associations of Germany under the Red Cross. Crown 8vo, Is. 6d.
Some Personal Recollections of the Later Years of the Earl
of Beaconsfleld, K.G. Sixth Edition. 6d.
Employment of Women in the Public Service. 6d.
William Blackwood and Sons. 27
Some of the Advantages of Easily Accessible Eeading and
Becreation Rooms and Free Libraries. With Remarks on Starting and Main-
taining them. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, Is.
A Sequel to Rich Men's Dwellings, and other Occasional
Papers. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
Encouraging Experiences of Reading and Recreation Rooms,
Aims of Guilds, Nottingham Social Guide, Existing Institutions, &c., &c.
Crown 8vo, Is.
SAINTSBURY. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of
Allegory (12th and 13th Centuries). ' Periods of European Literature.' By Georoe
Saintsbury, M.A., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Edinburgh
University. Crown 8vo, 5s. net.
SCHEFFEL. The Trumpeter. A Romance of the Rhine. By
Joseph Victor von Scheffel. Translated from the Two Hundredth German
Edition by Jessie Beck and Louisa Lorimer. With an Introduction by Sir
Theodore Martin, KC.B. Long8vo, 3s. fid.
SCHILLER. Wallenstein. A Dramatic Poem. By Friedrich
VON Schiller. Translated by C. G. N. Lockhart. Feap. 8vo, 7s. 6d.
SCOTT. Tom Cringle's Log. By Michael Scott. New Edition.
With 19 Full-page Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 3s. fid.
SELKIRK. Poems. By J. B. Selkirk, Author of 'Ethics and
Esthetics of Modem Poetry," 'Bible Truths with Shakespearian Parallels,' &c.
New and Enlarged Edition. Crown 8vo, printed on antique paper, 6s.
SELLAR'S Manual of the Acts relating to Education in Scot-
land. By J. Edward Graham, B.A. Oxon., Advocate. Ninth Edition. Demy
8vo, 12s. fid.
Scottish Philosophy. A Comparison of the Scottish and
German Answers to Hume. Balfour Philosophical Lectures, University of
Edinburgh. By Andrew Srth, LL.D., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in
Edinburgh University. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Hegelianism and Personality. Balfour Philosophical Lectures.
Second Series. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s.
Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays. Post 8vo,
78. fid. net.
Two Lectures on Theism. Delivered on the occasion of the
Sesquicentennial Celebration of Princeton University. Crown 8vo, 2s. fid.
SETH. A Study of Ethical Principles. By James Seth, M.A.,
Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Third Edition.
Revised and Enlarged. Post 8vo, 7s. fid.
SHARPE. Letters from and to Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe.
Edited by Alexander Allardyce, Author of ' Memoir of Admiral Lord Keith,
K.B.,' &c. With a Memoir by the Rev. W. K. R. Bedford. In 2 vols. 8vo.
Illustrated with Etchings and other Engravings. £2, 128. fid.
SIM. Margaret Sim's Cookery. With an Introduction by L. B.
Walford, Author of ' Mr Smith : A Part of his Life,' &c. Crown 8vo, 5s.
SIMPSON. The Wild Rabbit in a New Aspect: or. Rabbit-
Warrens that Pay. A book for Landowners, Sportsmen, Land Agents, Farmers,
Gamekeepers, and Allotment Holders. A Record of Recent Experiments con-
ducted on the Estate of the Right Hon. the Earl of Wharncliffe at Wortley Hall.
By J. Simpson. Second Edition, Enlarged. Small crown 8vo, 5s.
SIMPSON. Side-Lights on Siberia. Some account of the Great
Siberian Iron Road : The Prisons and Exile System. By J. Y. Simpson, M.A.,
B.Sc. With numerous Illustrations and a Map. Demy 8vo, 16s.
Mr and Mrs Neville Tyson. By May Sinclair. In 1 vol,
crown 8vo. [/» t'ie ■press.
38 List of Books Published by
SINCLAIR. Audrey Craven. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
The Table-Talk of Shirley. By Sir John Skelton, K.CB.,
LL.D., Author of The Essays of Shirley.' With a Frontispiece. Sixth Edition,
Revised and Enlarged. Post 8vo, 78. 6d.
The Table- Talk of Shirley. Second Series. Summers and
Winters at Balmawhapple. With Illustrations. Two Volumes. Second Edition.
Post 8vo, 10s. net.
Maitland of Lethington ; and the Scotland of Mary Stuart.
A History. Limited Edition, with Portraits. Demy 8vo, 2 vols. , 288. net.
The Handbook of Public Health. A New Edition, Revised by
James Patten Macdougall, Advocate, Legal Member of the Local Government
Board for Scotland, Joint- Author of 'The Parish Council Guide for Scotland,"
and Abijah Murray, Chief Clerk of the Local Government Beard for Scotland.
In Two Parts. Crown 8vo. Part I.— The Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897,
with Notes. Part II. — Circulars of the Local Government Board, &c. The
Parts will be issued separately, and also comi)lete in one Volume.
The Local Government (Scotland) Act in Relation to Public
Health. A Handy Guide for County and District Councillors, Medical Officers,
Sanitary Inspectors, and Members of Parochial Boards. Second Edition. With
a new Preface on apt)ointment of Sanitary Officers. Crown 8vo, 28.
SKRINE. Columba: A Drama. By John Hfntley Skrine,
Warden of Olenalmond ; Author of ' A Memory of Edward Thring." Fcap. 4to, 6?.
SMITH. Retrievers, and how to Break them. By Lieutenant-
Colcnel Sir Henry Smith, K.C.B. With an Introduction by Mr S. E. Shirley,
President of the Kennel Club. Dedicated by special permission to H.B.H. the
Duke of York. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Thorndale ; or. The Conflict of Opinions. By William Smith,
Author of ' A Discourse on Ethics,' &c. New Edition. Crown 8vo, lOs. 6d.
Gravenhurst ; or, Thoughts on Good and Evil, Second Edi-
tion. With Memoir and Portrait of the Author. Crown 8vo, Ss.
The Story of William and Lucy Smith. Edited by George
Merriam. Large post 8vo, 128. 6d.
SMITH. Greek Testament Lessons for Colleges, Schools, and
Private Students, consisting chiefly of the Sermon on the Mount and the Parables
of our Lord. With Notes and Essays. By the Rev. J. Hunter Smith, M.A.,
King Edward's School, Birmingham. Crown 8vo, fis.
SNELL. The Fourteenth Century. "Periods of European
Literature." By F. J. Snell. In 1 vol. Crown 8vo. [In the press.
From Spring to Fall ; or, When Life Stirs. By " A Son of
THE Marshes." Cheap Uniform Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Within an Hour of London Town : Among Wild Birds and
their Haunts. Edited by J. A. Owen. Cheap Uniform Edition. Cr. 8vo, 38. 6d.
With the Woodlanders and by the Tide. Cheap Uniform
Edition. Crown Svo, Ss. 6d.
On Surrey Hills. Cheap Uniform Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d.
Annals of a Fishing Village. Cheap Uniform Edition. Crown
8vo, 38. 6d.
SORLEY. The Ethics of Naturalism. Being the Shaw Fellow-
ship Lectures, 1884. By W. R. Sorley, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cam-
bridge, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Aberdeen. Crown Svo, 68.
SPIELMANN. Millais and his Works. By M. H. Spielmann.
Author of 'History of Punch.' With 28 Full-page Illustrations. Large crown
Svo. Paper covers. Is. ; in cloth binding, 2s. 6d.
SPROTT. The Worship and Offices of the Church of Scotland.
By Gkobok W. Sprott, D.D., Minister of North Berwick. Crown Svo, Os.
WilHam Blackwood and Sons. 29
Index. 15 vols. 8vo, £16, 168.
Egypt in 1898. By G. W. Steevens, Author of 'Naval
Policy,' &e. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 6s.
The Land of the Dollar. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
With the Conquering Turk. With 4 Maps. Demy 8vo, lOs. 6d.
The Book of the Farm ; detailing the Labours of the Farmer,
Farm-Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Farm-Labourer, Field-Worker,
and Cattle-man. Illustrated with numerous Portraits of Animals and Engravings
of Implements, and Plans of Farm Buildings. Fourth Edition. Revised, and
In great part Re-written, by James Macdonald, F.R.S.E., Secretary Highland
and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Complete in Six Divisional Volumes,
bound in cloth, each lOs. 6d., or handsomely tK)and, in 3 volumes, with leather
back and gilt top, £3, 3s.
*,* Also being issued in 20 monthly Parts, price 2s. 6d. net each.
[Parts I. -XVI. ready.
Catechism of Practical Agriculture. 22d Thousand. Revised
by James Macdonald, F.R.S.E. With numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo, Is.
The Book of Farm Implements and Machines. By J. Slight
and R. Scott Burn, Engineers. Edited by Henry Stephens. Large Svo, £2, 2g,
STEVENSON. British Fungi. (Hymenomycetes.) By Rev.
John Stevenson, Author of ' Mycologia Scotica,' Hon. Sec. Cryptogamie Society
of Scotland. Vols. I. and II., post Svo, with lUostrations, price 12s. 6d. net each.
STEWART. Advice to Purchasers of Horses. By John
Stewart, V.S. New Edition. 2s. 6d.
John Stuart Blackie : A Biography. By Anna M, Stoddaet.
With 3 Plates. Third Edition. 2 vols, demy Svo, 2l8.
Popular Edition, with Portrait. Crown Svo, 6s.
Sir Philip Sidney : Servant of God. Illustrated by Margaret
L. HuooiNS. With a New Portrait of Sir Philip Sidney. Small 4to, with a
specially designed Cover. 58.
Dictionary of the English Language, Pronouncing, Etymo-
logical, and Explanatory. By the Rev. James Stormonth. Revised by the
Rev. P. H. Phelp. Library Edition. New and Cheaper Edition, with Supple-
ment. Imperial Svo, handsomely bound in half morocco, ISs. net.
Etymological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English
Language. Including a very Copious Selection of Scientific Terms. For use in
Schools and Colleges, and as a Book of General Reference. The Pronunciation
carefully revised by the Rev. P. H. Phelp, M.A. Cantab. Thirteenth Edition,
with Supplement. Crown Svo, pp. 800. Ts. 6d.
The School Dictionary. New Edition, thoroughly Revised.
By William Bayne. In 1 vol. 16mo. [In the press.
STORY. The Apostolic Ministry in the Scottish Church (The
Baird Lecture for 1897). By Robert Herbert Story, U.D. (Edin.), F.8.A.
Scot., Princii>al of the University of Glasgow, Principal Clerk of the General
Assembly, and Chaplain to the Queen. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d.
Poems. By W. W. Story, Author of 'Roba di Roma,' &c. 2
vols. 78. 6d.
Fiammetta. A Summer Idyl. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d.
Conversations in a Studio. 2 vols, crown 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Excursions in Art and Letters. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
A Poet's Portfolio : Later Readings. 18mo, 3s. 6d.
3© List of Books Published by
STRACHEY. Talk at a Country House. Fact and Fiction.
By Sir Edward Strachey, Bart. With a portrait of the Author. Crown 8vo,
48. 6d. net.
STURGIS. Little Comedies, Old and New. By Julian Sturgis.
Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
TAYLOR. The Story of my Life. By the late Colonel
Meadows Taylor, Author of 'The Confessions of a Thug,' &c., &c. Edited by
his Daughter. New and Cheaper Edition, being the Fourth. Crown 8vo, 6s.
THEOBALD. A Text^Book of Agricultural Zoology. By Fred.
V. Theobald, M.A. (Cantab.), F.E.8., Foreign Member of the Association of
OfBcial Economic Entomologists, U.S.A., Zoologist to the S.E. Agricultural
College, Wye, &c. With numerous Illustrations. In 1 vol. crown 8vo.
[Jn. tte press.
THOMAS. The Woodland Life. By Edward Thomas. With a
Frontispiece. Square 8vo, 6s.
The Diversions of a Prime Minister. By Basil Thomson.
With a Map, numerous Illustrations by J. W. Cawston and others, and Rei)ro-
ductions of^Bare Plates, from Early Voyages of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen-
turies. Small demy 8vo, 15s.
South Sea Yarns. With 10 Full-page Illustrations. Cheaper
E(iition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Handy Book of the Flower-Garden : Being Practical Direc-
tions for the Propagation, Culture, and Arrangement of Plants in Flower-
Gardens all the year round. With Engraved Plans. By David Thomson,
Gardener to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.T., at Drumlanrig. Fourth
and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s.
The Handy Book of Fruit-Culture under Glass : Being a
series of Elaborate Practical Treatises on the Cultivation and Forcing of Pines,
Vines, Peaches, Figs, Melons, Strawberries, and Cucumbers. With Engravings
of Hothouses, &c. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
THOMSON. A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the
Grape Vine. By William Thomson, Tweed Vineyards. Tenth Edition. Svo, 5s.
THOMSON. Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent. With
Directions for the Preparation of Poultices, Fomentations, &c. By Barbara
Thomson. Fcap. Svo, Is. 6d.
THORBURN. Asiatic Neighbours. By S. S. Thorburn, Bengal
Civil Service, Author of 'Bannii; or. Our Afghan Frontier,' 'David Leslie:
A Story of the Afghan Frontier,' ' Musalmans and Money-Lenders in the Pan-
jab.' With Two Maps. Demy 8vo, 10s. 6d. net.
THORNTON. Opposites. A Series of Essays on the Unpopular
Sides of Popular Questions. By Lewis Thornton. 8vo, 12s. 6d.
TIELE. Elements of the Science of Religion. Part I. — Morpho-
logical. Being the Gilford Lectures delivered before the University of Edinburgh
in 1896. By C. P. Tiele, Theol. D., Litt.D. (Bonon.), Hon. M.B.A.S., &c.. Pro-
fessor of the Science of Religion, in the University of Leiden. In 2 vols. Vol. I.
post Svo, 78. 6d. net.
TOKE. French Historical Unseens. For Army Classes. By
N. E. ToKE, B.A. In 1 vol. crown 8vo. \ln the press.
TURAL SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. Published annually, price 5s.
Windyhaugh. By Graham Travers. In 1 vol. Crown Svo.
[In the press.
Mona Maclean, Medical Student. A Novel. Thirteenth Edi-
tion. Crown Svo, 6s.
Fellow Travellers. Fourth Edition, Crown Svo, 6s.
William Blackwood and Sons. 31
TRYON. Life of Vice- Admiral Sir George Tryon, K.C.B. By
Rear- Admiral C. C. Penrose Fitzgerald. Cheap Edition. With Portrait and
numerous Illustrations. In 1 vol. demy 8vo. [In the press.
Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in
the Seventeenth Century. By John Tulloch, D.D., Principal of St Mary's Col-
lege in the University of St Andrews, and one of her Majesty's Chaplains in
Ordinary in Scotland. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s.
Modern Theories in Philosophy and Religion. 8vo, 15s.
Luther, and other Leaders of the Reformation. Third Edi-
tion, linlarged. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
Memoir of Principal Tulloch, D.D, LL.D. By Mrs Oliphant,
Author of ' Life of Eklward Irving.' Third and Cheaper Edition. 8vo, with
Portrait, Ts. 6d.
TWEEDIE. The Arabian Horse: His Country and People.
By Major-General W. Tweedie, C.S.I., Bengal Staff Corps; for many years
H.B.M.'s Consul- General, Baghdad, and Political Resident for the Government
of India in Turkish Arabia. In one vol. royal 4to, with Seven Coloured Plates
and other Illustrations, and a Map of the Country. Price £3, 3s. net.
TYLER. The Whence and the Whither of Man. A Brief His-
tory of his Origin and Development through Conformity to Environment. The
Morse Lectures of 1895. By John M. Tyler, Professor of Biology, Amherst
College, U.S. A. Post 8vo, 6s. net.
Memoir of John Veitch, LL.D., Professor of Logic and Rhetoric,
University of Glasgow. By Mary R. L. Bryce. With Portrait and 3 Photo-
gravure Plates. Demy 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Border Essays. By John Veitch, LL.D., Professor of Logic
and Rhetoric, University of Glasgow. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d. net.
The History and Poetry of the Scottish Border : their Main
Features and Relations. New and Enlarged Edition. 2 vols, demy 8vo, 16s.
Institutes of Logic. Post 8vo, 12s. 6d.
Merlin and other Poems. Fcap. 8vo, 4s. 6d.
Knowing and Being. Essays in Philosophy. First Series.
Crown 8vo, 5s.
Dualism and Monism ; and other Essays. Essays in Phil-
osophy. Second Series. With an Introduction by R. M. Wenley. Crown 8vo,
4s. 6d. net.
WACE. Christianity and Agnosticism. Reviews of some Recent
Attacks on the Christian Faith. By Henry Wace, D.D., late Principal of King's
College, London ; Preaclier of Lincoln's Inn ; Chaplain to the Queen. Second
Edition. Post 8vo, 10s. 6d. net.
WADDELL. An Old Kirk Chronicle : Being a History of Auld-
hame, Tyninghame, and Whitekirk, in East Lothiin. From Session Records,
1615 to 1850. By Rev. P. Hately Waddell, B.D., Minister of the United
Parish. Small Paper Edition, 200 Copies. Price £1. Large Paper Edition, 60
Copies. Price, £1, 10s.
WALDO. The Ban of the Gubbe. By Cedeic Dane Waldo.
Crown Svo, 2s. 6d.
WALFORD. Four Biographies from ' Blackwood ' : Jane Taylor,
Hannah More, Elizabetn Fry, Mary Somerville. By L. B. Walford. Crown
Svo, 58.
Diary of a Late Physician. Cloth, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2s.
Ten Thousand A- Year. Cloth, 3s. 6d. : boards, 2s. 6d.
Now and Then. The Lily and the Bee. Intellectual and
Moral Development of the Present Age. 48. 6d.
Essays : Critical, Imaginative, and Juridical. 6s.
32 Books Published by William Blackwood and Sons.
Socrates and Christ : A Study in the Philosophy of Religion.
By R. M. Wenley, M.A., D.8c. D.Phil., Professor of Philosophy in the Univer-
sity of Michigan, U.S.A. Crown 8vo, 68.
Aspects of Pessimism. Crown 8vo, 68.
The Eighteen Christian Centuries. By the Rev. James
White. Seventh Edition. Post 8vo, with Index, 6s.
History of France, from the Earliest Times. Sixth Thousand.
Post 8vo, with Index, 68.
Archaeological Sketches in Scotland — Eantyre and Knapdale.
By Colonel T. P. White, R.E., of the Ordnance Survey. With numerous Illus-
trations. 2 vols, folio, £4, 4s. Vol. 1., Kintyre, sold separately, £2, 2s.
The Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom. A Popular
Account. Crown 8vo, 58.
WILKES. Latin Historical Unseens. For Army Classes. By
L. C. Vauohan Wilkes, M.A. Crown 8vo, 2s.
WILLIAMSON. The Horticultural Handbook and Exhibitor's
Guide. By W. Williamson, Gardener. Revised by Malcolm Dunn, Gardener
to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, Dalkeith Park. Cheap
Edition. Crown 8vo, paper cover. Is.
WILLS. Behind an Eastern Veil. A Plain Tale of Events
occurring in the Experience of a Lady who had a unique opportunity of observ-
ing the Inner Life of Ladies of the Upper Class in Persia. By C. J. Wills,
Author of ' In the Land of the Lion and Sun,' 'Persia as it is,' &c., &c. Cheaper
Edition. Demy 8vo, 5s.
Works of Professor Wilson. Edited by his Son -in -Law,
Professor Ferrier, 12 vols, crown 8vo, £2, 8s.
Christopher in his Sportii^-Jacket. 2 vols., 8s.
Isle of Palms, City of the Plague, and other Poems. 4s.
Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, and other Tales. 4s.
Essays, Critical and Imaginative. 4 vols., 168.
The Noctes Ambrosianae. 4 vols., 16s.
Homer and his Translators, and the Greek Drama. Crown
8vo, 48.
Homer's Odyssey. Translated into English Verse in the
Spenserian Stanza. By Philip Stanhope Worsley, M.A. New and Cheaper
Edition. Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. net.
Homer's Iliad. Translated by P. S. Worsley and Prof. Con-
ington. 2 vols, crown 8vo, 2l8.
YATE. England and Russia Face to Face in Asia. A Record of
Travel with the Afghan Boundary Commission. By Captain A. C. Yate, Bombay
Staff Corps. 8vo, with Maps and Illustrations, 2l8.
YATE. Northern Afghanistan ; or. Letters from the Afghan
Boundary Commission. By Colonel C. E. Yate, C.S.I., C.M.Q., Bombay Stafl
Corps, F.B.G.8. 8vo, with Maps, 18s.
YULE. Fortification : For the use of Officers in the Army, and
Readers of Military History. By Colonel Sir Henry Yule, Bengal Engineers.
8vo, with Numerous Illnstrations, lOs
ZACK. Life is Life, and other Tales and Episodes. By Zack.
Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.
University of Caiifomia
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